Chapter 6; Part 2

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The next day, Levi's squad wasn't making any significant progress in their investigation. All of the houses and other small buildings were deserted. No useful information, or supplies rested inside them, they only held rotting food, and old, weathered, household items. Most of it was to far deteriorated to use for anything, even if they had any use for any of it in the first place.
They had identified a total of two stone buildings in the village, one being the old bell tower, and the other a rather small, bunker looking structure. They hadn't managed to pry the door open, as it was probably the sturdiest thing in the whole village. The door was solid iron, and they weren't going to get through it. So Levi and Hanji were spending most of the day hacking away at one of the walls of the building. Using their to swords to pry off stones from the crumbling wall, they slowly managed to open up a hole big enough to fit through.
"Wooah." Hanji gasped as they fit themselves through the opening. "This looks like a research lab of some kind!"
"What's so exciting about it Glasses?" Levi asked her after fitting through the hole. It was relatively easier for him to fit through since he was shorter then Hanji, but he wasn't going to comment on it.
"Well, there has to be research notes somewhere," she told him, "so dig around for those."
The two waltzed around the lab, scanning their eyes over the equipment, and counter space. Levi's gaze eventually found a pile of documents in a crate, resting on the ground.
"Found something." he informed Hanji, and the brunette hustled over to him.
They sifted through the crate, taking out documents and such. They had just been tossed in, it looked like somebody was trying to get out with this research. Fast.
At the very bottom of the crate, was a small tattered journal.
Hanji took it out of the crate, and flipped through it.
"This has everything, I don't know what the rest of this junk is, it just keeps talking about Alpha through Omega. You think they were project names? A way to catalog their experiments?" she asked Levi, whose patience was wearing thin.
"I don't know Glasses. Do you have what you need?" Levi responded.
"Then we leave early tomorrow morning."
"Yes sir..." Hanji sighed.
Levi left Hanji in the lab, and rejoined the rest of his squad outside. Eld and Gunther had returned from hunting, and Levi helped them clean and cook their kills.

Hanji flipped through the notebook, she found a lot of it to be unintelligible, talking about "Zulu," or "Tango," and other such numbers. One thing that stood out to her was constant mention of Omega. It sounded like he was the final result of their project, whatever Omega was anyways. Near the back of the notebook, was some hastily scrawled writing. Hanji read through it.

"I don't have much time left. The Project Director had me give Omega the control serum. If he plans on using it, we are all dead. He's going to steal my research, and use it himself, for prophet. For an instrument of war. If anyone is reading this, and I didn't make it out, please. Take care of Omega. That poor child didn't mean to harm anyone, and I can't imagine the atrocities the Project Director's going to force him to commit.
Please, find him."
Hanji crouched over a skeleton, lying behind the labs door.
"So, You must be Dr. Imagri." she greeted the dead man.
Hanji pondered the man's journal. "A boy?Omega's a boy?" she thought. "All of these 'projects,' are people's names?"
Hanji flipped back to the front of the journal and looked for any entries on Omega. She found one, and read through it.

"We took Omega when he was five. We first discovered him when buying supplies from within Maria. Myself and the Project Director often buy the equipment we need to progress out research there, but we must do it in secret. We can't let the others know.
His family seemed a happy one, Omega was five. But there was something about him that didn't strike well with the Project Director.
We introduced ourselves as doctors, and took a blood test from the young boy.
He tested positive. I don't know how the Director saw it in the boy, in fact, I still don't. But he's testing positive for the exact same blood pattern we infuse into our subjects. And he gained it naturally.
The Director tried to convince the family that their son was in danger, and he must come with them, but the family refused.
So, later that night, we stole him. It wasn't my first choice, I tried to argue with him, but he wouldn't hear any of me. I left the family a note telling them I would bring their son back to them after some years have passed. I know it doesn't justify what we have done, but at least the family will know what has happened to him.
We wiped his memory, enhanced the gene that helps our bio-weapons to form, and told him he was raised in the lab. He believes us, the family we adopted him to believes us, everyone believes us. Without a doubt."

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