Chapter 1: Maria

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Chaos erupted behind wall Maria, first of the three walls protecting the humans inside from the Titans outside. Titans rampaged in every direction, killing and destroying anything and everything in their way. Soldiers ran across buildings, slaying as many of the giant monsters as they could, but there were too many. Hundreds of them were inside already, and thousands more would be here soon if they didn't do something about that damn hole in the wall.
Hanji, part of the Survey Corps, spotted a bell tower with a cloaked figure holding a rifle on top. She squinted to try and see them closer through her glasses. They weren't a soldier, that much was for sure. She tied her brunette hair behind her head, and decided to help this one get to the evac boats further into the city. After all, their job here was to save as many lives as possible.
All of the surrounding buildings were destroyed, and six Titans were surrounding the base of the tower. Three of them were actually attempting to climb the thing, but they were having trouble. Every now and then, a gunshot rang out, and the Titan closest to the top fell, clutching one of their eyes.
Hanji launched two cables from her equipment, and propelled herself to the top of the tower. The cloaked figure turned around and instinctively lifted the rifle, but lowered it again on seeing it wasn't a Titan.
"Come on." Hanji beckoned to the stranger. "I can you out of here, the evac boats are that way." She pointed out towards the inner walls.
"I'm fine." a young boy's voice responded coldly. "I don't need your help."
Hanji noticed how strained the boy sounded. Soon after finishing talking to her, he leaned over the edge of the tower and shot another Titan in the eye.
"Don't be like that, I'm going to help, but I need you to listen." Hanji tried to convince him.
"I said I'm-" the boy swayed and fell over dropping his rifle over the side of the tower. He sprawled out across the floor, going out of consciousness.
"Sh*t!" Hanji knelt over his side, and pulled his hood down. His (h/c) hair fell out into her lap. It was rather long and shaggy, it didn't looked like it had been cared for much.
She quickly checked his pulse, thinking he might be dead, but was relieved when she felt one. Then she noticed the blood soaking through his cloak.
She pulled off the ragged thing, and lifted the boy's torn shirt. Several large pieces of shrapnel were lodged into his chest, arms, and legs. Hanji pulled out the smaller pieces, but removing any of the bigger ones would probably cause the boy to bleed out within a minute. She lifted him up carefully, and used her maneuver gear to make her way towards the evac boats.

Mikasa was one of the last people to get on the evac boats. Along with her step brother Eren. She tried to comfort him, the loss of his mother was taking a harsh toll. Their home, and family, were all gone because of the Titans. After the Colossal Titan kicked down the wall's gate, the fight was already over. Humanity suffered a great loss today.
Mikasa watched as a soldier ran up and onto the front of the boat. She held an unconscious ten year old boy, who was bleeding heavily from several parts of their body. Several other people crowded the boy, a couple of them with medical supplies, and then Mikasa couldn't see any more through the crowd.
The boat ride was long, the things they'd seen today would never leave them.

(Name) had many disjointed thoughts floating through his mind. He had watched as a massive Titan peeked over wall Maria, and kicked its main gate inwards. The force of the Titan's foot knocking into the gate had blown you backwards, and knocked you out into the street in the open. From there, shrapnel, rubble, and glass of all sorts hailed onto you from every direction. Knowing you wouldn't be able to make it very far with these injuries, you climbed to the top of a nearby bell tower, hoping the swarming Titans wouldn't be able to reach you.
The last thing you remembered was falling. Your footing gave out, and you had been unable to stand.
Where you dead now? Who knows.

You slowly open your eyes and meet the face of an older girl peering down at you. She was the same girl who was trying to help you earlier at the bell tower. You couldn't remember why you had turned her assistance down, maybe the blood loss was affecting your judgment.
"Thank you." you tried to say, but only managed whisper the words.
Seeing you awake, she presses a finger to your lips.
"Shhhh." she hushed you, "Just rest."
You complied, and she talked to you a little longer before leaving.
"You're in pretty bad shape, a lot of people didn't think you'd survive. You're safe now though, we retreated to the inner wall. The doctor says you'll be up and about in a few days. I have a shift patrolling the wall soon, so if you manage to get out of bed, come see me if you need anything. Just tell the guards that Hanji sent you, and they'll let you right in."
She pat your head before you fell asleep once again.

The next day, you were able to move around. Your wounds had mostly healed, and while you weren't completely recovered, you felt a lot better than before. You left the makeshift clinic, set up in someone's house, and found swarms of refugees gathered around soldiers Hanson out bread. Hanji bumped into you, and apologized.
"Oh, it's you!" she said in surprise, recognizing you.
"Thank you for what you did for me." you told her.
"Ah, well it's my job." she responded, smiling. "I'm just awed at how a kid like yourself managed to fend off six Titans by yourself, I'm impressed. You'd make a fine addition to the military some day. By the way, what's your name?"
"(Name)." you said, slightly reluctant.
Your stomach growls and Hanji took notice.
"Well (Name), let's go get something for you to eat. You must be starved! Not eating for a week. Poor kid."
Hanji ruffles her hand through your long (h/c) hair, and steers you toward the military barracks.
"It's been a week?" (Name) thought, surprised. "How long was I asleep? What happened?" he dwelled on these thoughts.
Hanji gave (Name) a bowl of soup after they sat down in the barracks, and he ate all of it within several minutes.
(Name) set the bowl down and Hanji looked at him.
"I'm headed back to the Survey Corps tonight, so I won't be around. You should seriously consider joining up with us, then you can even help with my experiments!!" Hanji told him, getting over excited near the end.
(Name) cringed a little at the word 'experiments.' But he still wondered what they were.
(Name) learned all kinds of things about Hanji that night, although Hanji herself couldn't really get that much information out of (Name). When she left, she'd even called him, "Little Bro," of which (Name) was confused by.
One thing was for sure. He'd made a decision to join the military. About a year and a half now he'd been scraping by in Maria. The Survey Corps seemed admirable, and (Name) thought it would give him a purpose. A home...
But that didn't end well last time, did it?

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