Chapter 13; Safe at Last

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"Yee maysh kill the brides..." Jean proclaimed, throwing the book he held into the air.
"No!!" Armin cried, tears streaming down his face from his watering blue eyes. "You're not supposed to kill the bride! It's KISS the bride! KISS IT!!!" he shouted, sounding offended. "Eren!!" he called. "You weren't supposed to get married yet! We were supposed to get married together!!" Armin cried. Mikasa knocked him over the head with a stick, and Armin quieted, silently whimpering.
"Armin, does that suggest you want to marry Eren?" Connie teased. Both of them were tied to the same tree, with Mikasa standing guard with a stick she'd picked off the ground. She kept swinging the thing around like a sword, Connie couldn't tell what she thought it was.
"7." Armin replied.
Connie waited for more, but there was apparently nothing else to his answer. Connie sighed, it was hard to make sense of anything when everyone around you is piss-drunk.
"Hey Mikasa." he prompted. Mikasa looked at him, her eyes distant and dull. It didn't seem so much that she was looking at Connie, but that she had turned her head in his general direction. "Want to untie me? I could do you a favor and get (Name) to go on a date with you..." Connie tempted.
Mikasa paused, and Connie thought she might take the bait for a moment. Mikasa walked in front of Connie, and looked at the ropes binding him to the tree. Then... Mikasa shoved her stick up his nose. Connie's eyes widened, and he grunted in displeasure as the stick explored his nose, and was eventually removed. Then Mikasa knocked him over the head with the stick and pointed it into his face.
"You cannot fool me Blackbeard!" Mikasa said, sounding depressed. "(Name) will come for you! And we will catch him and his tyrant band of pirates! You shall all walk the plank!!!" Mikasa elaborated, throwing her stick dramatically into the air. Connie watched, impressed. It was interesting how someone could act so joyful, yet sound so depressed.
Mikasa's stick fell from the sky, and hit her square in the head. She did a little spin, pupils moving unhealthily in spirals, before collapsing onto the ground in a heap.
Connie felt a sinking feeling in his gut. He was probably going to be tied to this tree for the rest of the night... "Please save me (Name)...." he wished hopefully in his head.
Connie watched as the "wedding ceremony" took place in the space in front of him.
Eren was leaning in, lips puckered while trying to kiss (Bird Name)'s beak through the cage they had put her in. (Bird's Name) repeatedly swung her head away, eyeing Eren distastefully.
Connie couldn't tell what Jean was doing, as the military boot on his head had sagged over his eyes, blocking his expression from view. He just kind of swayed back and forth, hands by his sides.
"This is going to be one long night..." Connie thought.

(Name) ran down the mansion's hallways, towards the exit. Ymir followed closely behind along with Sasha (crawling on all fours), shouting at him to slow down. "(Name)!! Stop it!! You're gonna hurt yourself again!!" Ymir called to no avail. Ymir momentarily lost sight of (Name), but found him again at the bottom of the stairs. "Damn he's fast..." Ymir though, quickly making her way down a flight of stairs. She met (Name) at a doorway to the outside, and he signaled for her to stay quiet. Sasha trod up behind them, and sat on her haunches, like a well trained attack dog might.
"Okay," (Name) whispered. "I'll take out Jean, you go pin Eren and make sure he doesn't do anything weird to my bird."
"You sure we even need to worry about any of them? I mean they're all drunk out of this world." Ymir asked, pointing to the shambling, and some unconscious figures outside.
"It's because they're drunk that we have to be careful. They're entirely unpredictable." (Name) explained.
"Fine." Ymir consented nodding. "But let's do things a little differently..." she finished with a smirk. Ymir pulled a potato out of her pocket, and waved it at Sasha, who followed it with her eyes. "You want it?" Ymir teases, waving it faster. "Go get it!"
Ymir opened the door, chucking the potato across the yard, where it came to rest at Jean's feet. "Sick em'!!" she shouted, pointing at the group outside. Sasha charged, leaping at Jean with barred teeth. Jean thrashed and exclaimed in pain while Sasha sacked him, clawing at his face, and biting his hand.
Ymir glanced at (Name), and saw that his jaw had dropped while he gaped at Sasha. The boy obviously hadn't expected Sasha to turn into a weapon of mass destruction in so little time.
"Let's go." Ymir said, leading (Name) across the courtyard. She kicked Eren onto the ground, and held him down with her boot, signaling (Name) to pick up the cage with (Bird's Name) inside. (Name) complied, grabbing the cage, and making a run back to the mansion.
Ymir stepped off Eren, letting him get up and wander away.
"Ymir!" Connie shouted. "Over here! Help!"
Ymir followed his voice, and ended up face to face with him by the tree he was tied to. "Mind getting me outta here?" he asked, struggling against the ropes around his waist and arms. Ymir untied him, and saw Armin was free as well, having been bound by the same rope as Connie. Armin froze, looking at Sasha with caution. Sasha's head bolted upright, and looked at Armin with a murderous gleam in her eyes.
The two took off, and Sasha chased after Armin across the courtyard, surprisingly fast on all fours. "Let's get back inside. These guys are insane." Ymir said, walking back towards the mansion with Connie. "Oh sh*t..." she added, seeing a figure holding (Name) firmly by the wrist.
"Is that-?" Connie started.
"Yuki..." Ymir finished, terrified by her menacing presence.
Yuki laughed as she approached them, extending her hands to them. They backed away, but it was too late to run.
"It's over Connie..." Ymir said tearfully. "Even if I said I didn't like you, I always valued you as a friend..."
Yuki grabbed them.

