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Emma's P.O.V

I open my eyes and sit up. I look around I was still in the living room. I hear someone coming down the stairs. I turn to the stairs and see Morgan walking down the stairs with Alexa. "I just finished making breakfast."
"Ok thanks." I get up and stretch. I walk to my room and lay out my outfit for today. I walk to the bathroom to take a shower. I take a shower and get out. I walk to my room and change I put on black skinny jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I put some concealer over my imperfections and a little mascara. I put my hair in a ponytail. I decide to film a video. I set up my equipment and tweet out

Emma_Collins: 'Doing a QnA tweet me questions with the #AskEmma!'

I go down stairs and walk into the kitchen. I see a note from Morgan.

'Went to the store with Alexa be back in an hour'

I grab some breakfast and sit at the little breakfast table. I open my laptop that I brought with me and look through the questions my fans had asked me. I finish eating my breakfast and close my laptop. I get up and wash my plate and cup. I grab my laptop and go back up stairs. I had already picked out the questions and turned on the camera. "Hi everyone!" I say into the camera
"So today I asked you guys on Twitter to tweet me some um." Come on Emma keep it together.
"So today I asked you guys on Twitter to tweet me some questions using the #AskEmma." I start reading off some questions and answer them.
"Ok so this the last one, 'What we're the tweets about between you and Joe and we you tweeted guys I'm fine don't worry about me?' Well I've decided to tell you guys what it meant."
"So the first one, it was just about Joe breaking a promise and I guess I wasn't to happy so I ran out of the house and didn't yell anyone where I was going so I tweeted the second one so everyone knew I was ok." I smile to the camera
"So that's it for this week's video I hope you have a wonderful day and love byeeee!" I end the video and get up and turn off the camera. It room me about two hours to film it and Morgan hadn't came home yet. My phone started ringing which made me jump. I grab my phone and see Zoe was calling me. "What's up Zo."
"Emma come to London right now." She was crying
"What happened?"
"It's Joe he's in the hospital Dylan went to his house and started punching him and Joe punched him a few times and Dylan is in the hospital too."
"Ugh Dylan is suck a dick sometimes I'll be there in about two to three hours."
"Ok hurry."
"Bye." I hang up and grab my bag. I call Morgan and tell her what happened. "Is Dylan ok?" Morgan asks walking in to the house
"He's in the hospital too but I'm pretty sure Joe is worse." She sighs
"I'll stay here I need to work."
"Do you want me to take a Alexa?"
"Yes that would be great so I don't have to worry about her."
"Ok I'll get mine and her stuff ready for a few days."
"Thank you." She hugs me
"It's fine." I walk up stairs and grab my carry on. I pack a few things then there was a knock on my door "Come in." Morgan then walks in holding Alexa and her little mini suitcase. "All the things she will need are packed."
"I already got you tickets to go to London it leaves in thirty minutes."
"Thanks let me finish packing and we'll be off."
"No problem I'll pack a few snacks for the trip." I nod and she leaves Alexa's bag in here and I finish packing and I grab the bags and go down stairs. "Here are the snacks." Morgan says handing me a little bag. "Thanks again."
"My pleasure."
"We need to head off."
"Ok." We walk into the living room where Alexa was playing with her toys. "Let's go Alexa." I say picking her up
"Bye little one." Morgan says giving her a hug. After our goodbyes we get into the Uber waiting for us outside. I buckle Alexa and myself. We get to the train station I pay the driver and get Alexa. We make it just in time to get on the train. I sit with Alexa. "Oh Alexa this is going to take a while." I sigh. Alexa falls asleep right away and I edit my video that I filmed today. I finish editing the video by the time that we got to London. I pick up Alexa carefully so I don't wake her up. I get off the Train and call an Uber to takes us to the hotel that we were going to stay in. We make it to the hotel and I drop off the bags. "Wake up sleepyhead." I say tickling Alexa she giggles
"Let's go see Daddy and Joe!"
She smiles. I laugh and pick her up. I get into an Uber and the driver takes us to the hospital. I pay the driver and get out. I walk in and go to the front desk. "Hello I'm here for Dylan Collins."
"Are you family?"
"Yes sister and this is his daughter Alexa."
"Ok room 126."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome." I nod and go to the elevator. I find room 126 and walk in I see Dylan in bed. He smiles and holds out his arms to carry her. "Dylan what the hell?" I ask after Alexa falls asleep.
"What do you mean?"
"Going to Joe's house and hurting him?"
"He deserves it."
"Dylan I know he hurt me but that doesn't mean you have to hurt him."
"Well I already did it."
"Ok fine whatever." I pull out my phone and call Zoe. "Hey Zo I'm in London now."
"Hey Joe finally woke up." I sigh
"What room in he in?"
"Room 127 right next to Dylan's."
