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So much blood.

It painted the streets and buildings around you. The small town you once called home was desecrated with destruction, and blood. Was this all because of you? You didn't know. All you knew, was that there was so. Much. BLOOD.

The acrylic tail you'd recently come to know as yours lifted up to your blood splattered face. The dagger like spine on the end dripped with this red substance.
The blood of your mother who lay slain in front of you.... Your father....Your sister... The neighbors, the children, the animals, the elderly, the farmers. You were horrified, and it obviously shown on your face. It was to much, your mothers crippled corpse, eyes open in shock, with her bloody handprint still stained on your face. You stared at your reflection in the edge of your tail's blade. Your eyes were desperate, wide, and they looked like those of a child being awaken to the horror of the world. You were only eight years old, why you?
They were all dead. Because of you.
A heavy hand placed itself on your shoulder. "You did well." a grizzly man grunted.
"You've served your master well, now nobody will find my little project. It will be hard to start it over again, but I have faith that in time, my work will save mankind from the Titans. And now, I bid you ado."
You shifted the gaze of your eyes downward, to look towards your right arm. In place of it was a heavy blade, molded into your forearm, which was mutated into what seemed to be hundreds of black thorns. The curved blade extended out a few feet, coming to a fine point. While it continued back, thinner than before, almost reaching up to the back of your head.
You gazed into the reflection of the blood coding it, the reflection of the man behind you.
He grinned sadistically, and looked at the back of your head from under the wide brim of his hat.
"Your mission is fulfilled. You may self execute unit Omega."
With a flick of your tail, you swiftly dispatched him. He gurgled in surprise, and you watched as his expression turned to true terror.
"H-how?" he strained, falling to his knees and clutching the large gash in his neck, blood seeping out between his fingers.
You didn't respond. You didn't even turn around while this scum made the strangled cries of his last breaths. In fact, you even looked away as he fell into the ground and bled out. Not because you couldn't bear killing this man. But because you resented him. He and his secrets will die without a living soul watching, or caring for that matter.
You weren't going to be his pawn anymore. You never wanted to be... And now you were finally free.
You slowly stepped forward and walked toward the edge of the village through the middle of the street. Liquid dripped from your blood drenched clothes, splashing onto the already covered street below. And you left, never looking back.

Attack on Titan X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now