"D*MN IT!" Ymir shouted. "NOT AGAIN!!"
She struggled against the ropes holding her to a wooden chair. She glared around the warehouse she'd been trapped in for so long just earlier, and gritted her teeth in frustration. "I'll get Yuki for this..." she mumbled, clenching a fist.
"So, Ymir..." Connie prompted. He was tied in a chair just like her own, and both their chairs had been bound back to back, making escape nearly impossible. "When you said that you always valued me as a friend, was that true?" Connie asked, sounding hopeful.
"No." Ymir blatantly stated. "I hate you. You're a disgrace."
"Oh...." Connie mumbled, hanging his head down low. "Ok...."

(Name) opened his eyes, soft sunlight spilled through a nearby window, peacefully lighting the quiet room. "Was it all a dream?" he thought, sitting up and running his eyes. He looked around, surveying the room around him and... The bed. (Name) didn't like what he saw.
Alpha laid to the side of him, peacefully sleeping, and still wearing her military uniform.
Sasha wore the same clothes, but for some reason was curled up like a dog at (Name)'s feet. Mikasa was lying to the other side of him, sleeping as well. She had been holding onto (Name)'s arm tightly, and was now grasping at empty space distressfully with the loss of contact.
"(Name), you up?" Levi called, opening the door to the room and stepping through. He saw the bed, and all its occupants and smiled. He gave (Name) a thumbs up, and slowly started closing the door.
(Name) desperately waved his arms, mouthing 'help me,' and doing anything else possible to stop Levi from leaving. The door clicked closed, and (Name) gave up, dropping his hands into his lap. Mikasa refound his arm, and gripped it so tightly that (Name) fell back backwards into the bed, lying down again. She nestled her cheek into his shoulder, and fell into a deep sleep again, her breathing steadying.
(Name) looked around for anything that might help him escape, but found nothing. As he sighed, he saw that Alpha was awake, and watching him intently.
"W-what?" (Name) asked, surprised by her sudden waking.
"Nothing. You're just cute when you sleep." she responded, making (Name) blush.
"I-I thought you were asleep-?" (Name) hesitantly asked, averting his eyes. Alpha shook her head, showing that she had been awake for a while now.
Footsteps drew (Name)'s attention to the door, and it opened, showing Jean.
"Hey (Name), I think Levi was looking around for you--...." Jean saw the bed, more specifically Mikasa inside of it, and hung his head low, walking away.
"Can we go?" (Name) asked, looking back at Alpha. Alpha nodded, and sat up. Noticing Mikasa, she moved to the other side of the bed. With the combined efforts of (Name) and Alpha, they were able to pry Mikasa's iron grip off (Name)'s arm.
(Name) carefully slipped out his feet from under Sasha, and made his way out of the room, careful not to trip any loose boards that could make noise.
"I don't remember much from last night, how the heck did we end up in your room?" Alpha asked once they were in the hallway. She looked at (Name), and could tell from the strange expression on his face that whatever had happened, it hadn't been fun.
"N-nothing..." (Name) said, looking away.
"Really, what?" Alpha pressed, leaning closer to him. "Did we do anything out of the ordinary?" she said seductively, hinting ever so vaguely with a smile.
(Name) looked at her with a menacing gleam in his eyes and repeated his words, sending a shiver down her spine. "Nothing." he firmly said, ending the conversation.
Alpha shrugged. "You can be intimidating when you want to..." she thought, picking up the pace of her walk.

Author Note:
Hello readers! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Anyways, the next chapter's hopefully going to be action packed!! The encounter with the female titan is approaching fast!

Also, I have a little bit of a change for you all. I would like to host a writing contest! For any intrested, I will post the details below:


Write about (Name's) (or another character) encounter with the Female Titan. Post either your story, or a link to your story, in the comments section. If you feel the need, you may instead email it to me at
*Keep in mind that your story may be viewed by other people, and even possibly voted upon.

In about a week or two, I will collect all of the stories and post them into one document, (with, of course, credit to the writer who made them) and then hold a survey for which votes will be collected on.

***The winning story will be used in the creation of the next chapter, but may be modified to fit with the rest of the story, and future updates.

If you have future questions, contact me and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Thank you all for reading, and I am sure I will see some astounding submissions! Please have fun with this, and enjoy yourselves during your writing!

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