Chapter 10;Reclemation of Trost

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Pixis eyed the young recruit walking next to him. His (h/c) hair was streaked with his own blood, some of it had faded, and his head had a couple bandages wrapped over it. He was lacking faith that this boy was fit for the field. Furthermore, Pixis had watched as Mikasa and 'Yuko,' as they called her, treated (Name)'s wounds. Hell, his clothes were doused in blood, and his leg had been bitten by a Titan. He was nowhere near field ready. But Pixis saw a confidence in that boy's (e/c) eyes. He decided to let (Name) be.
Himself, along with the group of recruits behind him trailed across the top of the wall. Then, he turned to announce his plan to the soldiers below.
"ATTENTION" Pixis yelled over the wall at the soldiers gathered below.
"Today, we take back Trost from the Titans! Cadet Eren Yaeger has the ability to create, and control the body of a Titan!"
Mumbles followed from the audience below.
"He can seal the hole in Trost's wall with a boulder that landed on the chapel in the center of the city! You will need to defend him from the Titans! But anyone who wishes to leave now will be pardoned on my authority. Those who have faced the Titans should never have to see their horror again."
More mumbles followed, and louder this time. Soldiers were starting to leave. Pixis needed something motivational, inspirational. Sweat formed on his brow. At this rate, these soldiers would be fighting hopelessly, and a cause without hope might as well be a dead one. That was, if anyone would be left to fight after they all left. Before Pixis knew it, (Name) had stepped out in front of him.
"Will you let them win?! We're safe in here, but how about for another ten years?! Your family's won't be safe when the population is confined behind another wall! Will you bear the responsibility of letting that happen?! Or will you fight?! Will you look the Titans in the face and say, 'I will end you! We will end you!' I can fight! I've almost lost faith that others can stand up! So prove me wrong! Raise your swords and fight! Or we cannot prevail!" (Name) raised a sword, and the crowd of soldiers cheered a war cry beneath him.
Pixis was even surprised, the conviction the words were said with were enough to literally move armies.
Pixis took over again. "It's time to bring the fight to the Titans! LET'S GO!" he shouted across the soldiers below, and they cheered. The gates opened, and soldiers spilled out, ready to make a charge.
Pixis noticed Levi and his squad behind him.
"Sir," Levi said, "we will escort Eren across the city. I want the rest of the recruits here to come with us. With your permission of course."
"Yes. And Levi, good luck out there." Pixis said.
Levi nodded, and turned to brief the party of soldiers.
"Watch for flares. The green will signal operation success, and red failure. If you see a red flare, retreat. But green does not mean it's safe. If you see a green flare, search for Titans in the city. There will likely be more of them still inside. An orange flare means 'all clear.' We're going to move out towards the center of town, I want Eren in the middle of the formation. When we get there, I don't want anyone near Eren. Just keep the Titans off of him, and let him do his job. (Name), I want you on the outside of the formation. The center of town has a heavy Titan presence, so I need you to kill every Titan in sight. And (Name), if you see a blue flare, you're free to use your... Abilities."
(Name) nodded, and a faint psychotic smile danced across his lips.
Pixis wondered for the first time what the true capabilities of this boy were.
Those who weren't wearing gear strapped some onto themselves, and lined up on the edge of the wall.
"Ready?" Levi asked. Without much waiting for an answer, Levi leapt off the wall, and hissing gas sounded from his Maneuver gear. "GO!" he ordered.
Pixis watched as they disappeared into the city.
"Good luck soldiers."

Levi was astounded by (Name)'s skill. If the information he'd gathered was true, (Name) could turn his limbs into weapons. After the kill count of Titans Levi saw beforehand in the South West corner of Trost, he would estimate (Name) was about five times deadlier after transforming.
He watched (Name) almost get smacked out of the air by a Titan, but (Name) narrowly dodged the arm. He used his momentum to roll down its length, and cut the back of the Titan's neck. Launching two cables, he boosted himself with his Maneuver Gear to catch up with the formation.
"Kid has skill." Levi thought.

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