Chapter 8; Retreat from Trost

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(Name) was thrown clear of a rooftop as a Titan crashed into the building. He tumbled out of the air, unable to slow. He smashed into the ground on his bad leg, causing blood to seep through the bandages. He yelled in pain while debris fell all around him, holding his injured leg.
As he tried to stand, a large shard of glass cut into his left shoulder. (Name) fell once again, clutching it in pain.
He stood, as dust from the trampled building settled. He reformed his hand, back from the large blade replacing his arm, by withdrawing the bioweapon.
(Name) grabbed the piece of glass in his shoulder, cutting his fingers open, as he agonizingly pulled it from his shoulder.
As he ripped it out, he screamed, attracting the attention of several oncoming Titans.
The glass shattered to pieces as it hit the cobbles, his blood still freshly coding it. (Name) held his shoulder as warm blood ran over his fingers and spread through his shirt.
A loud boom alerted him to the presence of the next Titan in the area.
Reforming his right arm into a bio weapon, he turned and charged at the Titan. Blood coursed down the large blade, dripping off the tip and onto the ground. His own blood, that was. He was bleeding everywhere, this battle had lasted long, and (Name) lost count of how many Titans he'd killed.
(Name) ducked underneath the Titans extended hand, and stumbling on his right leg, he lashed out at the Titans heel. Severing it, the Titan fell to its knees.
At this point, (Name) was to weary to jump high enough to severe the nape of the neck. So instead, he slashed his tail, and blade furiously at the Titan, creating deep lashes in its flesh. He didn't succeed in making the Titan fall, and (Name) knew the Titan was going to regenerate, and his efforts had been in vain.
He waited a few seconds, breathing heavily, before the Titans wounds turned black.
(Name) hadn't expected this, nor had he ever seen this
The Titan fell forward, face planting into the ground, and (Name) slowly crept towards it.
It's wounds were steaming, with pitch black smoke pouring out of them. He prodded it in the side with his blade, but it didn't move.
"What?" (Name) thought.
He didn't have much time to reflect, because a Titan charged through the street, kicking him into a wall.
(Name) coughed blood, stumbled on his feet, and then clambered up on top of the remains of the wall. He wildly hacked at the Titans midsection, leaving deep gashes in it. The result was the same as the previous Titan he killed. Black smoke poured from its wounds, and it fell over, stone dead. (Name) looked down at his weaponized arm.
"Things just took a turn for the better..."

Levi and his squad closed in on the wall. They left their horses behind, they would come back for them later.
That was, if they survived.
The squad used their Maneuver Gears to launch themselves up the wall, reaching the top rather quickly. The sight on the other side was breathtaking, and not in a complementary way.
Titans ravaged through the streets, screams filled the air and sparks covered the sky.
Levi held up a hand.
"Time to move out. We need to get across the district, back to command, and see what we can do to help. Move out." Levi briefed his squad.
Without any second thoughts, the squad followed him into battle. They leapt from the wall, into the burning district below, ready to fight and even die.

Armin's plan worked!! Connie had to admit he had his doubts, but it worked flawlessly! Well, almost. He and Sasha screwed up, but luckily Mikasa was skilled enough to execute the plan. She swooped in quickly and killed their Titan, saving the plan, and their lives. Connie was really glad Mikasa was on their side.
As Connie resupplied, sliding swords and a new gas canister into his gear, he watched Armin talking to Mikasa in the corner of the secure stone room.
He knew the two had lost Eren in the fight, and from what he could tell the three had been really close. All he could do, was silently pass on his regards to them. Now wasn't the time to mourn the dead, it was time to fight.
All the soldiers in the building were rearming themselves, and soon they were going to bust out of here, fight back and finish the mission. This was going to be interesting...

A girl ran across rooftops in Trost district. She would leap from one building, using a small amount of gas to propel herself forward, and reaching the next rooftop.
She was headed toward the South West corner of Trost, where Armin had told her (Name) was.
Gradually, the terrain became harder to navigate, until about every other building in the area was toppled over, or ready to fall. If any soldiers fighting had thought they'd seen the worst of the attack, they were wrong. This area of the city was a nightmare, no survivors were in sight. And the Titans were amassed together in large numbers.
Defiled human remains littered the streets. But so did Titan carcasses. They were covered in deep slash marks, and the girl instantly recognized them as (Name)'s doing.
"Where is he?" she thought frantically, looking around the destruction.
She heard a boy shout out in pain, and turned her head in that direction. "Name..." she thought.
She used her Maneuver gear, and quickly shot herself in the direction she'd heard him.
She halted, standing on the edge of a decaying rooftop, and scouted the area with her eyes.
"There." she saw him.
He was on the ground, clutching his left side, while bleeding heavily from it. Then again, he was bleeding everywhere. He had all of his bioweapons extended except for the claw on his left hand, but he looked to exhausted to be able to defend himself with them.
A Titan approached him, and (Name) tried to scoot away from its extending hand with his left hand.
The girl shot her cables into the Titan's neck, and reeled herself in for the kill.

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