Chapter 11; Games

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(Name) slowly wakened, blinking the dark spots in his eyes away. Mumbles sounded around him, but something covering his eyes prevented (Name) from identifying their creators.
"Eren Yeager, (Name). You've both been charged with betraying humanity. What say you in your defense?" a man shouted at them, his voice echoing across the room.
(Name) could tell he sounded nervous, he could only imagine the man's face. He tried to move his hands, but found them bound behind him. A rattle of chains suggested his hands were cuffed around a pole or something. (Name) moved his feet, he seemed to be on his knees.
"So this is some kind of trial?" (Name) thought.
"H-hey, this one's moving." someone nervously said from behind.
Stars entered (Name)'s blocked vision, as he felt a gun butt crash into the back of his skull. His ears ring from the impact as well. A barrel of another gun slammed into his gut, and he coughed up blood. A splat sound occurred as it fell onto the floor below. (Name) breathed hard, his loud ragged breaths showed his pain obviously to the people in the room. He was already in bad condition from the previous battle, these attackers were only worsening his condition.
More mumbles followed, and a few outraged cries. (Name) distinguished three of the angered voices as Armin, Mikasa, and Krista. Krista. (Name) remembered his claw clenched around her throat and felt regret. "What do they think of me now?" he thought. In a way, he was glad they had blindfolded him. It spared him from the looks of disapproval people would be casting his way.
(Name) faded in, and out of consciousness throughout the trial. He heard parts of it, as well as the sound of a foot slamming into somebodies gut. (Name) didn't try to move, for fear of whatever the people watching him had planned.

"Eren Yeager. Are you Titan, or human?" a voice asked.
"I AM HUMAN!!" Eren shouted.
(Name) slumped, and slept again.

"Your Honor, I have a proposal." (Name) heard in one of his waking moments. Before he faded once again.

"Then there's the matter of this young one."
The blindfold was ripped from (Name)'s face, and he squinted through the bright light. It made him dizzy, he wished they would leave the blindfold on. (Name) shook his head, trying to retain his consciousness. Eren was cuffed in a similar fashion next to him, and he looked as though he'd been beaten to a pulp. "Must have been the kicking sounds earlier." (Name) thought darkly. "Not that I feel any better than he looks."
A pool of blood was gathered in front of (Name), it looked like they hadn't even bothered to treat any of his wounds before they locked him up. The amount of it alarmed (Name). At this rate, he wouldn't keep his consciousness long.
"What are you?" a man asked from the large seat at the front of the room.
"(Name), recon corps." (Name) mumbled.
"I didn't ask your name boy, I asked what are you?" the man asked, spitting the word what out as if it were distasteful.
Erwin stepped out onto the empty floor. "(Name) was an experiment to create a way to eradicate the Titans. He is the last of his kind as far as we know, and he has already agreed to help humanity in its fight for survival. Some men in the field mistook him for an enemy and attacked him. I'd ask that you return him to us without further harm." Erwin bowed, and the man in front nodded. Gasps and mumbles around the room either showed the people believed Erwin, or did not.
"Then we should use him!" someone shouted.
"But what if he turns on us?" Another asked.
"He's too dangerous! It's a risk!"
"Enough!" The man in front shouted. "I believe Erwin has humanity's best interests in mind. I believe he will use this as a tool in our survival. And if he does turn out to be too dangerous, I'm sure Commander Erwin knows what he must do."
Footsteps approached (Name), and Hanji knelt next to him. "Hey, you don't look so great. I'll get you outta here, you'll be fine." she said, fiddling with the cuffs behind (Name). Even though her smile was genuine, (Name) could hear the concern in her voice. His vision succumbed to darkness again as he felt Hanji lift him.

Levi walked down the hall, his bootheels clicking on the dusty ground. He grimaced as he looked behind him and saw the dust covering the floor behind him. "First thing we do after settling in is cleaning..." Levi mumbled to himself. "Or I'll just burn the place to the ground." He opened a door and stepped through.
"So, how's it going?" Levi asked, though he could see the situation with his own eyes.
Petra and Oluo sat at a table, their sleeves rolled up so blood wouldn't stain their uniform.
(Name) layed on the table, stirring in his sleep. Blood pooled across it, some getting onto the floor. Bandages covered his body, and various medical cleaning utensils littered the table and floor.
"Levi, this is more of a project than treating wounds." Petra sighed. "He has more wounds than Oluo has scars from biting his tongue." she said. Oluo gave her a sour face and picked up a pair of scissors from the table, cutting a length of bandages from one of the several rolls stacked on the floor.
"When do you think he'll be awake?" Levi asked.
"It's hard to tell, he's lost a lot of blood. Wait..." Petra smirked. "It's rare for you to actually care about someone? Don't you think Oluo?"
Levi sighed angrily. "Hanji wants to talk to him. That's all." he said seriously.
"What's Hanji want?" Petra asked curiously.
"She said something about a 'team building exercise' with the new recruits arriving tomorrow. Hell if I know what goes through that crazy woman's mind." Levi responded. "Anyways, I should get going. This place is too grungy for me to rest until I do something about it." Levi left the room, and headed to the closet he'd stored the cleaning supplies in last time he'd been here.
"Home sweet home I guess..." Levi mumbled.
This was the recons corps headquarters outside the wall. Titans rarely came here for unknown reasons, so it made the perfect staging ground for their operations outside the wall.
"Soooo? How'd it go?" Levi heard Hanji asked as she approached.
"Great, just the person I want to see." Levi sarcastically thought. "They don't know when he'll be up. And for that matter, why didn't you go ask yourself?" Levi asked.
Hanji laughed, and patted Levi on the head. Levi clenched his fist in response, and cocked it, ready to swing. His teeth ground together in annoyance, and Hanji removed her hand.
"Well, I have to go get some other things prepared for the recruits arrival, and I figured I'd start cleaning for you." Hanji explained. "I had Eren go dust off the first floor, he should be about done by now."
Levi panicked for a moment, and Hanji stepped back cautiously. "That brat wouldn't know how to dust properly even if his life depended on it!!" Levi shouted, racing down the hallway.
Hanji watched Levi as he raced away, and then laughed after he was out of sight.
"Levi and his cleaning..." Hanji said, wiping hysterical tears from her eyes.

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