Chapter 4; A "Good" Nights Sleep

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Mikasa waved goodnight to Eren and Armin, and parted with them. She lagged behind the rest of the girls, headed towards the sleeping quarters. She listened while they distantly chattered, before the last few of them slipped through the door to the cabin. Leaving Mikasa in silence as she crept up the stairs to the door.
She took a deep breath, gripping the door handle, and wondering what tomorrow would bring. She cracked the the door open slightly, expecting to  hear the chattering of the girls once again, but was greeted in silence.
"Did they fall asleep already?" Mikasa thought in amazement. She was quickly proven wrong however, when she pushed the door open the rest of the way, and light flooded from the room onto the cabin's small deck.
Everyone in the room was huddled around a bed, starring at it with various expressions between awe and distaste. Mikasa pushed through the small crowd, and gasped as she saw a boy she knew sleeping in her bed.
(Name) was spread lazily across the top of Mikasa's bed, he was blushing across the bridge of his nose, and turned his head side to side from every now me then. He had a broad, open mouthed smile plastered to his face, and he hiccuped and mumbled about something every so often.
"Maybe he is just a pervert after all..." Mikasa thought, slightly despaired.
Mikasa moved over to the bedside, and shook (Name) side to side vigorously. When she saw his eyes flutter open slightly, she leaned in and hissed "What are you doing here?!" between clenched teeth.
"Miiikaaasaaa." (Name) said, out of usual character. "I know youu..."
Mikasa felt a hand on the back of her head pull her closer into (Name) so that their foreheads touched. She blushed hard, and looked into (Name)'s sparkling (e/c) eyes.
"Your eyesh aren't fun to look intoo when their angrryeee. They looksh much betterr now." he told her, sounding sluggish.
Mikasa pulled herself away, her face still heating up after what he said. She saw him kicking his feet in the air, pouting over the loss in contact. He was definitely not acting like the (Name) Mikasa knew.
"What happened to you? Why are you here?" she tried to ask him.
(Name) sat up, and cocked his head smiling. "It'sh a secret." he merrily said.
Mikasa's eyebrow twitched. "You have ten seconds to spill that secret before I beat it out of you." she threatened, trying a new approach.
He looked relatively hurt, but otherwise said nothing.
Then, he closed his eyes, still sitting, and mumbled under his breath.
Mikasa thought he may have even fallen asleep while sitting up.
A hand tapped her on the shoulder, and she turned her head to find Ymir.
Ymir picked up a glass Lying on the table besides (Name). She held it up to Mikasa's nose, and Mikasa took a whiff of the clear liquid.
The distinct scent of alcohol entered her nose, and she understood more about the situation.
"(Name). Where did you get this?" Mikasa asked, waking the boy and indicating the glass of alcohol.
But he only smiled at her, putting his pointer finger to his lips. "Shecret." was the only word he said.
Ymir inspected the nearly full glass. "No way!" she giggled "(Name) only drank a couple drops of this stuff! He has a darn low alcohol tolerance." she informed the watching girls.
Annie left the compact crowd, opening the cabin door.
"I'm telling Shadis." she stated flatly on leaving.
"Annie, wait!" Krista called after her. But the door had already swung shut.
Mikasa turned to the rest of the girls and asked
"I need help getting him back to the boys cabin, will anyone help me?"
"Why should we care? Shouldn't he be punished?" someone asked from the group.
"(Name) wouldn't knowingly do something like this, trust me." Mikasa responded.
"But you've only known him for two days!" another commented.
"That's better than any of you." she responded defensively.
A brown haired, and surprisingly slim (for how much she actually ate) girl stepped forward, and gave Mikasa a militaristic bow, folding an arm in front, and another behind her.
"Sasha reporting for duty. I owe soldier (Name) my life."
"For what?"  a bystander asked from the background, exasperated.
"He gives me food every now and then." Sasha said, as if her devotion made perfect sense.
Mikasa sighed, "Alright, I appreciate your help, let's go."
Mikasa grabbed (Name) by the arm and marched him toward the door forcefully, followed closely by Sasha, who looked so serious and determined that the people around her were having a hard time containing their laughter.
Mikasa reached out for the door handle, but it turned and the door creaked open without her touching it....

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