~Chapter 25~ ~DONE EDITING~ ✓

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Callie's POV

It was was Thanksgiving finally. I was in the kitchen with Eleana and the girls cooking while the guys, Andrew and Pierre were in the living room. Nathan was asleep in Austin and mines' bedroom.

"Guess who we ran into at the grocery store last week?" I asked as I stir the water for the pasta. "Who?" Eleana replied. "Austin's ex wife." I said. Eleana dropped the knife on the cutting board. "Gielle?! The Gielle?" Amanda exclaimed. I nodded my head. "Yeah, she's married and has a son." She had her mouth open. "Well, It's been 2 years since they divorced each other. Who's baby is it?" Eleana asked.

I sighed. "I don't know but I don't care." I replied as I dumped the pasta in a stringer. "What did Austin say?" Eleana said as she continued to cut the lettuce. "Nothing. We all kinda.. stared at each other. It was awkward." I said. "I bet. Running into an ex, your ex wife especially, is awkward." She stopped cutting. "What do you want me to do with this chopped lettuce?" She looked at me. I brought a bowl out from the cabinet and gave it the her.

"So.. have you guys, you know?" Anouk winked. I laughed. "We're trying but if it happens, it happens." I replied. She smirked and poured herself some wine. We heard footstep coming. "Speaking of trying." Jen whispered. We all looked up to see Austin coming into the kitchen. You could hear his footsteps from a mile away. He was never quiet when he walks.

"Something smells good." He laughed as he walked over to me. "I shall go check on my son." Eleana said as she walked out. "And we should make sure the guys don't do anything reckless." Amanda smirked and the rest of the girls walked out the kitchen. Austin turned towards me. "How long before we eat? We're starving baby." He whined. I giggled. "10 more minutes and the food will be ready, I promise." I leaned up and kissed him. "I love you, you know?" He whispered against my lips.

"I love you too." I said quietly. "Now, let me finish cooking." He laughed against my neck. "Later." He said. I winked. "Later." I slapped his butt as he begun to walk out. With that, I was alone in the kitchen again.


I walked into the living room. "Hey guys, can you help set the table? It's time to eat." I smiled. A chorus of "Thank god" came rushing at me. They almost toppled me over as they filed their way toward the dining room. The food was delivered to plates, drinks have been poured into glasses, and we all sat down to eat.

"Callie, where have you been all of my life?" Alan said with a mouth full of food. I scolded at him. "Quit talking with your mouth food, Ashby." Everyone laughed including Alan. "But seriously, when did you learn to cook like this?" Pierre asked while taking a sip of wine. "My mom." I said. "She loved to cook."  Eleana said with a smile.

"You're a great cook. You should be a chef or something." Amanda complimented. "Thank you." I said. "I'm the better cook though." Eleana said under her breath. We all laughed and continued to eat. When we were done eating, Eleana and Andrew had to leave because Nathan was getting antsy, Aaron and Amanada also left too along with Pierre to go to his hotel. The only ones left were Alan, Tino, Jen and Phil and Anouk.

A football game was on so we all gathered into the living room and watched it. Alan was already shitfaced so Tino and Jen took him home before he did any damage. I tell you, Alan is a character when he is wasted. He does some weird shit, which is pretty entertaining for anyone's night.

Eventually the football game ended and Phil and Anouk went home which meant that Austin and I had the house to ourselves finally. Austin and I were laying in our bed just staring at the ceiling. I flipped over in Austin's arms to turn towards him. He smiled as I looked at him. "What if.." I paused. "What if no matter how many times we try, we won't get pregnant?" I asked quietly. "We'll just keep trying then huh?" He smirked. I gave him a small smile.

"I'm serious. We agreed that we could try again. But what if that doesn't happen?" I said. He kissed my forehead. "Babe, don't think negatively. I'm serious, if we don't get pregnant this time, we could always try again. We have all the time in the world to pop babies out." He nuzzled my nose with his.

"We'll be parents soon, I guarantee it." He said. I smiled. "I love you." I said. "And I love you. Always." Austin leaned in and kissed me.


A/N: Happy Thanksgiving! Well, close to it but whatever! I dedicate this chapter to @abigailfeuntesquinn! She was the first one to comment c: 

Love you guys and I hope your enjoying your breaks! I was going to wait to put this chapter out but it was killing me not to let you guys see it! <3

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