~Chapter 11~ ~DONE EDITING~ ✓

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Callie's POV

Our vacation to Paris is coming to an end but since it is our last full day in Paris, Austin is taking me to see the Eiffel Tower. I have been dying to see it and now that we are actually going to, I couldn't be more happier. I was in the bathroom curling the last strand of hair while Austin was shaving in the other sink in the bathroom we share. 

"You know, you're getting hotter by the minute, Mr. Carlile." I smirked at him as I unplugged the curler and wrapped the cord back around it. Austin busted out laughing, set down his razor and walked towards me. "I guess we have to do something about that huh?" He said smoothly. I chuckled, leaned up on my toes and kissed him, running my hands through his already gelled and styled hair.

But somehow, It stays in place. Even if I just run a hand through his hair, it doesn't mess up. "You know I love you, right?" He whispered against my lips. I pecked him and replied, "Always." We walked out of the hotel room to hail a cab and travel to the famous landmark.

Austin started laughing. I turned towards him. "What?" I smiled. "You're so cute when you get excited." He said as he kissed my temple. I didn't even realized I was doing anything but apparently I couldn't sit still in the seat. According to Austin.

We reached the Eiffel Tower and it was tall as shit close up. "Oh my god." I whispered to no one in particular. I couldn't stop looking at this beautiful landmark. One of the things I wanted to see before I die.

"I can't actually believe my sister and you planned this trip and didn't even remotely bother to tell me anything." I laughed. "And even made our friends not tell me anything." I said and played punched his shoulder. We were now laying down on the grass while looking at the sky.

Austin chuckled. "It wouldn't been a surprise now, would it?" I leaned on my side to face him directly. "What about you baby?" I said quietly. He turned towards me. "What about you what babe?" I leaned against his chest. "Do you ever think about the future?" I swear his heart stopped beating for a minute.

"Yes." He sighed. "Carry on my dear." I whispered. "All I know is that I want 80 kids and I want you there. By my side, always. I honestly can't imagine a life without you." He kissed my head. The words made my heart flutter and the butterflies that were already in my stomach made it turn.

Austin Carlile will and always will be my first love. To the moon and back.


Callie's POV

~2 weeks later~

Warped tour has officially begun and the guys were already on tour. I couldn't go because I had to make up all the hours of work I missed, which sucked ass. Barnes and Noble was kinda busy today because some famous person was her for a book signing.

I run up the last costumer of my shift and I couldn't be more relieved. Austin was gonna call me on Skype anytime now and I needed to be home before he does. I recently purchased a new car with a little help choosing with Austin. I was so stoked to even have a car so I don't have to depend on walking anymore or my sister's car. Walking hurts my feet to be honest.

I reached my house, dashed through the front door to the stairs, slamming my door as soon as I got up the stairs. I opened my laptop just in time to see his beautiful face on my screen. "Hey baby! I miss you." Austin said with enthusiasm. I smiled. "I miss you so much, you don't even know." I replied. We talked until he went to sleep on me. Seeing him sleep was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

I decided to end the call. "Goodnight baby, I love and miss you." I whispered as I blew a kiss to the screen. I missed Austin.

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