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Joe's P.O.V

I feel someone jump out of bed. I groan and sit up. I see the bathroom door open. I hear someone throwing up. "Emma?" I get up and walk to the bathroom. I see her huddled over the loo (The loo was what British people call the toilet) I hold her hair up and rub her back. "Are you ok?" I ask while she's brushing her teeth. "This is was happens when I drink. I was stupid and drunk last night and these are the consequences."
"Ohh you should have told me."
"It doesn't really matter." She walks out of the bathroom. "Do you have pain killers?"
"Yeah hold on." She gets up and walks out of the room. I lay back in bed. A few minutes later and she comes back. She hands me a glass of water and some pain killers. "Thanks." She nods and gets back in bed with me. I take the pain killers. I pull her closer. "I love you." She says
"I love you too." She gets out of bed and stretches. "I'm going to make breakfast."
"Ok." She walks out and closes the door I sit up and look around for my phone. I see a white envelope on her bedside table. It said 'The proof-Scott' What is the suppose to mean? I go to open it but then there was knock on the door. I quickly stick the envelope under Emma's pillow. "Come in." I run my hand through my hair. The door opens and I see Zoe walk in. "Hey good morning." I say and stand up. "Hey did you talk to Emma?"
"We had a little argument last night but I think it's all good now."
"Zoe can I tell you something but you can't tell anyone."
"Joe I won't."
"Ok." I sigh and get the envelope "I found this on her bedside table." I hand it to her and she looks at it. I sit on the bed
"It's from Scott?"
"What's in it?"
"I don't know." She sits next to me and opens it. She gasps. "Joe what the hell?"

Emma's P.O.V

I start making breakfast for everyone when Alfie walks up stairs. "Morning." I say
"Hey so what for breakfast?"
"Oh just bacon and eggs, I hope that's ok I don't feel the best this morning."
"That's fine, what's wrong?"
"I have a tummy ache and I have a headache."
"Ohhh what did you eat last night?"
"It's was because I drank last night."
"Ohhh." Then Zoe and Joe came up stairs. Zoe did not look happy. "Hey guys breakfast is almost ready." I smile.
"Good morning." Zoe says sitting at the breakfast bar next to Alfie. I turn back around finish making breakfast. I serve everyone breakfast except for me. "Aren't you going to eat?" Zoe asks me
"No I don't feel the best."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah plus I'm not hungry."
"Yes!" I laugh. "I'm going to take a shower." I say
"Ok." They all say. I walk down stairs and walk into my room. I see that I left the envelope on my bedside table. I quickly grab it and put it in a bag that I didn't use as much. I lim my towel and walk into the bathroom. I turn it on and I take off my clothes. I get in the shower. I get out of the shower after twenty minutes. I turn off the water. I wrap the towel around me and open the door. I see Joe laying on my bed. He turns and smirks. I smile and walk to my closet. I feel Joe wrap his arms around me and rest his chin on my shoulder. "Hey I was wondering if you want to go to New York with me."
"Are you serious?"
"I would love to." He kisses me. "Good cause I don't know if I can go a week without you."
"I'm sure you can." I give him a small kiss.
"When do we leave?"
"In two days."
"Um sure."
"When does Zoe and Alfie leave?"
"They are leaving tomorrow."
"Just in time."
"Mhmm, now let me get dressed."
"Fine." He says with a fake sad face
"Awe you're to cute." I kiss his cheek and look at my clothes to see what to wear. I get my clothes. Joe was on his phone, so I just changed out here. I drop my towel on the floor and Joe looks up. He smirks and looks back to his phone. I quickly change and put on some shoes. "Hey do mind if I vlog?" He asks me
"No go right ahead." I lay on the bed next to him. "Good morning guys." He starts off
"So I'm here with Emma."
"Wait I'm not ready." I jump up and hide my face. "What are talking about you're beautiful."
"My make up isn't done and my hair isn't even dry."
"Come and lay next to me."
"Please." He says with a puppy face. "Fine." I laugh and lay back next to me. He starts his vlog over and this time I couldn't run off. "So what are we doing today?" He asks me
"I don't know what do you want to do?"
"We should go to the park."
"Ok I'm up for that." I smile. He finishes his vlog and I get up. "I'm going to do my make up."
"Ok I'm going to my flat to get ready."
"Ok I'll tell Zoe and Alfie the plans."
"Ok bye." He kisses my forehead
"Bye." He leaves and go into my bathroom and start doing my make up. I finish and just straighten my hair. I walk out and see Zoe and Alfie on the couch watching Netflix. I walk up behind them. "So what are you guys watching?" I ask Zoe jumps
"God you scared me."
"You're fine." I sit next to them. I watch a little with them. "Oh guys me and Joe are going to the park today and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come?"
"I would, Alfie?"
"Sure." He shrugs
"Ok then." I smile. I stand up and say "I'll be in my room." They nod and I walk down stairs. I check the time it was 11:47. Shouldn't Joe be ready already? I dial Joe's number.

Ring ring ring

No answer. Ok I'll just text him.

'Hey so we're all ready to go text me when you're ready ××'

I set my phone down. Maybe I should get a new phone. I have the IPhone 5s in gold. I hear my phone go off. I pick it up and see he just texted me back.

'Hey sorry go carried away talking with Caspar, I'll be over in two minutes'


I turn off my phone and grab my bag. I walk up stairs. "Hey guys Joe's almost over."
"Ok." They stand up and put on there shoes. The doorbell rings. I open it Joe was standing there. "You guys ready?" Joe asks
"Yep let's go." Zoe says grabbing her bag. I get the picnic basket. We walk out and I grab Joe's hand but it was akward. I quickly let go and continue walking. We walk to the park and I had brought a blanket to sit on. I lay the blanket on the floor and set the basket on it. We all sit on it and Joe hadn't said a word to me. "Who's hungry?" I ask smiling. I get out the food and lay it so they can help themselves. "And here are the drinks." I hand everyone a bottle of water. I wasn't that hungry so I just ate a little. "Emma you have to eat more you didn't even eat breakfast." Zoe says
"I'm just not that hungry."
"Sure." I don't know what was wrong with me I just wasn't hungry. This hasn't happened sense I was depressed I wouldn't eat. I drink a little bit of my water. Joe was silent. "Hey Joe can I talk to you?"
He nods. He stands up and helps me up. We walk over to a bench and sit down. "Joe what's wrong?"
"Nothing I'm fine." He tries to smile
"That's a lie."
"I am really." He says while running his hand through his hair. "Ok what's really up?" He sighs
"Last night I was scared to lose you, I was scared that when I woke up you weren't going to be mine." He looks down
"Hey, you weren't going to lose me, Joe I'm here to stay. Remember this?" I say lifting his head up to look at me. I pull my necklace from under my shirt. "I'm still wearing it so I'm still yours." I kiss him. "I'm not going to stop being yours anytime soon." I say
"Good because I love you."
"I love you too."
"So we're good now?" I ask
"Yep." He stands up and grabs my hand. He was scared to lose me? That's why it was so akward. I felt like there was something else that he was hiding from me. I ignore the thought and push it far back into my mind. We walk back and sit next to Zoe and Alfie. The rest of the day we went to the mall and I got a new IPhone. We just really stayed in and watched movies. Joe didn't stay the night he said he was super busy and needed to work.


I take off my make up and wash my face. I brush my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail. I change into my pajamas and get into bed. I watch videos until I was getting tired so I closed my laptop and set it aside. I get comfy and fall asleep.

The One - Joe Sugg - Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now