Part 24 :"My wolf was a cute guy and he was holding my hand. I could die happy."

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Thank you for  following and reading my books. You have no idea what this means to me :)I've been so busy; it's like i'm being buried under bunch of homework.

Anyway, i'm going to stop complaining now xD

Please understand that I have no idea how England weather feel like or how England supposes to be, so if I get the information wrong about England then I would like to apologize ahead.

Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! comments & vote!!!


Elizabeth's P.O.V:

“This place sure is freezing. And I thought Michigan is cold already.” Ariel comments while we all waiting for the cab. We all dress in thick sweaters and fleece jackets. The weather here sure is freezing, compares with Texas than it's like I just move to North Pole.

            “It’s normal to me, I guess it’s because I’m grown up around here.” Jacob replies, infact he's wearing only a tshirt and not even show any sign of being cold. Then he steps to the passenger’s window of the cab to talk with the diver as the car just pulled over.

Ariel turns and looks at me with worry, "How are you holding up Lizzy? It must takes a lot. Don't you dare to lie. I know it's killing you inside right now." She brushes few strands of my hair out of my face.

"I'm ok Ari. I just can't believe that this whole things is happening. I miss him so much that everywhere I go I see his face. I know it must sound crazy because I just met him for only a few days, but he's my mate, and now he's out there some where with this delutional love for a witch." It feels so much better to let everything out.

"Oh Lizzy, we are going to get him back with us. Just hang in there." Joey and Alex come up and give me a big, brotherly hug. I'm comforted with my best friends here with me through this tough time.

            I look around the airport; we just arrived at the Black Mountains Gliding Club after transferred over several airports. It’s the nearest place to reach Wye River that we can flight to. Jacob has a friend, who is a private pilot here that can give us direction to get to the Builth Wells village that the river flows through. Ryan told me that Michael is being held in some cottage by the river, which belongs to this village. It took us about one day to finally get here; it was the fastest route that we came up with, thanks to Jacob’s connections and direction.

            “Alright, the driver told to me that it will take probably four hours to drive from here to the village. Then when we get there, we will rent a motel or hotel to stay in for the night, since it’s almost 10 p.m. now. We can go through our plan once again there.” Jacob explained as he looks down at his watch.

            We murmur agreements then quickly get in the cab, which looks more like a minivan; it’s the only car that can fit Ariel, Jacob, Alex, Joey, and me in. Everyone is tired since the trip was short but we have to travel a lot like get in and out different airports and planes, calling for taxi, carrying our suitcases. We don’t know how long we will be staying here so it’s best pack enough, that way we don’t have to waste time go shopping; time’s is critical as Michael’s wellbeing is hidden.

            About half way sitting in the cab, I pass out ‘cause exhaustion and the quiet atmosphere around us.

**********Elizabeth’s Dream**********

            I’m standing in front of an old, wooden gate; pushing the right swing of it, I step inside the front yard of an aged but well maintained cottage. There are a few matured pin trees peeking up behind the cottage, different types of plants cover the whole yard that leave only a small path leads to the front door. The whole scene plays out like some kind of haunted house; with that thought, my arms form goose-bumps all over. Where am I?

            As if reading my thought, a voice answers, “You’re at the cottage that Lauren holds Michael captive. They’re inside right now but they don’t know our presence.”

            I jump at the sudden appearance of the voice, so I look around to find where it’s from. Standing on my left is a giant, jet black wolf with a white spot on his nose. He’s the most beautiful wolf I’ve ever seen; there’s a really strong aura that belongs to an Alpha radiates off of him. He seems familiar, like I’ve known him all my life, suddenly I have this urge to hug him and feel his soft black fur. That’s weird? His eyes shine with recognition and something I guess is compassion.

            “Who are you?” I ask the wolf in confusion.

            “I’m Michael’s wolf. Ryan granted me this dream to meet you and show you where and which cottage is to look for him. Lauren somehow broke the connection between Michael and I, so I can’t communicate with him whatsoever.” He replies with hatred and sadness in his voice.

            “That’s horrible, if a werewolf goes without his wolf for a period of time after shifting, his wolf would die and also that person would go insane. Lauren is crazy. I can’t believe she did that to Michael.” I shout out in horrified.

            “This is the reason why I asked Ryan to help me connect with you in this dream, so you can find him faster. Lauren is a power were-witch; she puts up spells around this cottage so no one can find it unless they know exactly how it looks like; if not, the cottage would appear to be just bunch of trees grow in one place.” Michael’s wolf explains patiently.

            He continues, “We don’t have much time, this dream takes up a lot of Ryan’s power but he agreed to help us. One more thing, Lauren’s charm on Michael is really strong, even my wolf link with him is cut off, so your mate connection with him is also disconnected. If this charm prolongs, Michael won’t be able to recognize anyone as his mate except Lauren.”

            Hearing this is like a knife pierces through my heart. I love Michael even we just met and even we’re mate or not, I’ve fallen for him through all the precious times I’ve spent with him. I have to find him even if it’s the last thing I do before I die.

            Michael’s wolf suddenly breaks my train of thought; he says, “Ok, time’s up. I think Ryan is at his last limit for this dream. Take one last look at this cottage please, you have to be able to identify it when you go down this river to look for Michael; otherwise, this dream means nothing, Ryan’s power goes wasted, I lost my wolf mate as you lose yours, and Lauren will have him forever.”

            Following his instruction, I take one last look at this old cottage and commit it to my memory; then the dream and Michael’s wolf with everything in it start to disappear.  

I wake up and recognize I’m still driving in the cab with everyone.

“Guys, I know exactly which cottage Michael is held at.”


Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!

Song is Thousand Miles by Venessa Carlton <3

Pic of the Lauren's cottage is on the side :)

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