"Ok thanks."
"No problem." I hang up and stand up. "Where are you going?"
"To see Joe."
"Are really going to see that dick?"
"Yes." I say walking out. I go to open the door but then I see something I will never forget. Joe was kissing a girl. "Hey Emma." Zoe says walking up behind me. I turn around. "What?" I point to the window in the door. "Oh I'm so sorry Emma I didn't know Luna was going to be here."
"Don't bother." I walk past her and walk into Dylan's room. "Hey I'm being released today."
"Cool." I say with my voice cracking
"Emma what happened?"
"Nothing." I say looking away
"Dylan I can't tell you."
"Emma Bella Collins tell me what happened?"
"Don't call me by my full name."
"Then tell me."
"Joe ok it was Joe!"
"That son of a bi-."
"Don't even start will that again ok me and Joe aren't dating so he can date who ever he wants ok!?"
"Emma if it hurts you then I have to do something."
"No you don't ok I'm not a little girl anymore I can handle myself I don't need you to come and fight my own battles!" I walk out of the room and walk to the elevator. I pull out my phone and call Caspar. "Hey Em!"
"Casp can I meet you somewhere?"
"Wait you're in London?"
"Yeah let's meet at the Starbucks near the hospital."
"Ok." He hangs up and I walk to the the Starbucks. I walk in and order a hot chocolate. I get my drink and sit at a table. I watch the door for Caspar. After a few minutes Caspar walks in. He spots me and smiles. He walks towards me and sits down in front of me. "Hey."
"Emma are you ok?" I shake my head no
"Oh God what did Joe do?"
"He, he." I start crying
"Come on let's go back to my flat." I nod and stand up. I wipe my tears and we walk out. Caspar calls an Uber and we stand there waiting. I grab his hand and squeeze it. He looks at me. "I need comfort right now if that's ok."
"Yeah don't worry about it." The Uber gets here and we get in. Caspar tells him the address and he takes us to his flat. We get there and Caspar pays the driver and we get out. We walk to his apartment. He unlocks the door and we walk in. I sit on his couch and put my head in my hands. "Emma what happened?"
"I, I went to see Joe." I start crying. I explain everything to Caspar. He pulls me into a hug. I start bawling. I pull away and look at him. I stand up. "Where are you going?"
"I'm leaving." I grab my bag
"Back to Norwich."
"So I'll see you at Coachella?" I nod
"Thanks Caspar for everything." He nods. I walk out and go to the elevator. I call an Uber to take me to the hospital. I find the Uber and get in. The driver takes me to the hospital. I had him the money and get out. I walk into the hospital and go to Dylan's room. He was putting on his shoes and Alexa was playing with her toy that she brought with her. "So you read to go?" Dylan asks
"Um I think I'm going to stay here a few days maybe to collab with other YouTubers."
"Oh ok." I nod
"Hey sis if Joe hurts you I'm here for you."
"Thanks just don't hurt him anymore."
"I'll try." He chuckles
"Good." I smile. We walk out and start walking down the hallway. "Emma!" I hear my name being called. I turn around and see Joe walking towards me. I feel Dylan tense up. "It's fine I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit." He nods and continues walking. "Emma." Joe says once he's in front of me. "I didn't mean for you to see that."
"See what?"
"Luna kissing me."
"Joe I don't care if she was ok?"
"You don't?"
"No why would I?"
"I don't know." I don't say anything
"Are you going to Coachella?" Joe asks
"Yeah are you?"
"Why is it so akward between us?" I shrug
"Come on Emma I miss when we would just hang out like before we started dating." I nod
"Say something!" He says frustrated that I didn't say anything
"I have to go." I turn around and start to walk away. I feel someone grab my wrist. "Emma don't leave me like you did months ago." I turn around
"Let's just be friends."
"Just friends?"
"Yes nothing more no flirting or complements nothing like that."
"Ok I can do that."
"Good now I really have to go, I'm sorry for what Dylan did."
"It's fine." I nod and walk away. I walk out of the hospital and see Dylan sitting on a bench with Alexa. "Hey you ready?" He asks once he looks up at me
"Yeah let's go."
"Emma are you ok?" He asks. I shake my head no
"What happened."
"I feel like my life is messed up I want to go back to Orlando and start over."
"What do you mean start over?"
"Like never more to London stop doing YouTube I just want a normal life were I'm not hurt all the time."
"You're hurt?"
"Yes my heart is broken I feel sad, I haven't eaten sense breakfast I feel like my life is pointless."
"Emma please not again."
"Dylan I just can't anymore." I sit on the bench and put my head in my hands and cry. When I found Scott in bed with another girl I was a mess. I loved him he was my first love everyone warned me cause he was a player but I didn't listen to them cause I loved him and he loved me or at least that's what I thought. I was ready to spend me life with him and when I found him in bed with another girl it broke me. I went through depression and I didn't eat. I would just drink water. Then I found Joe on YouTube he helped me through a lot, but then I watched him so much he didn't help anymore so I wanted to die.

