The Prestigious Boy

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My alarm clock rang and everything was blur. I got my bag filling it was spraycans again and then books and other stuff. I ate breakfast not trying to wake my parents up. I made them breakfast and packed their lunch leaving everything on the counter. We havent talked in ages after i told them im gay. I gave up and just figured they didnt love me but cant kick me out yet. I got out of the house walking to school until this one kid I saw yesterday was walking behind me. He looked all casual. Plane white shirt, average height, red hair, and a black vest. He actually looks like he just came back from waitering to be perfectly honest.

Whatever I fixed my hair waiting for the light to turn white to signal I could walk. He stood next to me. He had a backpack with him actually. Looking close at him I haven't seen him at school so I'm not exactly sure if he attended my school or not.

All of a sudden he looks at me blinking and starring at me for a bit. I turned my head to the side and look at him. His eyes were red that was a surprise. I kept looking at them before he blushed and shook his head waving his hand. He walked fast forward and i waved back before just walking towards school.

I walked around just going to class same old same old routine. Some teachers hated me. Some loved me. Either way I got normal good grades. I'm okay but each teacher watch me during test just because they are astound with how high of the grades I got. I kinda of found it little weird but i just shrugged it off. It was around the last hour of school where I usually snuck out around the school without tripping any of the alarms that I actually started spraypaint on the walls. I always covered any of the blank space there was.

I walked around until I noticed 2 of my works have been washed away and I blinked frustrated. I rubbed the temples of my eyes and breathed in to calm myself. I hear scrubbing and looked into the distance to see that same exact boy. He did come here. Wait! My art he's washing it! I ran over and tried to stop him. "Stop. Stop. Stop!" I got louder with each step I took. He looked at me like I'm crazy and put the sponge down.

"What. What is it." His eyes widden when he saw it was me. He blushed and shook his head.

"What's what is that your washing away my canvas. That's what." I said putting my hand in my pocket.

"Um. I'm sorry but the principal said if i could help wash this. I said yes and he said I could start so I see no problem." He has this British accent. I found it cute and his eyes they looked beautiful with the sunlight hitting them, his smile was big and wide, his teeth were perfect, his hair the perfect shade of crimson red. I couldn't help myself but just stare at him, I think i have a crush on this kid.

I shook my head snapping ok of my day dream. "Okay okay. So big ol' Burrington wants you to clean my mess. Fine. I'll just do it over again." I said crossing my arms fixing my collar around my neck.

"That means I'll just clean it up won't i." He grinned. This kid is perfect. I have to have him. Wait what am i saying. Look at him. He must get all the girls. He doesn't even look the bit gay. Then again maybe he's bisexual.

After awhile I growled I may like him but my art work is still my art work. "Listen. What's your name."

"Matt." He said simply leaning against the wall.

"I'll cut ya a deal Matt. If I can paint my art work can I leave it up for a week or so and then ya wash it off. I want everyone to see it."

He sat there watching me and eyeing me. He sighed. "Well i guess it's not hurting anyone. And I do actually love seeing these things." He smiled looking at all the ones around him. "Alright fine. Nice to meet you uhhh-"

"Lexford. Just call me Lex though." I said smiling a bit holding my hand out.

"Lex. How adorable." He shook my hand and I blushed a mean color red. I need this guy Jesus he's hot. I starred a bit before he widen his eyes and got a piece of paper out writing it. "What is it?"

Without another word he just shoved it my pocket shirt and pats my shoulder. "Cya around cutie."

My eyes widen and blushed harder. No one has ever talked to me like has. No one has ever made me feel this way. But it can't be. I thought I was strait. I just met the guy this can't be...

I wonder what I should do...Hmmm...I need to get better at writing I swear xD. Anywho next chapter today. I have summer school to take an extra course so that keeps me busy. So chapters here and there but yeah hope you enjoy.

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