Chapter 3; Quarrels

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A relatively short blonde girl wandered through the forest on the edge of camp. Her military standard boots crunched lightly on the leaves below. It seemed no one had come through here and raked up anything for years. This was rather surprising, considering how strict many of the other military's regulations and practices were.
Krista continued shuffling through the dense leaves, calling (Naaaaame)!!! Every couple yards she walked.
Shadis had ordered her to go search for him, it was getting late, and there was still a 'full night of cleaning gear ahead for (Name)' as Shadis put it. What Krista didn't understand, is why she of all people had to go looking for him. It's not like she had done anything wrong, and Shadis told her she wasn't aloud to eat until she found (Name) and brought him back.
Krista sighed, dropping to her knees and lifting her bright blue eyes toward the sky.
"God whyyyy?" she groaned quietly.
Then her eyes caught on a jacket up in the tree. It was one of the standard Trainee military jackets that they all wore, the shield and crossed swords on the back made it evident enough. Krista wondered how it had gotten up there, until she saw the boy wearing the jacket.
Her eyes lit up.
"(Name), is that you?!" she hollered up into the tree. She waited for a response, and a boy with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes peeked out at her from the branches of the tree. A shuffling noise followed, and she saw a figure falling from the branches.
"Oh sh*t!!! He fell!!" she thought as she ran forward. She was planning on trying to catch him, until she heard "MOVE!!"
She tried to back up, and Krista watched (Name) hit the ground, tucking his head in and rolling several times.
Unfortunately, Krista had not moved enough, and he collided with her in his roll. This brought Krista down with him, and the two tumbled around through the leaves.
Krista opened her eyes, and laughed a bit, tumbling around in the leaves was actually fun for her, and it brought back many memories of her childhood.
She laughed until she heard a boy's groan from underneath her, and looked down. She was laying on top of (Name), and she blushed and rolled off. "Um, sorry..." she said awkwardly, kneeling next to him.
"Why would you CATCH someone falling from that distance? Never mind, I don't want to know. Do you need something?" he asked, making no attempt to sit up, or stand. He rubbed his eye, and Krista guessed he had probably been sleeping, as he had not heard her calling his name before.
"Oh, right. Shadis sent me looking for you, he still wants you to clean and polish all the equipment..." Krista informed him.
"Alright, fine I guess." (Name) said.
He stood up and tried to walk, but his right leg buckled and he fell down again.
Krista watched, not really knowing what to do as he tried the same thing several more times. Each time he tried to walk, the result was the same, he'd fall back over upon putting weight on his right leg. Krista ran over and tried to help, but (Name) started to drag his bad leg behind him.
Krista saw the pained expression on his face, and asked him worriedly, "Do you need help?"
"No, I'm- OW ---fine...." he told her, strained.
She watched him for another ten seconds, before tackling him into the leaves again.
"Huh--? Wha--?!" (Name) shouted in surprise on being pushed down into the dense leaves.
He looked up at Krista, who sat on his chest, preventing him from getting up.
"What are you doing. Get off." (Name) stated, unamused.
Krista crossed her arms, closed her blue eyes and tilted her head away in defiance.
"No." she stated flatly.
"What do you want..." (Name) sighed, giving her a tired look.
"Let me help you. I won't let you walk on that leg." she demanded.
(Name)'s eyes lit up in surprise.
"Seriously? That's it? Nothing else, no catch?" he asked her, in a state of disbelief.
Krista looked at the boy below her oddly. "Catch?" she asked confused. "What kind of stuff did you think I was going to have you do?"
"I haven't met many people that wouldn't take advantage of somebody that's injured, helpless, or has some sort of problem... So thanks, I guess...." (Name) told her, blushing slightly from her kindness.
Krista helped him off the ground, and looped his right arm around her, helping him back to camp.

Jean watched as Krista walked slowly back to camp with (Name)'s arm wrapped over her shoulders. He was enraged at the sight.
"Why does he keep getting all the girls?!" he thought angrily.
Jean watched the two skeptically as the two crossed the camp, and sat on a bench. Jean looked closer as (Name) laid his right foot in Krista's lap, and She removed his boot and sock. A large bruise was revealed on his foot, and Krista gasped when she saw it. She rapidly bowed and shouted "I'm sorry" until (Name) sighed and put his hand up, saying something Jean couldn't hear that made her stop.
She opened a small first aid kit she'd been carrying, and rummaged through it. She pulled out a compress, and wrapped it around (Name)'s foot. Afterwards, the two left the bench again, and Krista helped (Name) to the storage area.
"Time to have some fun." Jean thought deviously.
He stood up from his seat and headed towards the storage building.

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