Chapter 2: Boot Camp

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Instructor Shadis was a tall, angry looking man who usually had dark pits around his eyes. He was bald, had a stubby goatee, and was relatively the most paranoid man (Name) had ever seen in his life. He strode down the lines of people in the 104th Trainee Corps. He stopped every few steps to yell into someone's face, causing discomfort, and occasionally whimpering. This only appeared to fuel Shadis, and the man continued on his quest to humiliate every Trainee in the Corps.
(Name) didn't pay attention to any of Shadis' ranting, instead he gazed into the puddle showing his reflection.
He was much different now. Sure, he looked older, but he had changed internally as well. (Name) never talked to many people, some would say he was shy, but it wasn't that. (Name) never found any pleasure in talking to others anymore. It often came as a bore to him. In his remainder of time tucked away behind wall Rose, he'd been reminded of mankind's evil nature.
He'd done things he hadn't wanted to. Extorted out of food, beaten, threatened. And by the cities own military police no less. (Name) had silently promised to himself that he wouldn't kill again.
But he did.
He killed them.
All of them.
And he didn't regret it.

Shadis stood in front of (Name). Calling him to attention.
Several other cadets snickered at Shadis' comment.
(Name) wasn't about to take any sh*t from this guy. He already had enough thoughts brewing at the moment. Without saying a word or even changing his previously relaxed expression, he whipped a knife out from his sleeve. In several fluid motions, he cut his hair into (hairstyle). Then he gave the instructor a death glare, and Shadis backed off intimidated. He nervously took the knife from (Name) and moved down the line again. This time angrily yelling at some girl eating a potato.

(Name) sat down with his tray at an empty table in the cafeteria. He could hear others whispering about him as he munched through his meal. He didn't like the attention, maybe the stunt he pulled earlier wasn't such a good idea after all.
(Name)'s thoughts were interrupted when a hand was placed on his shoulder.
He paled, his memory flashing back to his village. The man, behind him...
He almost instinctively drew his tail out, about ready to impale the person on its razor sharp point. Then he reminded himself of where he was and turned to face whoever was behind him.
A girl, with long black hair, and a red scarf stood holding a tray. Her steel eyes met his (e/c) ones for a moment, before she asked "Can we sit here?"
(Name) nodded, and turned back to his food.
The girl sat to his right, followed by two boys who sat across the table from him.
"So your name is (Name) than?" the first boy asked eagerly.
(Name) glanced up at the boy, uninterested. He had dark brown hair, and green eyes, along with an almost innocent and cheeky grin.
"Who wants to know?" (Name) asked, continuing to finish his food.
The smiling boy sighed a little, but then introduced himself and his friends.
"I'm Eren, this is Armin, and it looks like you already met Mikasa." Eren leaned in towards (Name), and now whispered, hoping no one else heard him. "We're here because Mikasa really liked the way you stood up to Shadis." he snickered a small amount, before a spoon nailed him in the forehead and he fell backwards off of his seat.
(Name turned and saw Mikasa blushing slightly underneath her scarf, with her arm cocked back. This time holding a knife. A nervous, and slightly angry expression held her face while she looked at Eren.
Eren ran laughing out of the cafeteria, dragging the blonde haired boy he'd introduced as Armin behind him.
"Eh?! Eren wai-" Armin was cut off by the cafeteria door slamming shut.
Mikasa shuffled her feet awkwardly next to (Name) as they both finished their meals.
A long silence passed before Mikasa spoke up. She was acting differently from the silent, calculation girl you'd seen while lined up with the rest of the recruits.
"(Name), would you like to... Um..."
She never managed to finish her sentence, because Shadis barged into the cafeteria and ordered all recruits to report to their respective sleeping quarters immediately. He left, and the lingering recruits stacked their trays and started to filter out of the building. Now only three people remained. Mikasa, (Name), and a grey haired boy (of whom (Name) thought resembled a horse in a way) who (Name) remembered as Jean from Shadis' shouting.
"He must have been yelled at quite a bit for me to have remembered his name." (Name) thought, smirking.
Jean walked up to Mikasa, blushing, and told her, "Your hair is very beautiful..." He scratched the back of his head and waited for a response.
"Thanks." she stated bluntly, and then left.
Jean turned towards (Name) and angrily shouted at him.
"Why did she talk to you huh?! What makes you so special?!"
(Name) watched in amusement at the ridiculous emotional wreck this boy was in. Jean threw a punch at him, but (Name) easily dodged to the side, rolled over Jean's back, and then caused him to fall to buckle to his knees by lifting his heel into the crook of Jean's knee gently.
(Name) left, and said "Try thinking before you attack. On the battlefield a move like that could have gotten you killed. Or at least hurt..." as he exited the cafeteria, leaving Jean alone.

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