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After Irene's parents left house for work, the two girls went up to their own room and wash up, getting ready to leave house for some shopping. At the door step when they are closing the door, Wendy saw a black car stopping at the house next to theirs. She knew that it must be the new neighbours.

Few guys alighted from the car and they stand in front of the house. Wendy could not stop looking at them as they were dressed suspiciously. Broad day light and they were dressed in black clothes, caps and ever wore masks to cover their face. The guys noticed that there is someone staring at them. They turned and spotted the same girl that they met at the Starbucks.

They were shocked to see the same girl and what a coincidence. The guy who was bumped into by Wendy, widen his eyes when he saw Wendy. He did not know why, but he was actually happy to see her again. In fact, his heart was beating very fast when he had an eye contact with her.

Just then Irene pulled Wendy and ask her to go. Watching the two girls left, the guys finally walked in the house.

Rapmon: "Golden maknae ah, why are you stoning down there? Stop staring at girls already and get inside the house. We still have a lot of packing to do."

Maknae: "Rapmon hyung, what are you talking about? I'm not like you. You are the one who is always staring at girls. I'm just afraid that she finds out about our identity and spread it around."

V: "You sure you are not interested in her? If you are not, then I am!"

Maknae: "YAH! Who say you can be interested in her!"

Jimin: "Woah~ It seems like someone is jealous~ Well, I'm interested in that girl too. She looks so cute and fluffy>.< I don't think she will spread our identity around even if she knows. She look like she is from other country though. She does not have the Korean accent."

V: "Jiminnie, do not underestimate our popularity in other countries too~ We are the most popular guys right now."

Jin: "Yah V, don't say things like that, our seniors are popular too you know. There is still so much we have to learn."

V: "Jin hyung, I know. I'm just kidding! To lessen the tension in here. Come on, we are having a break so let's enjoy our time here kay!"

Rapmon: "Oh ya everyone, our manager hyung said that we can have a break and go to Jeju and have some fun tomorrow. So you guys can just start packing things that you need to bring. Don't forget, we will only be there for just 1 day."

*At night, after the two girls came back from their shopping*

Irene: "Wendy ah, do you know the guys from next door? You were staring at them in the morning."

Wendy: "Nope. I do not know them, but I just find it strange. Is it a trend to dress up suspiciously and cover your face in Korea?"

Irene: "Hahaha! Well, I do not know why some people dress like that, but that is definitely not a trend in Korea. Oh right, Wendy, I heard that you can sing very well. Can you please sing a song for me? I wish to listen."

Wendy: "Alright, what do you want me to sing?"

Irene: "Any song! Songs that you like!"

Wendy: "Songs that I like, well, my only favourite song is 'Miracles in December'. Maybe I will sing that"

*Grabs guitar and started singing*

*Over at the boys' house*

V: "Guys, did you all hear that? Someone is playing guitar and singing EXO sunbaenim's song!"

Jimin: "Her voice is so nice. An angelic voice like that together with the guitar.. That girl must be very talented. I wish to meet her."

Jungkook is still thinking of the same girl that he met twice while everyone is mesmerised by the sweet lovely voice coming from the next door. However, what they didn't know is that the voice actually belongs to the same person that they have met before.

The guys were all sitting in the living room, listening to the girl singing. All of them were enjoying the song and soon, they fell asleep as the girl's voice sounded like a lullaby to them.

Sorry for the short chapter update but I want to publish the chapters part by part. It wouldn't be fun if I posted long chapters and end it fast. So, I will try to make the chapters a little bit shorter, so that you guys will anticipate the upcoming chapters:P

Don't worry, I'll try to update new chapter every day since, I have drafted out my story few chapters ahead. Hopefully I can confirm the plots and not keep changing it, but it will be a little hard for me to finish my draft fast since I have work also. So keep supporting me and my story! Hope that you guys will like it!!^^

Love love *heart sign over the head*

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