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Emma's P.O.V

Zoe comes running up to me. "Come on we have to get ready." All the girls walk to my room. "Wait where are we going?"
"To your party."
"Yeah it's at Joe's."
"All the girls are going to get ready here and the boys at Joe's and Caspar's flat."
"Ok." We walk into my room and they already had their stuff laid out. "What's in the bag?"
"Oh just a dress that Joe bought me."
"Aww let me see." I get the dress out and everyone gasps. "It's gorgeous!"
"Thanks." We all start getting ready. Zoe does my make up for me.


"Wow Zoe you did amazing." I say looking in the mirror at my hair.
"Why thank you."
"Ok I'm going to get dressed." I grab my dress and go to Andrea's room. I change into my dress and open the door to my room. Everyone looks at me and gasps. "You look amazing!" Niomi squeals. "Thanks." I walk over to my closet and look at my shoes to decide which one I should wear. "Do you need help?" Taylor asks
"Yeah I don't know which ones to wear?"
"OMG I have the perfect ones but they're heels."
"But the heel isn't that tall."
"Bring them and I'll see."
"Ok." She walks away and I close my closet. A few minutes later and she comes back. I look at them. "Um I guess I can but only cause it's my birthday."
"Yay! Put them on." I slip them on and look at myself in the mirror. "You look so pretty!" Tanya says
"Thanks you look amazing."
"You welcome and thanks." I nod them Zoe says "Let's go girls." She opens the door and walks out. I grab my phone and some flats just in case my feet get tired. I grab my bag. We open the door and all walk out. I knock on Joe's and Caspar's door. The door and Joe was standing there. His jaw drops starring at me. "Joe close your mouth you're drooling." Zoe laughs he snaps out of his gaze and smiles. He let's all walk in he pulls me by his side. He close the door. "You look amazing."
"Thanks." He kisses me. "I love you Emma."
"I love you too Joe." The music starts. "Come on let's go dance!" He grabs my hand and we walk to where everyone was dancing. I smile and start dancing.


"Come let's get a drink." I walk to the kitchen where the drink were. I see Taylor there with Caspar. "Hey!" I smile
"Happy birthday!"
"Thanks." We talk a little. "Emma you should drink a little it's your birthday!" Caspar slurs he was already drunk
"Um sure." I shrug and Taylor passes me a drink. I drink a little bit of it. "Babe it's time for presents." Joe says
"Ok." We go sit at his couch.


"We should play truth or dare spin the bottle." I say
"Ok I'll get the bottle." Zoe gets up and gets a bottle. We all sit in a circle with the bottle in the middle. I spin the bottle and it lands on Dan. Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I say getting up. I go to the door and open it. I see Scott standing there. "Um guys I'll be right back." I walk out with Scott and shut the door behind me. "What do you want?" I ask crossing my arms
"What don't you miss me?" I roll my eyes
"Scott leave I don't need you to come here and ruin everything."
"Come on babe." He steps forward and I step back. "Leave Scott."
"No I have unfinished business to do."
"Well it's not here so leave."
"I just need to tell you something."
"Taylor and Joe have had sex together."
"Joe wouldn't do that to me."
"But he did."
"No he didn't."
"Here." He hands me something in an envelope.
"Thanks." I didn't know if I should trust him cause I know Scott and he sucks at lying but Joe is my boyfriend. "Can you leave now?"
"Alright bye."
"Bye." He leaves and I open the door. "Who was that?" Joe asks as I sit down. "It doesn't matter."
"Ok." We play a little then Joe says. "Ok Emma what's wrong?"
"What do you mean? I'm fine."
"Emma I know you something is bothering you."
"Joe I'm fine." I stand up. "I'm going to bed, goodnight." I say getting up and leave. I open the door to my apartment and leave it unlocked so Zoe and Alfie. I set my keys on the kitchen counter and go down stairs. I walk into my room. I set the envelope on my bed and sit down. Then there was and soft knock on the door. "Emma?" It was Niomi. "Come in." The door opens and Niomi walks in. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I shake my head no
"Scott was at the door and he told me something and gave me this envelope and I just don't know."
"What did he tell you?"
"That Joe cheated on me with Taylor."
"What's in the envelope?"
"I don't know." I pick up the envelope and open it. There was pictures off Joe in bed with Taylor. How did he get these? "Oh my gosh." Niomi gasps
"Why?" I lay back in my bed.
"Emma it's going to be ok."
"He cheated on me!"
"You don't know that he could have easily photo shot it."
"I guess." I get up and walk to the bathroom. "I'll be off now call if you need anything." She hugs me and leaves. I sigh and take off my make up. I change into my pajamas. I turn off the lights. I get comfy under the blanket. I start to fall asleep then I hear my door open. I sit up and look at my door. I see Joe standing there. "Emma." He slurs he was drunk. I don't answer and I lay back in bed. "Come on babe don't be like this." He walks towards me and almost slipping. I sit up and grab my phone. I scroll through Twitter. I feel someone grab part of my blanket. I turn and see Joe just in his boxers with a smirk on his face. He gets in bed with me and wraps his arms around me. "Emma kiss me." I hear him say as I set my phone on my bedside table. "Joe I want to go to sleep."
"Come on love." He kisses my cheek. "Fine I tried." I feel him get up. I look at him he puts on sweatpants and grabs the pillow. I stand up. "Are you just going to stand there?" He says really harsh. I stand there in shock. He rolls his eyes and grabs his phone. "So you are going to stand there." He stands there waiting for my reaction. "Wow what are you going to do next? Break up with me or just stand there."
"I think I might break up with you." I grab his shirt and toss it to him. "Have a nice life." He stands there looking at me in disbelief. "Did you just break up with me?"
"Well I wasn't just going to stand here."
"I was joking."
"Well I'm not." Tears formed in my eyes.
"You know what your drunk so leave cause I don't want to get hurt anymore."
"I'm sorry." He walks closer to me.
"Joe you're drunk you don't know what your saying so let's just go to bed."
"Ok." I get in bed and Joe gets in with me. He wraps one arm around me. "You know that I love you." I hear him say before I fall asleep.

The One - Joe Sugg - Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now