(Flash back)

I run out of the house and Dylan runs after me. I run to a park that was my favorite place to be it calmed me down and I knew there was a little pond there. This was the first place me and Scott met I thought it was magical. When I look back Dylan was gone. I take off my shoes and toss my phone on the ground and slowly walked into the water. I then hear my name being called. I turned around and see my mom running after me crying. It broke my heart to know that if I was hurting she was to. "Sweetheart don't do it please!" I hear her say
"I'm sorry mommy!" Yeah I called my mom mommy she told me that she loved it when I did that. "Please sweetheart!" I see her get closer
"I can't anymore." I turn around and I walk deeper in the water. "I love you and tell dad and Dylan that I love them." I say and she falls to the ground. "Mom!" I get out of the water and run to her. She looks up at me. "Sweetheart."
"I'm sorry mommy." I start crying
"Sweetheart we can get through this." She stands up and grab both of my hands
"Mommy I don't want to be here."
"Sweetheart I was thinking that you could go to London with Taylor."
"Yes you can get away from Scott and live happily."
"Thank you so much." I hug her

(Flash back over)

"Dylan when I moved here I wanted to be happy!"
"Emma you can be happy!"
"Sure." I stand up and walk away. "Where are you going?"
"Back to the hotel I need to film something." I call an Uber and stand there. After a couple minutes it get here. I get in and tell the driver the hotel. He takes me and I pay and get out. "Thank you." He nods and I close the door. I walk in and go to my room. I open the door and sit on the bed. I turn on my vlogging camera and set it on the dresser in front of the bed. "Hi everyone."
"So I have something to tell you guys." I pause was I really going to do this? I have to. "So I'm really sorry to announce that I'm quitting YouTube." A tear falls down my face
"I'm sorry but things I wish never happened because of YouTube and I know that I've met amazing people because of YouTube but because of YouTube I'm broken." I sniffle
"But on the brighter side I have been invited to Playlist and I'm going!" I try to say as happy as I could.
"I love you guys I hope you can forgive me." I stand up and walk out of the shot. I turn it off and grab the card and plug it into my laptop. I create a thumbnail and post it with the title 'I'm sorry' I close my laptop and lean back. Why couldn't I have a normal life. My heart is broken and I'm quitting YouTube. I start crying then there was a knock on the door. I wipe my eyes and get up. I open the door and see Dylan standing there with Alexa. "Emma." He pulls me into a hug but I pull away. "I don't want to talk about it so let's just forget about it and forget about YouTube and Joe ok?"
"So are you leaving today to go back to Norwich?"
"Yeah are you?"
"No I'm staying here a few days."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah want to get away from everyone."
"Ok." I nod and he grabs Alexa's bag. "I'm going back to my hotel room so you can have your space." I nod away and he leaves. I sit on the bed and start crying. Ok Emma you need to stop. I get up and go take a shower. I need to get out more. I decided to order room service and go out tonight to a club. My food gets here and I eat. I finish eating and I check the time. Ok it's 5:36. I get up and change. I was just in a rob this whole time. I put on a Tshirt and joggers. I put on my shoes and brush my hair. I grab my bag and leave the room. I walk to the elevator and get in. I press number 1. I get off the elevator and walk out. I walk around and look at the stores I needed to buy a dress. I find a store and walk in. I look around for a little then someone taps on my shoulder. I turn around and see Joe.

The One - Joe Sugg - Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now