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So, it has been brought to my attention that someone has copied word for word and changed some parts in a chapter of mine in The Storm. I'm letting you know right now, I do not appreciate it, because I took time out of my day to make a chapter, rewriting it and even editing it to publish, for your entertainment, for you to read, for the PUBLIC to read and enjoy it.

To think someone would actually be stupid enough to copy WORD FOR WORD what I wrote, sickens me and pisses me off to the absolute fucking max. Some of you might be thinking, "Why does it matter so much to you?" As a writer's POV, It's nice to have someone use you as inspiration but when you copy word for word what the writer wrote, then they have every right to be pissed. Just think, if it was you, would you like that?

So, before you publish something and practically pretty much STEAL it from someone, think before you even remotely publish something with someone elses content and say to yourself, "Is this right?" The Storm is a huge story so it's not that hard to find someone copying something from it just like someone copied word from word on another popular Austin Carlile story.

Anyway, just thought I address that, I do get pissed of easily when shit like that happens. Please don't get any kind of ideas if you do decide to copy something of mine, I will find out and I will cuss you out.

Thanks. (Don't mean to come off as a bitch or anything)

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