Chapter 12; Uh oh...

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(Name) squirmed in his sleep. He twitched slightly, feeling a tickling sensation. He opened his eyes, unable to sleep with the feeling. He woke looking into a pair of cold grey eyes.
"Hi (Name)." Mikasa greeted him blankly. (Name) whined softly, feeling the tickling behind him again. He craned his neck, while still laying down to look behind him. Alpha was sitting there, playing with his weaponized metal like tail. (Name) moved it away from her, pulling it to the other side of him where she couldn't reach it. She looked disappointed, but smiled at (Name) anyways.
"Hey... How ya feeling?" she asked.
(Name) opened his mouth to speak, but the tickling resumed. He squeaked in surprise, and then looked back at Mikasa, who'd begun to toy with his tail. "M-Mikasa... That tickles..." he said, trying to get her to stop. Mikasa ignored him entirely and kept playing with the tail. "Why are you guys here?" (Name) asked, surrendering to the relentless girls.
"Oh, we're just keeping watch to make sure our fellow comrade is okay." Alpha responded in a very cheesy speech.
"No... Why are you in my bed?" (Name) pressed.
"I told all those girls I was going to sleep with you, and I don't plan to disappoint. And I let Mikasa in on it to." Alpha explained.
"What about Ymir?" (Name) mentioned curiously. "Didn't she follow us here?"
Alpha averted her eyes and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "She's a little... Tied up right now..."
(Name)'s jaw dropped, and he looked at Mikasa for an explanation. She nodded her head eagerly, and her short black hair spread out across the mattress she laid on as it rubbed against it.
(Name) sat up, using his tail to prop him up. He swung his legs out of the bed, and stood shaking. He nearly fell, so Alpha stepped forward to support him. (Name)'s stomach growled, causing Alpha and Mikasa to both look at him.
"Hungry?" Alpha asked, knowing the answer already. (Name) nodded. "Figures, not like you've eaten anything the last few days." she said. "Alright, I'm sure Erwin will be fine with you raiding the food supply. Not that you eat much anyways... Has that changed?" Alpha inquired curiously. (Name) shook his head, and Alpha sighed. "Same as always..."
Alpha helped (Name) out the door and down the hallway. Mikasa jogged to catch up to them, and then helped Alpha support (Name). Draping his other arm around her shoulder. "How did you guys meet anyways?" she asked.
"Uh..... W-well...." Alpha stuttered.
"We lived in the same area." (Name) told her. He wasn't lying, but it wasn't the whole truth.
They approached the main room towards the front of the mansion, and pushed the doors open. Levi had designated this area, the kitchen next to it, and outside the only places they were aloud to eat at. (For fear of getting crumbs anywhere else.) Levi's cleaning fanatics never ceased to amuse any of the recruits.
Many of (Name)'s fellow recruits were here as well, and most of them greeted him with kind smiles and nods. Jean sat in the corner, muttering something about Mikasa, and barely noticed when the three recruits had entered the room. He was probably still depressed from earlier, when Mikasa had confessed her lack of feelings for him.
"Those ears suit you well." Sasha commented as Mikasa and Alpha helped (Name) into a chair at the large rectangular table in the center of the room. (Name) blushed, reaching up to take off the cat ears Hanji had put on him.
Alpha grabbed his hands firmly, not letting him touch the cat ears propped up on his head. "You have to wear those all day, remember?" she warned, a dangerous warning hint in her voice.
"F-fine..." (Name) said, letting his hands fall again. "I'm going to get even with Hanji for this." he thought.
(Name) stayed quiet, listening to the recruits talking around the guild hall. He heard Sasha and Krista arguing about Sasha's high food consumption, Connie teasing Jean in the corner. (Name) overheard a solemn conversation between Eren and Armin.

"It must have been horrible to go that way..." Armin mumbled.
"We're soldiers. We may not like it, but it happens. It's what we signed up for. Everyone here knows the risk. Marco knew that risk too." Eren said softly. Armin nodded.

(Name) looked at Alpha who was standing overhead, Mikasa had gone to get food for him. "What happened to Marco?" (Name) whispered.
"He died. Not in a great way either. Bitten in half by a Titan back at Trost." Alpha whispered back morbidly. (Name) nodded, giving Marco a moment of respectful silence with a bow of his head. Then he moved on. Let the dead have their rest.
(Name) heard a screeching bird down the hallway, and Levi exclaiming in surprise. "DAMN BIRD!! STOP GETTING FEATHERS EVERYWHERE!!" he shouted. His running footsteps came closer and closer, until he was visible when he ran into the large room. He was chasing a Falcon through the mansion with a broom.
(Name) recognized the falcon instantly. "(Bird's Name)! Over here!" he called, waving a hand at the falcon like an old friend.
The bird saw (Name), swooping down to land on (Name)'s outstretched arm. The falcon's (e/c) eyes looked at him lovingly, and the bird ruffled its wings. Calming at once in its master's presence.
Levi pointed the broom at (Name) like a sword. "You better not let him dirty this building anymore. It's already filthy enough without you brats messing it up again." he warned, indicating the falcon.
"It's a she..." (Name) corrected, and the bird glared at Levi in response.
"Tch." Levi retorted. "Just keep it behaved."
(Name) ran a hand over (Bird's Name)'s feathers, petting the red omega symbol on its right wing.
"Hey (Bird's Name)!" Alpha greeted overhead, grinning at the bird. (Bird's Name) looked at Alpha, and then the cat ears perched on (Name)'s head. Using her beak, (Bird's Name) grabbed the cat ears and pulled them off (Name)'s head. (Name) looked relieved for a moment, before Alpha snatched the ears away from the bird and replaced them where they had been. Once again, (Bird's Name) pulled the ears off. Alpha repeated what she had before, and the battle continued.
Mikasa returned, and giggled as she watched the ridiculous scene unfold. She placed the food she'd gotten in front of (Name). He looked at it in surprise. "No way! This is my favorite. How did you know?" he asked.
Mikasa shuffled a little. "You talk in your sleep..." she said. "Well... It's more like a mumble, but you can hear if you get close enough..." Mikasa added, blushing slightly. (Name) decided not to press any further. That had already been too much information he didn't need to know.
(Name) ate, and then spent his time petting (Bird's Name) and taking care of her silky feathers. Alpha and Mikasa left him alone, and left to see Eren and Armin.
"Those two have become inseparable." (Name) thought. "It's good to see that she has a friend."
he finished, watching Alpha smile as she talked to Mikasa. Still, it felt like they had forgotten something.... Oh well. It couldn't have been that important.

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