Chapter 5; Beginning of the end

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Author note;
Hey! Back with a new chapter!!
So, you get to name your own bird. It will appear as (Bird's Name) to be inserted into the story.
Below are some suggestions if you can't think of a name;
-Chocolate Thunder (just kidding, please don't ever name a bird that....)

Okaaaay..... So, now that that's dealt with, let's start the chapter!!

(Name) woke early in the morning, soft sunlight spilling into his small room from the window. Throwing his covers off happily, and leaping from his bed, the small child raced out the front door to his home. Careful not to wake anyone else in the household, and slowly creaking the door open a peak before slipping through it.
He headed immediately towards Dr. Imagri's lab, eager to see the young bird he'd found the day before.
"Omega? What are you doing here?" a girl asked (Name), who was his own age.
"Oh, hi  Alpha. Dr. Imagri told me to stop by today. Did you meet the bird? He's awesome isn't he?" (Name) responded smiling.
"No, I've been waiting out here for a while now, Imagri locked the door..." Alpha informed him, attempting to pull open the lab's door to show him. Then she returned her emerald green eyes to his own.
"Oh..." (Name) said, downcast.
"He'll probably be out soon though." Alpha told him, trying to cheer him up. "If you want I'll wait with you."
The two children sat down besides the building's entrance, and waited.
Alpha shuffled her knees next to (Name).
"Can I see your tail again?"
(Name) looked at her curiously, but then formed it and poised it in the air. The tail settled on the ground in a coil around (Name), it's sharp tip still held up off the ground.
Alpha smiled when she saw the tail.
"You know, Beta's the only other Hunter that has a new body part. With his wings and all..." she said.
"Really?" (Name) asked, a look of small shock on his face. "I think it looks scary, like a weapon..." (Name) said, whilst moving the tail around in snake like movements.
"That's because it is a weapon." she told him, emphasizing her 'is' a little too much. Alpha looked him in the eyes and smiled blushing slightly. "I think it looks cute!" She pet the end of the tail slightly as she spoke, and (Name) recoiled it, letting out a small squeak.
"Does that tickle?" Alpha asked, a hand over her mouth and a plotting look in her eyes.
"N-no!" (Name) tried to lie.
"Your even cute when you lie..." Alpha said oddly while smiling. She stood up and walked over to the boy that was scooting away from her, her hands held up as if she were ready to pounce.
(Name) started to get up and run, but was stopped when Alpha tackled him, tickling and rubbing his tail vigorously.
(Name) squirmed and laughed uncontrollably underneath, gasping for air as his tail whipped back and forth.
Then the children stopped when they heard a loud "clunk" come from the door, and it creaked open.
Alpha clambered off (Name) and ran in the other direction waving back. "See you later Omega!" she giggled as she ran away.
"Wait!" (Name) shouted after her, "Weren't  you waiting too?"
Alpha payed no attention as she increased the distance between them and disappeared around a corner.
Alone now, (Name) stood up and walked over to Dr. Imagri, who was waiting patiently in his lab's door frame.
"Welcome Omega, I think your going to like what I've done with your bird..."
(Name) followed Imagri who led him into the lab.
Imagri stepped into a dark corner for a moment, and (Name) could hear some wings flapping and a cage rustling before he returned from the black shadow.
On his arm, perched the young bird (Name) brought here the day earlier. Imagri walked up in front of (Name), and he noticed the birds gaze followed (Name) the whole way.
(Name) imitated Imagri and stretched his arm out in front of him, his forearm parallel with his chest.
The bird eyed the arm for a moment. Soon, the bird hopped from Imagri's arm to his own.
Now, (Name) stared into the birds (e/c) eyes, and the bird returned the stare. Contrary to the bird's previous golden eyes, they now held the same color as his own.
(Name) swept his gaze across the birds beautiful red highlights, and over the two wings.
"I thought he was missing a wing?" (Name) asked Imagri confused, yet still looking at the bird in his fascination.
"He was, I combined him with some of the blood I took from your tail yesterday. Since then, his wing has completely regenerated. Fascinating? Is it not?" Imagri explained.
(Name) looked over the bird's previously absent right wing. It was completely symmetrical, with no differences to its counterpart, other than the red symbol on it. It was the symbol for Omega, and it seemed to be engraved into the soft brown feathers color.
"I have a feeling a lot more changed than just getting a new wing..." (Name) thought.
The bird stared intently at him throughout his entire investigation, not moving an inch. It was a wild animal, so why was it so calm? (Name) felt as though he could sense an undying loyalty coming from that birds (e/c) eyes.
"Can I keep him? And what should I name him?" (Name) asked, now eagerly looking up at the doctor.
"Yes, of course, I've made all of my observations. And 'he' is actually a she. A young Falcon by the looks of it, though I've rarely seen many Falcons this small, she must have been abandoned." Imagri told the boy.
"Is that right girl?" (Name) looked back to the Falcon resting on his arm. But he only received that same quizzical stare from the creature.
(Name) left the lab, thanking Imagri and then he walked around town with his new pet. The entire time, it only gazed into his eyes intently, as if waiting for something.
"What to name you?" (Name) asked himself aloud, thinking hard.
"(Naaame)!!" a boy called from behind him.
(Name) turned around, and saw his friend running towards him.
"Where were you? You were supposed to meet me in the tower." (Name)'s friend asked panting.
"Sorry, I-"
"Who's this?" (Name)'s friend piped up, lifting his finger to poke at the bird's beak.
"Me and Dr. Imagri helped her out, and now it looks like she wants to stay! I don't know what to name her though..." (Name) told his friend.
"Hmmmm..." his friend hummed, thinking deeply. "I know! I used to have a bird to , until she flew away. But I named her (Bird's Name). Seems to fit, doesn't it? I don't think we should let a name like that go to waste!"
"I like it!" (Name) cheered happily, "(Bird's Name) it is!"
"You want to bring her to watch the stars tonight?"
"Of course!" (Name) gave his friend a wide grin.
"So you promise you'll come tonight? You haven't showed up recently." his friend asked skeptically.
"It's a promise!" the two friends shook hands tightly.
"Hey (Name), do you hear something?" his friend asked, dropping his arm and previously relaxed expression.

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