Chapter 9; Recovery

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Alpha's eyes fluttered open, she looked into a pair of bright blue eyes above her head.
"Oh thank god!" Krista said relieved as she sunk her head into Alpha's chest.
Alpha sat upright in the small makeshift cot, and gently pushed Krista's shoulders away from her, as to face the girl.
"I'm fine. Do you know where (Name) is?" Alpha asked.
Tears formed in the corner of Krista's eyes. Even Ymir, who was standing behind Krista, looked at her feet downcast.
"(N-Name) didn't make it.... He's.... He's dead." Krista managed.
Alpha placed a hand on the girl's head.
"No, he's not. I saw him, he's in here somewhere. We were both saved by some short guy from the Recon Corps." Alpha informed Krista.
"You mean Levi?" Ymir piped in. "He and his squad passed through here a while ago. I didn't see them drop (Name) off."
"Maybe they still have him. Where is the Recon Corps headquarters? They could have brought him there." Alpha said.
It should be, hmmm.... That way?" Ymir indicated a direction out further into the city behind wall Rose.
Alpha bounced up from the cot, and started a half jog. She winced, and slowed, looking down at her leg which was bandaged in multiple spots.
Krista grabbed her arm. "Let me come with you, you're injured, so I'll help you walk."
Alpha nodded, letting Krista move up next to her, and help support her. The two made little progress before they were interrupted.
"W-wait up!" Ymir caught up to them. "I'll come with you to. And Krista's to short to actually help you, let me."
Despite Krista's complaints about height, Alpha let Ymir drape her arm around her neck. The group moved off towards the Survey Regiment's headquarters.

(Name) heard the clattering of metal in the distance. He turned his head back and forth, trying to shake the noise away.
"They all died. They didn't have to..."
(Name)'s consciousness drifted between the borderline of dreams and reality. But ultimately sleep prevailed.

"(Name)! Stop!!" a man shouted at (Name) as he approached. The man held a rifle up to his shoulder, aimed at (Name)'s head. But the barrel was shaking uncontrollably just as his body was.
The man received no response from the boy. Instead, his fear only grew as the boy walked into the light.
A bright blue light shines in (Name)'s eyes. A sharp pointed tail gleamed as it reflected the moonlight. The blood covering it stood out as it fell, leaving a red trail on the ground. Several other monstrous weapons like this took place where the boy's body should have been.
Yet worst of all, we're not these feared weapons. But his face.
Agony showed in those blue eyes, those... Possessed eyes. Still, his mouth was twisted into a smile borderlining insanity and that of a playing child's wide grin.
The man lost his nerve. He sighted in, breathing heavily, and fired a shot into (Name)'s head.
The bullet was cut in two by a swift motion from his tail sending sparks flying, and (Name) lunged forward. The man screamed as (Name)'s blades arm sliced him in half, diagonally across his chest. Blood spurted out over the wife and children behind him, and fear dominated their expressions.
"...W-Why?" the man's wife sobbed.
Without another word, the screams of the dying filled the air.
(Name) mindlessly slaughtered any living creatures in sight that night. Children, adults, household pets... None of it mattered. All that seemed to matter, was the exquisite blood they produced when he slashed them to pieces. The horrified looks they cast upon him as he butchered them only renewed  the experience.
"(Name), I love you..." his mother fell from his blade. The needle she held clattered to the ground. (Name) rubbed the incision point in his neck, where the needle had entered, and looked around.
His breathing became erratic, and he knelt by his bleeding mother, shaking her.
"Mom?" the eight year old pleaded. "Mom?! Wake up!!"
(Name) stood, looking down at his weapons in horror at seeing the blood covering them.
They were all dead. Because of him.
A heavy hand placed itself on (Name)'s shoulder. "You did well." a grizzly man grunted.
"You've served your master well, now nobody will find my little project. It will be hard to start it over again, but I have faith that in time, my work will save mankind from the Titans. And now, I bid you ado."
(Name) shifted the gaze of his eyes downward, to look towards his right arm. Staring into the reflection of the blood coding the blade built into it.
In the reflection was the Director.
He grinned sadistically, and looked at the back of (Name)'s head from under the wide brim of his hat.
"Your mission is fulfilled. You may self execute unit Omega."
With a flick of his tail, (Name) swiftly dispatched the director. He gurgled in surprise, and (Name) watched as his expression turned to true terror.
"H-how?" he strained, falling to his knees and clutching the large gash in his neck, blood seeping out between his fingers.
"So much blood..."

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