New place, new start

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*3 days later*

When Wendy has safely reached Korea, she felt so cold and lonely. No one was there to talk to her. All she could do is to wait around for her uncle to come. Yes. She has decided to accept her uncle's offer, to live together with his family. This way, she could also continue her parents' wishes.

She felt so cold and she decided to get a cup of coffee from Starbucks. There were a lot of people and it was so crowded that Wendy could barely make her way into the store. Due to her being small size, she managed to make her way through the crowd easily. However, she could not see who or what was in front of her. Then, she bumped into someone. She looked up but all she saw was a man wearing a cap, a mask, white t-shirt and denim jeans. She was wondering why this guy covered up his face and seems like he doesn't want people to see him. Wendy immediately apologised for bumping into him and the guy just stare right into her eyes. She was mesmerised by the pair of eyes the guy have, it was as if she has been sucked into his eyes, as deep as the ocean floor. Time between them seems to stop and they were staring at each other, lost in their own world, not caring about their surroundings. Suddenly, the guy's friends arrived. They all dressed similarly as the guy and they looked at Wendy for awhile and told the guy that it is time for them to go.

Back to the reality after they left, Wendy realised the time and quickly got her coffee and left to find her uncle. When she met up with her uncle, he was so worried and asked Wendy if she was alright, because he could not find her anywhere. Wendy assured her uncle that everything was fine and the reason she was late was because she wanted to get a cup of coffee but the Starbucks was too crowded. Suddenly, a girl who looked so pretty and was taller than Wendy by a little, popped out from behind Wendy's uncle. She looked so happy and cheery when she see Wendy and went up to hug her.

Sweet looking girl: "Wendy!!! OMG! I have finally reunited with you!!! I can't believe so many years went by and I am so sorry to hear the sad news about uncle and auntie. I'm sure they are by your side always. You still have me and my parents. We will pamper you with lots of love and you will have my promise!!!"

Wendy: "Woah.. This girl is my cousin, Irene?? She is so pretty, kind and friendly! What she said was right. My parents may be gone, but their presence is always with me. I can feel them by my side, they are really watching over me. I guess I can be happy now, since uncle and Irene treats me so well."

Irene: "By the way, Wendy. On behalf of my mom, I apologise as she have some urgent matter to settle at her company and that is why she could not come to fetch you. She said that she will be preparing a feast tonight to make up to you and to welcome you. So, prepare your stomach alright? Hehe!^^"

*On the way to Irene's house*

Uncle Nicholas: "Wendy ah, have you thought of what you want to do in Korea? Maybe I can arrange some jobs for you if you are interested. Are you interested in music industry? I am aware that your parents do hope that you will continue their passion as I have talked to them before. However, you can take your time to think about it. There is no need to rush. Your auntie and I have a lot of connection, so tell us when you are ready. We will definitely help you. Anyway, do have fun here and make sure you ask Irene to show you around Korea."

Wendy: "Thank you Uncle. I sure am interested in the music industry and wishes to fulfil my parents' wish. However, I want to take it slow first and adapt to the life in Korea first. If it is possible, could you find me a job in photography? I love to take pictures and that is my hobby. To travel around and take pictures, to create memories."

Irene: "WHAT?!?!?! Oh my, I didn't know you have such hobby and passion for photography. Maybe you can start by taking pictures of me. Hehe:D My mom tried to pick up the hobby of photography because I have a passion of being a model. So I was hoping that she can help to take beautiful pictures of me, and at the same time, get used to posing and not be camera shy>.<"

Everyone in the car laughed. Wendy is having so much fun with Irene and uncle. She started to felt relieved to have relatives by her side.

*At night*

Auntie Cheryl: "OMO! Hello Wendy, my lovely girl! It is great to see you again. Come, I have prepared a feast just to welcome you. Welcome to our family and you are our newest member now. Do treat here as your own house, and we will always be here for you. So, if you have any problems, feel free to approach us for help. :) "

Wendy do felt loved and welcomed by Irene's family. She believed that it is her parents who sent uncle to contact her and take care of her on their behalf.

At night, Wendy unpacked her luggage in her room that her auntie prepared for her. The room was decorated according to Wendy's likes. The walls are mint in colour, the curtain was lace, fairy lights hang on the wall, patterns of flowers and butterflies on the wall. There's also a min study room in her own bedroom, there is a lilac planner placed on the wooden table. There is a message in it.

"Dear Wendy, I hope you liked your room and the decorations. We are glad that we invited you over to stay with us and don't be too sad over what has happened. Always know that your parents and us love you a lot. Hope you enjoy your stay in Korea."

Love, Auntie Cheryl & Uncle Nicholas

Wendy was moved to tears as she saw how much her relatives dote on her even though they did not see each other often. Just then, Irene opened the door and Wendy got a shocked. Irene appeared shouting Wendy's name because she was too excited and Wendy immediately used her hand to cover Irene's mouth, to stop her from shouting.

Wendy: "Irene! Keep quiet. It's so late now. Don't wake Auntie and Uncle up. What if our neighbours complain about us?"

Irene: "Hehe! Wendy, you are so cute! Don't worry, there is no one living next to us right now. There will only be people moving in tomorrow so tonight we can scream ,shout and PARTYYY! HAHA!! My parents wouldn't mind so it's ok for tonight. By the way, I'm going to sleep with you tonight!! We are going to chat the whole night. Finally I have a younger sister living with me. Hehe!"

Wendy: "Oh dear, what shall I do? I can't possibly reject Irene. She is too nice to me and she seems so happy to have me around. Maybe I will just allow her to do what she want but in return, asking her to keep her volume down."

So, the two girls had such a great time talking that they didn't realised the timing. It was already 7am in the morning. Yet, the two girls does not seem to be very tired. So, they went down to the dining hall and breakfast was already ready. Irene's parents were half done with their breakfast and was ready to leave house for work.

Auntie Cheryl: "So, it seems like you two had lots of fun yesterday night. Are you two going to go out today?"

Irene: "Now that you mentioned about it, maybe I will take Wendy out to do some shopping!:D" 

Uncle Nicholas: "Oh right, I just remembered. Wendy, do you still remember that you told me that you would like to do some travelling to take pictures? How about you travel to Jeju Island and walk around? Irene will be accompanying you and bring you around. At the same time, you can appreciate the snow since it is Winter season currently."

Wendy: "Thank you Uncle! Yes. I am fine with that arrangement. I wouldn't want to be wasting my time doing nothing too. Also, I can take the time to know more about Korea culture and environment."

Hi guys!

So sorry that this chapter might be a little boring, but good things is definitely worth the wait ;) 

Also, a big THANK YOU to those who have read my story. It might not be very good yet, but I'll promise that I will work harder. Even though I've just started writing, there are already a few of you encouraging me especially Yoongi_Liyah:) Thank you for all your support and please keep supporting me!^^

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