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Joe's P.O.V

Today was the day. I was going to propose to Emma, the love of my life. I think it's the right time I mean we're having a baby together and I'm ready to spend my life with her. We got to here just yesterday and I'm proposing tonight. I hope she says yes.

"Buddy she'll say yes." Caspar says

"You don't know that."

"Joe she is having a baby with you she tells you she loves everyday she WILL say yes."

"Ok." I let out a sigh.

"Cheer up we're going to Coachella!"

"Fine." Emma was finishing getting ready and then we were going to leave.

"Alright I'm ready, sorry it took  so long." She looked beautiful. She grabs her bag and grabs my hand.

"What's wrong?" She asks squeezing my hand

"Nothing." I kiss her cheek

"Are you sure?"

"Yes love I'm fine." I smile

"Ok but if you aren't don't be afraid to tell me, I'm here for you."

"I know you are and I'm so grateful."

"I'm so grateful too." I kiss her.


I pull Emma from the crowd.

"What up?" She asks, I had made sure I didn't drink so I wouldn't be drunk.

"I need to ask you something but not here."

"Ok." We walk away from Coachella. I lead her to a place were I hade found last year it was beautiful. It was hidden too. I move the vines so Emma could see the beautiful place. She gasps

"Joe this is beautiful."

"I know like you." She blushes

"So are you." She kisses me.

"Come on." I pull her to the pond that was there. I had everything planed. I set the blanket down that I had left here this morning. We sit on the ground.

"Joe this is amazing."

"It's not over yet." I lean in and kiss her. We break the kiss.

"I brought something." I grabbing the box of chocolate covered strawberries and setting it in between us. I take off the lid and she smiles.

"Joe I love these."

"I know that's the reason I got them."

"I can't believe you remember."

"Why would I forget?" I say grabbing one and eating it.

"I don't know." She says grabbing one too.

Thirty minutes we put the rest away.

"Let's swim!" I say getting up

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"I got you one." I grab them from behind the bushes. I had everything I would need behind there.

"Was this planed?"

"Yep." I had her one that Zoe helped me pick out.

"Joe this is beautiful!" She says holding it up and looking at it. Her eyes glisten in the moon light.

"I'm glad you like it now put it on."

"Ok." She changes and I change too. We hold hands as we walked into the water.

"It's so cold!" She holds onto me. (A/N: quick fun fact I was listening to 'Cold Water' while writing this)

"It will get better." We walk deeper into the water. We got in until it was up to our chest.

"Joe this is perfect, it's quiet and just us." She wraps her arms around my neck

"Just us." I kiss her.

"Let's have fun!" She splashes me. We splashed eachother. I lift her up.

"Joe!" She says laughing. I set her on my shoulders. 

"Joe put me down it's cold." She says still laughing

"Jump off then."


"Jump off."


"Stand on my shoulders and jump up. I help her stand up. She gains her balance. She jumps up and goes into the water. I watch as her head comes above the water. She moves her hair out of her face.

"That was fun!"

"It's just getting started love." We just really swam around. Splashing eachother and laughing. I never wanted it to end. We eventually get out of the water. I wrap the towel around her and wrap my arms around her waist.

"Thanks for keeping me warm."

"Anything for you." We dry  ourselves and change.

"Emma I need to tell you something."

"Ok go on." She turns to me

"Emma from the first day I met you I knew you were the one. From the when I spilt my drink on you to when we went to the London Eye I was always by your side and I will aways be. You're amazing, beautiful, funny, talented, perfect." I kneel on one knee. She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. Tear formed in her eyes.

"Emma Bella Collins will you make me the world's happiest man alive and marry me?" I say, I pull out the little black box and open it to reveal a diamond ring.

"Yes!" I slid the ring in her finger. I hug her and spin her around.

Everyone comes our from behind the bushes. Emma looks around and smile. Niomi runs up to her. "Oh my gosh Emma you're engaged!" She say jumping up and down.

Emma's P.O.V

"Congratulations Emma!" Tanya says hugging me.


"If you want I help you plan your wedding."

"That would help a lot." She smiles and Joe comes and wraps his arms around me.

"So Joe when can we post pictures of you and Emma?" Zoe asks

"Right now." Joe says pressing something on his phone.

"What did you do?" I ask

"This." He shows me his phone. It was a tweet.

Joe_Sugg: '@Emma_Collins I love you so much and Um so glad that you're my girlfriend' 

"What if there's hate?"

"No what if it will be fine."



I can believe that I'm engaged. I walk out of the bathroom and get into the bed. Joe was still outside in the living room with Caspar and Oli. I scroll through Twitter reading what the viewers said. I read the hate but it didn't get me down. I was marrying Joe and that's all the mattered. I turn off my phone and set it on the bedside table. I lay in bed just thinking. The whole house was quite. I get up and walk to the living room. The boys were gone. "Joe?" I say walking around the house. I walk back to the room and grab my phone. I call Joe.

"Joe where are you?"

"Oh I just went out with the boys for a few drinks."

"Ok just be careful."

"Don't worry love I'll be fine."

"Mhmm bye."

"Bye love you."

"Love you too." I hang up and sigh. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. I get back into bed and fall asleep.

The One - Joe Sugg - Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now