~Chapter 20~ ~DONE EDITING~ ✓

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Austin's POV

It's been a week since I last saw Callie or even talked to her for that matter. I've been a mess and have been tempted to just send her a text but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I needed this time to think, to find ways to get Callie to open up to me. I've been staying at Alan's this past week. I felt like I was bothering him to be honest but he assured me I wasn't. 

I was in the kitchen eating cereal when my phone to ring. It was Eleana. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Austin, have you seen Callie?" She asked, frantically. "No, I haven't seen her all week, why, is she okay?" I asked worriedly. "I don't know. I stopped by your house but no one answered the door. I went inside with the spare key you guys gave me to search the house but she is no where to be seen. Austin, I'm scared shitless." She said all too quickly.

"Eleana, calm down, have you tried calling her?" I said. "Yes, no answer." She sighed. Now I'm starting to worry. "This is all my fault." I whispered. "What?" Eleana asked. "Nothing. Try her again one more time and if she doesn't answer call me back." I explained. "Okay, bye." She hung up. My fiance is missing and it's my fault.

I knew I pissed her off and pushed her away when she needed me the most. I needed to find her. I couldn't lose her. I already lost my son and I couldn't bare to lose her too.


Callie's POV

I was at my family's old house. Just standing in front of it, staring at it. The memories came floating back to me. The good, the bad and the ugly; It was like I was releasing the negativity that happened in this house and just giving it back.

I needed to leave for a couple of days to just go and continue driving to where ever my mind and car would take me. 

I remembered when my mother would have a flower bed along both sides of the front porch, just waiting for someone to admire them. That was one thing she loved to do; garden.

Her favorite flowers were roses and lilies. She would plant them all the time. She told me, "Roses symbolized how much she loved me and Eleana and the lilies symbolized how happy we make her." Now that she's gone, it's the same way with her. Roses for how much I love her and lilies for how happy she made me and how much I miss her.

I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as I looked at my childhood home. My life sucks at the moment and the one person I needed the most was my mom. To hold me, to say everything is going to be okay, to help me with the tragic moment that happened to me not even a month ago.

I needed Austin the most right in this moment too but I needed to clear my head. Eleana and Austin have been blowing up my phone for hours and I wanted more than anything to answer their calls, but I need this. Needed to cleanse myself and just be happy.

I got in my car and went to the next place I knew to well;

My mother's grave.


Austin's POV

"She's still not answering." I said as I paced the living room of my house and hung up my phone. "Austin, where ever she is, she's probably okay. Don't think negative thoughts." Eleana said quietly from the couch.

She was right, I didn't need to think things like that. I needed to think happy thoughts. "Where's one place she would want to go away to for awhile?" I asked. "Well, Paris, but you guys already went.. Greece but I don't think she would go that far. Maybe.." Eleana paused and stood up from the couch.

"Maybe, our old house." She said. I frown. "Where's that?" I asked. "In Huntington." She replied. "Let's try there." I said as I walked towards the front door and grabbed my car keys.

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