~Chapter 33~ ~DONE EDITING~ ✓

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Austin's POV

~1 month later~

It's officially 2014 and we're about 2 months away from the twins being here. The band and I are about 4 weeks away from releasing our 3rd album. I'm super stoked about it and even more excited about the babies getting here. I'm currently watching Tv on the couch next to Callie, who is fast asleep with her legs on my lap.

I smiled as I turned my attention back to what was unfolding on the screen. I was watching a random movie on Showtime because there wasn't anything on tv that I would be interested in. I felt the babies kicking underneath my hand that was lying on Callie's bump. I smiled, leaning down, kissing the bump.

Honestly, nothing brought greater joy, than to feel our babies we created kicking. Just knowing they would be here soon makes me even more prouder to become a father. Who knew at 26, I would become responsible for twins and a wife? I wouldn't take it back for the world. My phone vibrated on the coffee table. I leaned forward to grab it.

As I predicted in my head, it was Alan calling me. "Hey man, what's up?" I said into the phone. "I'm standing in front of your house. I was bored so I decided to come over." He said. A second later, there was knocking on the front door. "Come in, the door is unlocked." I said and hung up the phone.

Alan came into the living room a few seconds later. "Fuck, I can't be loud huh?" He whispered as he saw Callie asleep right beside me. I chuckled and nodded my head. After an hour of watching TV and talking quietly with Alan, Callie stirred out of her slumber. She sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes and look straight at Alan. "What are you doing here?" She said, sleep still coating her voice.

"Well, hello to you too, Cal." He chuckled. "Sorry, Hey Alan." She giggled and he went over to hug her. "Are you awake now?" I chuckled as I leaned in to kiss her temple. She laughed and nodded. "How long was I out for?" She asked. "For a good 2 hours." I said as I stroked her hair. "Well, I'm fully awake now, and the babies are kicking like crazy." She said with a giggle.

We spent a good 5 hours just talking and watching tv and then Alan decided to leave. "Hey babe, I'm going to the bathroom." I said as I got up. She smiled and nodded. "When you leave the bathroom, can you bring me some ice cream?" She said. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Of course, my love." I replied.

I was now finished in the bathroom after washing my hands. I went downstairs to the kitchen to fix Callie and I ice cream. I went back into the living room; she wasn't where she was before on the couch. "Cal?" I yelled. I went upstairs and I heard things being thrown around in our room. "Cal?" I asked as I opened the door to our room. "Leave." She said abruptly.

I frowned. "What?" I asked as I set down the bowls of ice cream. I saw that my stuff was all over the carpeted floor. "Cal, why is my stuff all over the floor?" I asked, looking at her as she was still throwing my stuff on the floor. "You like texting that bitch behind my back?" She said as she starting throwing my things in a suitcase.

"Cal, what are you talking about?" I said. I was honestly confused. "Stop bullshitting, Austin. You're caught." She yelled. "Callie, what the hell are you talking about?" I started to raise my voice. "Gielle, Austin!" She yelled. "She just text your phone. Your phone was vibrating the couch, it was vibrating so much that I started to get annoyed so I looked at the text on your phone, and sure enough on the ID, there was her name." She said coldly. "And you wanna know what the text said? 'I miss you and I'm still in love you.'" She said and threw my phone at me.

I caught it and was stunned as I read the text over and over again. "Cal, you have to believe me when I say, I have no idea how she got my number again. But I have never text her; not since we've divorced. Cal, please believe me." I said as tears stun my eyes. "What is there for me to believe Austin? I honestly think your lying to me." She said quietly. "Cal, I'm not cheating on you with Gielle, I swear! I'm married to you now and I love you more than anything in this world, please believe me. Don't let this break us apart." I said as I stood in front of her now.

I held her face in my hands. "Please." I whispered. "This stress is good for you or our kids." She nodded. "Yeah, so.. I need a break for a bit." She whispered and pulled away. She walked toward the suitcase that was on the bed and handed it to me. "Baby please, don't do this." I said hastily. "Austin, it's okay, My sister will be here to help me. Just go hangout with the guys and I'll be here when you get back." She whispered and looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "Only for a few days, I promise."

I felt a tear drip out of my eye. She wiped it away from my cheek and kissed my lips. "A few days." I whispered against her lips. She nodded. "I will always love you, no matter what." She said. I left the house shortly after and went straight to Alan's. I told him everything that happened and broke down crying. It was like deja vu all over again.


A/N: Now, don't hate me, I'm doing something with this! I couldn't let it always be happy all throughout this book. I did call it "The Storm" for a reason. There's always a climax or a fallout in a story. When this book is over, (which it will happen soon this year) I will be doing some major editing and adding things. Why you ask? Because I always come up with ideas that I wanted to add in here in the first place AFTER I write the chapter.

But I'm sorry for the long wait, I was still writing it XD. ALRIGHT, let me talk about exams which is coming next week for me. I won't be able to write another chapter till next Friday when I get home and upload it possibly that Saturday. Because this weekend and Monday through Thursday, My main focus is passing the exams or I will fail the classes I had this semester. So, It cramming time for me!

Anyway, yeah, al little heads up about that! c: Comment, vote, fan, the usual. HOLY SHIT, my story almost has 27k reads!! :O AMAZE BALLS!!<3 Love you guys!!

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