Chapter 7; Trost

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(Name) looked out over the top of wall Rose, a gentle breeze sifted through his hair, and down his shirt.
He, as well as many other members of the 104th Trainee corps were standing atop wallRose, recently returned from training outside the wall. They lounged around, today was going to be their last day together before they split into different divisions. Most of them planned on entering the MP, for a nice relaxed quiet life inside the wall. Eren, as (Name) knew from his constant ranting, was joining the scouting regiment. Mikasa and Armin wanted to apply with him, but Eren argued back, saying he was fine doing it alone. His efforts were unfruitful, as Mikasa and Armin still planned on following him to the scouting regiment.
(Name) was also going to join the scouting regiment, not that he had a choice. He had received word that as part of his newly established high rank, Commander Erwin, leader of the scouting regiment, expected (Name) to join their division.
Though he was planning to join them beforehand, since the rest of the military departments here were useless, dead weight. (Name) pondered why Erwin wanted him in his Division so badly.
(Name) glanced over and saw Sasha digging around in a small box she brought out to the wall with her.
She pulled out a strip of sausages and (Name) grunted in surprise.
"You guys want some?" she said, drooling.
"Where did you get that?!" Eren asked her.
"The officers mess." Sasha responded.
"That's going to get us caught Potato Girl!!" Jean shouted at her. "Do you know how much they will punish us?!"
"Relax, they won't find out. Besides, they have enough themselves, they hoard it all. And we deserve it, right? We worked hard these last couple years. Oh...." Sasha looked down at her feet.
"What?!" Jean heatedly demanded an answer.
"I forgot that (Name)'s a lieutenant..."
Seeing that the girl was worried over being punished, (Name) put his hands behind his head and gazed into the distance whistling and acting as if nothing happened.
He heard Sasha let out a happy giggle, before munching noises occurred. "(Name)'s going to be the best superior ever!" she quietly cheered.
"She probably eats louder than any Titan alive..." (Name) thought.
Eren walked up next to (Name) on the edge of the wall. The vantage point they had allowed them to see for miles, and the landscape was beautiful besides the occasional Titan that wandered by.
"We did it. We're finally ready." he said.
"Yeah, you worked hard Jaeger." (Name) complimented the boy.
"You too..." Eren trailed off.
(Name) glanced at him concerned. Eren looked out sadly over the territory beyond wall Rose.
"Something wrong?" (Name) asked him.
"It's just... Can we stop them next time they come?" Eren asked, a hopeless look in his eyes.
This was unusual, Eren was always confident in himself, and never second guessed his devotion to killing the Titans.
"Of course, what else where the past few years about?" (Name) reassured the boy.
Eren's expression hardened, and his usual determined attitude returned. He grinned.
"Thanks, it feels good to hear that come from you." he thanked (Name), in a steady and confident voice. Eren turned around and steadily gazed at all the people crowded in the district below. He pumped a fist. "We're ready, the next time we see that Colossal Titan were going to take him down!"
Light flashed on the outside of the wall, and (Name) stood in shock. Eren looked over his shoulder to see the Colossal Titan peering over the side of the wall. (Name) shouted just in time to unfreeze the recruits.
"EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!" (Name) shouted to them, and recruits scrambled to get off the wall.
But Eren had already launched himself at the Titan.
"D*mm*t Eren!!" he thought as he tried to mount an artillery cannon on the wall.
He aimed it at the Titan's eyes and fired.
The Colossal Titan had been trying to swat Eren out of the air, but now he recoiled, holding his eyes.
(Name) had no time to react as the Titans massive hand scooped all the artillery from the top of the wall, making it plummet to the ground. The impact was brutal.
(Name) fell with the artillery.
"It's intelligent?" (Name) thought, stunned from the impact of the Titans hand smashing into him. "It just identified and destroyed our weapons... What's going on?"
"(NAME)!!"  a girl from below shouted, and (Name) snapped back into reality.
He spun in the air, regained his balance, and shot to cables from hi maneuver gear, letting himself gently onto a roof the rest of his comrades gathered on. Eren dropped to his feet close behind him.
Connie approached them. "Where did the Colossal go? Did you kill him?"
"No..." Eren responded. "He disappeared in a bunch of steam, and he just vanished."
"(Name), what happened to you?" Connie asked, looking at (Name)'s forehead.
(Name) rubbed his hand around his head, and brought it back down to look at it, it was covered in slick, deep red blood.
"It's nothing." (Name) said, unknowing if his injury was serious or not. "What's the status on the wall?"
The screams from near the gate answered his question.
"THE TITANS!! THEIR IN!!!" a woman's shrill scream loudly filled the air.

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