Friendships formed

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V: "Hey! Your name is Wendy right? My name is Taehyung but everyone calls me V. I've heard from Irene about you. Why are you not joining in the fun with us?"

Wendy: "Erm.. No thanks. I'm not a big fan of crowds and noise. I prefer to be alone out here. It feels more peaceful..."

Jimin: "You're quite unique huh.. Quite surprised that you actually don't know who are we. By the way, I'm Jimin. This shy and quiet guy is our golden maknae, Jungkook." *Point at Jungkook*

Wendy: "Golden maknae? Why golden?"

Jimin: "Ah... That's because he is very talented. He know how to sing, rap, compose songs, play guitar and is very athletic. Basically, he is good at everything. Even our fans agreed with it."

Wendy: "Oh I see... I would actually like to hear you play guitar and sing one day!" *Smiles at Jungkook*

Jungkook: "Ah..sure, of course! Erm... if you don't mind me sounding weird. I'm still not very good at playing guitar but I will try and show you a good one!" Jungkook said while blushing because Wendy actually looks forward to hearing him sing.

V: "Hey! Why not we take selfies also! To keep it as memories!"

Jimin: "Ya! Come on! Since we are friends now! Wendy, let's use your phone also, so that you can have the pictures in it." Jimin said while winking at Jungkook, because he is helping Jungkook to create opportunities to get close to her, and also have pictures together with her.

Wendy: "Erm...sure. Why not.. Since you guys insist also."

So the guys each take selfies with Wendy using both Jimin's and Wendy's phones. When it comes to Jungkook's turn, he was being so shy that he couldn't look at Wendy in the eyes. He holds the phone since he is taller and Wendy tried to tiptoe and be a little closer to Jungkook. Seeing how Wendy was having a little difficulties, Jungkook bend down a little and placed his arms around her. Wendy was feeling happy when he placed his arms around her once again, but she immediately brushed that feelings aside as she knows that he is just being friendly. After they had finished taking selfies, the manager called all of them to gather and told the boys that they have to go back to the hotel. The boys said goodbye to Irene and Wendy. Before they leave, they had exchange numbers with each other, so that they can keep in contact.

Irene and Wendy decided to take a walk around before returning back to the hotel after the boys left. The two girls was talking about their experience after talking to the boys. They were so shocked yet excited with what just happened to them, but they dare not expect to meet them again. That is because the boys are still idols and they are just a normal girl, living an ordinary life. Even though they had exchanged their numbers, but the girls think that they will be too busy to actually contact them. So the pictures is enough to keep it as memories that they actually meet the boys for once. After the heart to heart talk, the two girls returned back to their hotel.

On the way back to the hotel, V immediately ask Jimin to send him and Jungkook the pictures together with Wendy. Jungkook took out his phone and the first thing he do when he had received the pictures, he set the picture as his wallpaper. He was smiling to himself while looking at the pictures. He had never met such a beautiful girl before and he actually fell in love with her at fight sight.

Manager: "Boys, I have a bad news and a good news. Which one do you all want to hear first?"

Rapmon: "The bad one first, then the good one."

Manager: "The bad news is that currently there is a huge snow storm in Seoul, so we can't go back tonight. Hence, our schedules is postponed to next week. The good news is that you guys can stay here for 4 more days to relax and have fun before we go back next week."

After hearing the news, the boys cheered and they started running around the room. They were so excited that they started having pillow fight. Sensing danger, the manager hurriedly leave the room, before he gets involved in the pillow fight. The whole night, the boys were playing until they were tired and eventually crashed on the beds. Before Jimin fell asleep, he send another picture to Jungkook.

Hello my lovely readers~ 

Sorry for not updating these few days, as I am busy with work and plotting out the story lines. I do have some plots planned out already, but that is for the chapters far far ahead. Anyway, here is a short chapter, to keep my story updated. Sorry in advance if this chapter wasn't very good>.<

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