~Epilogue~ ~DONE EDITING~ ✓

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Austin's POV

~4 years later~

I stirred in my sleep as I feel a sensation on my chest; someone was sitting on me. "Happy birthday baby." A voice purred in my ear. I smiled. Callie. "Thank you babe." I said as I opened my eyes to see my beautiful wife staring down at me. She leaned down and placed her head on my shoulder. "You're 30 today, holy shit." She laughed. 

"Right? I feel old." I said as I rubbed my hands up her thighs. "Are the kids up yet?" I asked. She sat up and shook her head. "Not yet but they'll be up soon." She said with a smile. She leaned down and kissed me. 

"So do I get some early.. you know?" I said with a wink. She laughed loudly. "You can get some later when we drop the kids off to stay with your dad." She smiled and got off me. As if on cue, We heard running coming from the hall and in came our 4 year old twins. "Happy birthday daddy." They screamed as they jumped up on our bed. 

Julia climbed right between Callie and I and kissed my cheek. Carter was in Callie's arms. "Thank you guys." I said as I kissed Julianna's head and ruffled Carter's hair. For 4 year old's, they sure do have a head full of hair. Callie insisted that we don't cut their hair because she loves playing with their hair.

They also we becoming to look a lot like me even though when they were babies, they looked so much like Callie. "Daddy, what do you want to do today?" Carter asked as he played with Callie's newly dyed brunette hair. "Well I don't know bud, I just want to hang with you guys today. Maybe even invite your uncles and aunts." I said with a smile.

"We get to see Smiley?" Julianna said as she leaned her head up to look at me. "Yes angel." I laughed. "Yay." The twins cheered and started to jump on the bed. Julianna taken a liking to Tino since he first held her. She liked his smile for she nicknamed him smiley. Carter took liking to Phil cause of his hair.

"Alright angels, settle down. Let's go downstairs and cook daddy something special." Callie smiled and winked at me. They got off the bed and ran down the stairs, laughing all the way there. Callie turned to me. "I love you." She whispered and leaned in. "I love you more princess." I said and kissed her passionately.

"Mommy!" The twins exclaimed. I pulled away and we both laughed. "Duty calls." She said and started to get out the bed. I slapped her ass on her way out the bed. She looked at me with shock and started busting out laughing. "Not now, Mr. Carlile. Tonight." She said with a wink. "Can't wait Mrs. Carlile." I said as she left the room.


Callie's POV


The guys went to the pizza shop to grab the pizza I ordered while the twins, the girls and I went in the back to the backyard to set up a mini party for Austin. "Mommy, where do you want to set the plates?" Carter asked as he walked towards me. "Put them on the table bud." I said with a smile as I ruffled his hair.

 "He is so cute. They both are." Amanda said as she set the napkins and place mats down on the picnic table. "Well of course they are! They take after their parents." Eleana winked at me. I laughed in response and started dishing out the plates on the place mats. "Mommy, Daddy and uncles are home with pizza." Julianna shouted and raced through the back door and disappeared. 

The girls and I laughed at her sudden energy and excitement. "Pizza's here." Alan came running towards the table. Julianna ran after him and sat down next to him. Two peas in a pod, I swear. "Smiley, come on." Julia shouted. "I'm coming kiddo, I'm coming." Tino said with a laugh. Phil came over to the table with Carter in his arms and set him down in the chair next to him.

Austin came and sat next to me, placing a hand on my thigh as he grabbed a piece of pizza. We all talked until the girls and I excused ourselves from the table. We walked into the kitchen and lit up Austin's birthday cake. I carefully picked it up and slowly walked outside with the girls trailing behind me.

On cue, all of us started to sing Austin happy birthday, he couldn't stop laughing while we were singing it to him until he blew out his candle. We all cheered and dug into the cake. "Thank you guys so much, being 30 isn't so bad after all." He said as he laughed. 

Soon enough the guys left, and Austin and I left to drop the kids off with his dad. Pierre moved over to Cali a year after the babies were born because he wanted to be closer to us and help out, which was much appreciated. He waved goodbye to Pierre and kissed the twins on their forehead and left.

Austin and I walked into the house a few minutes later. "Okay, I have too presents for you." I said excitedly as I ran into the bedroom with Austin trailing behind me. "And what is that my love?" He purred and wrapped his arms around me and started to kiss my neck. 

"One, birthday sex and two, I got us tickets to the Bahamas." I said quietly. He stopped kissing me and looked at me. "What? As in including the twins?" He asked shocked. "Yes. Is that okay, cause I can get the mon-" I was cut off as he pressed his lips roughly back to mine.

"I love you. Thank you." He said. "You're welcome." I whispered and kissed his lips passionately. I was worried about how tonight would turn out but I guess it turn out perfect.


Okay, now The Storm is officially OVER. ;^; Thank you guys so much!! I love you all extremely! Sequel coming soon, new parts in the book is coming soon! Follow me if you want updates on the sequel and the additional parts in this book.

Love you and I hope you all enjoyed The Storm<3

Vote, comment what you think about this whole book, anything you want to talk to me about, kik me /@ptv_mice_horizon1243 or inbox me C:

This is Dj signing off<3

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