Back to Seoul

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*2 days later*

BTS had to leave Jeju and return to Seoul for their schedule and preparation for their comeback. Coincidentally, both Irene and Wendy have to return to Seoul on the same day. In addition, they are taking the same flight together. However, in order not to be spotted by the fans, the boys had to say their goodbyes to the girls in the hotel rooms. The boys gathered in the girls' room and told them to stay in contact with them, if they have any troubles/problems, do look for them and the boys will try to help them.

*At the airport*

Irene and Wendy was walking around the airport before they board their airplane when they saw a large group of girls running towards the cafe in the airport. It was the cafe that they was about to enter and had to squeeze their way through the crowd, when they saw something that makes their eyes widen. BTS was sitting down drinking their coffees and tea and they saw the two girls infront of them. The boys was so happy and wanted to say hi to them, but Suga cleared his throat, making all the members to look at him and he signalled them to pretend not to know the girls. So the boys sat down quietly with Jungkook stealing glances at Wendy when she is buying drinks. The girls dared not turned to look at the boys as they know that their actions may cause troubles for them.

*30 minutes later*

Both the 2 girls and BTS stood up at the same time and it was awkward for them to pretend that they are strangers to each other. BTS's manager went out the cafe first to clear the crowd for the boys to walk, with all the fans cleared outside, the boys walk out of the place at a fast pace. They passed by the girls and gave them a smile. Jungkook was the last one at the back, so when he walked passed Wendy, who was standing by the chair waiting for Irene to get up from her seat, his hand reached out to grab Wendy's hand and whisper to her "See you". Wendy's face immediately turned red and her heart was beating so fast that she could hardly breathe. Jungkook's actions really made her happy because he even risked his image to talk to her in the public.


When they reached Seoul, the girls hurried to get their luggage and out of the airport because they know that there will be alot of fans outside waiting for BTS, and they do not want to get trapped in the airport. So Wendy decided to text Jungkook

Wendy: "Kookie, Irene and I are leaving the airport and we will be going home first. (Before your fans trap us here)"

Jungkook: " Alright. Please be careful, your ankle have not fully recover. If you don't take care of yourself, I will pop out infront of you and make sure you are doing well. (Well, you can't blame me for being famous:P)"

Wendy: "Fine, FAMOUS BOY:P As if you know where I will be at."

Jungkook: "Well, I am very good at finding the one that makes my heart flutters, no matter where she is at."

Wendy: "I don't believe you, international playboy:P"

Jungkook: "Hey, I'm not a playboy. I am very loyal. My heart will always be with that special someone"

Wendy: " Introduce me to your special someone next time kay *wink* "

Jungkook: " I think there is no need for introduction, you already know her."

Wendy: "Serious? IS IRENE?!?! :O "

Jungkook: "NO!! I will let you know when the time comes:D"

Wendy: "You better remember that. I need to go already. Talk to you again"

Jungkook: "Ok, bye bye and take care of your ankle!!!"

Jungkook was smiling at his phone the whole time he was texting Wendy. Jimin and V sneaked up behind him, trying to look at his phone. Jungkook could see their reflection from the phone screen and immediately turned to faced them.

Jungkook: "Hyung!!! Do you know what is privacy?"

V: "We were worried about you, that's why we are here to check on you."

Jungkook: " Why are you guys worried?"

Jimin: "Well, we thought you have gone crazy because you were smiling to your phone the whole time. Are you texting someone special? *smirk* "

Jungkook: "Erm... not really. I was watching videos that are very funny, that's why I was smiling."

V: "Sure sure~ Funny video~ Maybe I should text Wendy to ask what that funny video is~"

Jungkook: "No! You can't text her!"

Jimin: "Why can't he text Wendy?"

Jungkook: "Because she is MINE"

"Alright guys. Enough with the chattering and let's go. You guys have to rest well and prepare for your schedule tomorrow."

The boys turned to look at their manager who interrupted their talk and they got their luggage and left the airport to go home.

Hello. Sorry for the lack of updates, and the not so creative for this chapter. >.< To be honest, I don't really have the time to write this story and I have forgotten all my ideas for this story. That's why I do not know how I want to continue to write this story. I will still try my best to think of ideas, but the updates will be slow. I hope you guys can wait for the updates and I appreciate your support and patience.

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