~Chapter 27~ ~DONE EDITING~ ✓

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Austin's POV

Here I was, sitting next to Callie, waiting for the doctor to arrive in the room we were placed in. I feel like I'm sweating for some odd re- "Are you nervous? Your squeezing my hand pretty tight." Callie asked with a giggle.

I realized I was. "I'm sorry, I guess I am." I laughed. "I'm just really excited." I said with a smile. She smiled as she ran her hands through my hair. "Me too." She replied quietly. We heard a knock on the door and entered our old doctor, Dr. McGowen. "Hey guys, so nice to see you again." She said in a cheerful voice as she hugged each of us. "It's nice to see you too." We both said.

"What's going on that brought you guys back in here today?" Dr. McGownen asked as she sat down on a stool. Callie and I looked at each other. "We think I'm pregnant again." Callie replied with a smile. "Well, I guess we have to see huh?" She said with a smiled. "Follow me Callie. We'll be right back Austin." I nodded my head as they both walked out the room.

A few minutes later, Callie came back into the room. "I hate pissing in a cup." She grumbled as she sat back down on the examination table. I laughed and stood up to kiss the top of her head. "At least we get to find out if we're actually having another baby." I said. She smiled. "That's very true."

Dr. McGowen came in a couple minutes later. "Well, I have the results and Callie you are indeed pregnant." She said. "Yay." Callie laughed. "And it seems to be that you are now 3 months pregnant in your 1st trimester." The doctor explained. "Could I take a peak and see how the baby is doing?"

Callie leaned back on the table. A sense of deja vu was definitely running through my mind right now. Callie squeezed my hand as the cool gel was squeezed onto her belly. The screen was moving as Dr. McGowen moved the probe on Callie's belly to search for the baby. A pang rang out as we heard the baby's heartbeat.

"There it is." She said as she zoomed in on the tiny blob. "A very strong heartbeat this little one has. A very strong one." She said as she printed out the pictures of our baby. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. This was real. This is happening all over again, with the woman I love, and I couldn't be prouder. 

"Oh, and before I forget, congratulations on getting married." Dr. McGownen smiled. "Thank you." I said. I felt Callie touch my cheek. I looked down to see her smiling with tears of joy in her eyes. "I love you." She mouthed. "I love you more."  I mouthed back.


My phone ringed while I was driving. Callie gave me my phone out the cup holder as I removed my hand off her thigh. "Hello?" I said. "Austin, I have some news." Connor, Our tour manager said on the other line. "What is it?" I asked. "You guys are going on tour again. For about a week, maybe to a month." He replied. I almost drove off the road. Callie looked at me worriedly. "Is everything okay?" She mouthed to me.

"Um.. Connor, now is really not the best time for that." I replied to him. "Well, Austin, it's gonna happen so get your ass in gear next week. And please, tell me what could possibly be wrong that it's not the best time for this?" Connor said with a annoyed sigh. "I can't tell you right at the moment but soon." I said. "Okay Carlile, tell me tomorrow for the meeting." He said and hung up.

I sighed and pull up to the house. "What's wrong babe? Callie asked. I turned off the ignition and turned towards her. "I gotta go on tour next week." I said quietly while staring at my hands. "For how long?" She said with a crack in her voice, "A week or a month, it depends." I said and looked up at her. She looked away and suddenly opened the door, got out and slammed it.

I got out the car, locked it and walked into the house. I heard Callie yell, "fuck!" as I walked into the living room. "Baby, Listen to me." I sat down next to her on the couch and rubbed her back. "I know we just found out we're having another baby, but hopefully it will be only for a week cause I honestly don't want to leave you, you know I don't. But this is my job, I don't make the rules." I explained. 

"I know, I mean, I know it's your job and your doing it for the fans and because you love it. It's just, a week, month or even a year without you sucks." Callie said as she started to calm down. "I love you. Nothing is going to change that. We're still married and still going to be parents. No matter where we are in the world, my love for you will always remain the same." I said.

"I know." She whispered and leaned her forehead on my shoulder. "I'm hungry." She said a little while later. I laughed. "And what should I make my wife and my princess or prince?" I asked as I laid my hand on her stomach. "I really want a hamburger and cheese fries." She said and looked up at me.

"And that is what you shall get, my love." I said and kissed her forehead.


A/N: I made up the tour manager's name. Haha c: This chapter is dedicated to @juliek3126 because she's just pretty dedicated <3. Comment, vote, and fan if you want. 

ALSO!! Baby names, any suggestions, comment or message me if you want<3 

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