Part 29 :"No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess."

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Thank you my wonderful readers that follow me through every part so far of A Place to Call Home :D

I apologize for this really late update. Fall semester's over woo hoo and I'm starting my winter break. I will try to update as fast as I can, it's just so busy with all the holiday stuff going on. 

Here's the latest part that I came up with.



Part 29: "No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess.”

Michael’s P.O.V:

            This plan is ridiculous – it’s completely insane. I can’t believe I agreed to this; I must have lost my mind back there.

            I’m sitting in the back of a cab and we, Elizabeth and I, are going back to the restaurant. I notice she’s trying to control her wolf and hiding her anxiety, but I can see through it all. She’s been playing with the hem of her shirt the whole time since we got in the seats; we’ve barely spoken a proper conversation.

            Begin of flashback

            “Everyone gets your butts in here; I have something very important to share.” Elizabeth yelled loudly while banging on the doors of our hotel rooms. There were shouting and complaints came from other guests in nearby rooms about her yelling, but she didn’t pay them any mind as she skipping excitedly to the living space of her room shared with Ariel.

            About five minutes later, even though it seems like hours for Lizzy, Ariel and Jacob busted in, followed few seconds later by Alex and Joey, then last but not least Ryan.

            “What is it so important that you have to cut in our steamy make out session?” Ariel sassily asked while sitting on Jacob’s lap.

            “Ew, TMI! I know we’re close friends and all but seriously I don’t need to hear all that.”Lizzy made a face and faked a gagging.

            “Geez, I don’t want to hear my baby sis’s ‘rated’ actions.” Joey rubbed both of his hands on his face in protest.

            “Eh-hem.” Ryan cleared his throat, signaling us to begin again.

            Lizzy looked at me as if asking for approval, so I nodded for her to start.

            “Well, Michael took me to this one restaurant a little outside of the village. We were having a great time but all the pretty waitresses there kept on flirting with him.” She said with annoying.

            I cut in, “I didn’t even look at them; you were the only one that captured my attention the whole time, with or without my wolf and the mate bond.” I told her sincerely.

            A beautiful smile graced her lips; she looked at me in the eyes and we seemed to be lost together in our own world. Then she broke the connection and continued.

            “There was one particular waitress; she slipped her phone number under the bill for him.”

            Ariel jumped in, “Who the hell was she? Such a b*tch move, she should have known that you guys were together. For real, common sense is not so common anymore.”

            Lizzy laughed a little and began again, “well that’s an interesting question. So Michael just took the bill then crumbled the note she gave him and tossed it on the table. Being a curious person as I am, I opened it up and there’s her name on it. Guess who?”

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