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Taylor's P.O.V

I open my eyes and look around. Me and Emma were on the floor sleeping. Then all the memories come back from last night. I smile at her. She was still asleep so I get up to make breakfast. I make bacon and eggs. I finish making breakfast and go wake up Emma. "Emma wake up." I gently shake her.
"Wake up sleepyhead."
"Fine." She sits up and smile
"I made breakfast."
"Are the boys coming over?"
"Nope just you and me."
"Good." I laugh
"Come on I'm hungry." She says getting up. I get up too and go to the breakfast table. I sit across from Emma. We ate but mostly laughed. We finish eating and go to the living room and clean up.

Emma's P.O.V

Taylor made breakfast and it was amazing. We go to the living room and clean up the blankets and pillows. Then my phone buzzed. I pick it up and see there was a message from Andrea.

Andrea: Hey I was wondering if I could move in early?

Me: Of course, when do you get here?

Andrea: Thanks, I get there at 7 in the morning

Me: Ok do you want me to pick you up?

Andrea: Yeah thanks

Me: Great I'll see you tomorrow

Andrea: Byeeeee see you××

Me: Bye!!×××

I put my phone on the couch.
"Who was that?" Taylor asks
"Oh that was Andrea she's moving in tomorrow."
"Oh you already have a new roommate."
"Yep she is super nice." I smile
"Oh ok." She smiles but I could tell it was fake. I hug her.
"Taylor you will always be my best friend your more then that your basically my sister no one can replace you."
"Thanks." We finish cleaning.
"Taylor come with me I need to show you something."
"Ok." We go down stairs and I show her my room.
"Look I decorated!"
"Do you like it?"
"Yeah!" She looks around. She goes to the drawing that I did.
"Emma did you draw this?"
"Yeah why?"
"It's really good."
"Thanks." I smile. Taylor goes to her old room. I get in the shower. I take a shower and change into a black crop top, a white skirt, white high tops converse and a jean jacket. I blow dry my hair and curl it. I do a little make up. I go on my phone and I got a text from Joe.

Joe: Hey love I was wondering if you want to come over?××

Me: Yeah sure I'll be over soon××

Joe: Good love you×××

Me: Love you too×××

I get up and grab my bag and tell Taylor I'm going next door.
"Taylor I'm going next door bye!"
I leave and knock on Joe's door.
"Come in!" I hear Joe shout. I walk in.
"Hey." I sit next to him and kiss his cheek.
"Hey and you know you don't have to knock you can come in."
"Ok nice to know."
"Did you and Taylor already pack everything?"
"Yeah we did that yesterday."
"Ok, Hey I was wondering if you want to film a video with me?"
"Sure when?"
"Right now silly." He laughs
"Hey I'm not silly!"
"Whatever you say." We go to his room and he sets up his equipment. I then remembered that I wanted to ask Joe about starting a YouTube channel.
"Hey Joe I was wondering if you could help me start my own YouTube channel?"
"You want to do YouTube?"
"Yeah I think it would be fun."
"That's great do you want to film your first video?"
"Could we do it after yours?"
"Sure do you want to borrow my equipment?"
"That would be helpful could we film it at my place?"
"Sure." We start the video.

"Hello everyone and as you can see I'm joined by Emma!"
"Hi everyone!"
"So today we're going to be doing the classic girlfriend tag." We do the video. Once we finished me and Joe moved his equipment to my apartment. Taylor and Caspar were already moving Taylor boxes. Caspar was going to make a video telling them that Taylor was moving. They told the fans they were dating at Playlist. Joe shows me how to set up the equipment.
"Ok now sit there." Joe points at a spot on my bed.
"Right here?" I sit down
"Yeah perfect." I smile.
"Ok how do you want to start your video?"
"I don't know?"
"How about the way you always start in my videos it's cute." I blush
"I guess." I smile
"Ok you ready?"
"Ok it's recording." I start my video.

"Hi everyone so this is my very first YouTube video!" I do my video and Joe helped me edit it. We finish editing.
"Ok we're done let me do something real quick."
"Ok." He pulls out his vlogging camera.
"Hey guys so a little update Emma here is about to upload her first video so go subscribe!!" I wave and smile. He turns it off.
"Now that will be up tomorrow."
"Thanks Joe."
"For what?"
"Everything, being a amazing boyfriend, helping me through everything, there's so many things to thank you for." I hug him.
"You don't need to thank me love." He kisses me.
"Yes I do anyway let's upload it!"
"Ok you ready?"
"Yep!" I press upload while Joe vlogs it. Me and Joe tweeted a link to my video and I was already getting subscribers, likes, comments. Me and Joe eat lunch. We hung out the whole afternoon. I made me and Joe dinner. We looked through the comments of my first video. They were mostly nice comments some saying I was just using Joe for fame but that wasn't true. Joe decided stay the night. He has left to get the things he needs to stay the night. I go to the bathroom and change into my pajamas. I take off my make up, wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and I hear the front door open. I go up stairs. "Got all your stuff?"
"Do you want me to help you?"
"No I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes love." He kisses my forehead.
He puts his stuff in my room and I flop onto the couch. Joe comes up and sit next to me. We snuggle under a blanket and and watched movies. It was getting late so we decided to go to bed. Joe got ready for bed. We got in bed and I set a alarm for 6:15 so I could go get Andrea. I cuddled with Joe and fell asleep.

The One - Joe Sugg - Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now