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Emma's P.O.V

I put on a white shirt and black ripped jeans. I slip on my black and all black Vans. I go to my jewelry and open the drawer. I look through my jewelry and in the very back I find the necklace that Joe gave me. I put it on but stick it under my shirt so he wouldn't see it. I put on a different necklace and a ring on my right hand. I go into my bathroom and quickly do my make up. I check the time I still seven minutes. I put my hair in a high ponytail and pull out a very small section of my hair on both sides. I walk out, grab my bag and phone which was charging. I open the door and walk to Caspar's. I knock on the door. The door open and Caspar was standing there in shorts and shirtless. "Caspar we have to leave in two minutes!"
"I don't know what to wear!"
"Let me help you." I laugh and walk in. His clothes were everywhere. "Caspar?" I turn around
"What happened?" I ask
"I got nervous and freaked out."
"It's going to be ok."
"Thanks now help me!"
"Ok, ok, let's see." I look around for something he could wear. I hand him a gray shirt and black pants. "Put this on and just put on some shoes." He nods and starts to pull down his pants. I quickly cover my eyes. "Caspar wait till I leave!"
"Oh yeah." I uncover my eyes
"I'm going to get Joe."
"Just go through the bathroom."
"Ok." I walk into the bathroom and knock Joe's door. It opens and I see Joe in a white shirt and black ripped pants with his all black Vans. "Hey you ready?"
"Yeah let's go." He trys to pass me but I stop him. "Um Caspar is still changing we should go this way."
"Ok let's go." We walk down stairs and my mom walks in from the kitchen with a cup of tea. "Where are you two going?"
"Um we're just going roller skating with Caspar and some girl that he met."
"Oh, do you guys relize that you two are matching, white shirts, black ripped jeans, and all black Vans. Was this planed?"
"No." I laugh then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I turn around and see Caspar wearing the clothes that I gave him. Then he starts laughing. "What?" Joe asks
"You guys are matching."
"What's funny about that?"
"Nothing." I smile "Come on guys, wait mom can we use your car?"
"Sure just return safely."
"Ok mom we'll be fine."
"Bye mom." I kiss her cheek "Bye Emma." We all say goodbye and go to the car. Joe starts to get into the driver's side. "Um Joe that's the driver's side."
"Ohh whoops forgot we were in Orlando." I nod and get in. He gets in the other side. I turn on the car. "Caspar are we meeting her there or picking her up?"
"Um picking her up this is the address." He hands Joe his phone. "Her address is (her address)."
"Oh that's just around the corner."
"Great." Caspar says. I drive to her house and honk the horn. The front door opens and out comes a girl. She was wear a blue shirt with jeans and blue converse. She had amazing light brown hair and brown eyes with freckles covering her cheeks. Caspar gets out and opens the door for her. "Thank you." I hear her say. She gets in and Caspar gets in after her. "Hi I'm Emma Collins."
"Yeah I know who you are."
"Wait that sounded weird I mean like I'm a fan so I know who you are." She says while blushing
"I understand." I smile
"Hi Joe." She greets Joe
"Oh by the way I'm Sofia but you can call me sofie." I nod and start driving. We get to the roller skating place and I park the car. I turn off the car and we all get out. "Come on!" Caspar says taking Sofie's hand. I feel Joe take my hand. "Let's go." He says and we walk in. We get there and go to pay. "I'll pay for myself." I say taking out my wallet
"I can pay for you."
"You can but I'm not letting you." I hand the lady my card. She scans it and hands it back to me plus my ticket to be able to get my skates. "Thank you." She nods and I stand back to let Joe pay. He pays and we walk in. We see Caspar with Sofie getting their skates. "Over there." I say pointing to the desk that Caspar was at. "Ok." We walk there and Caspar and Sofie wait for us. "What size?" The man asks me "Size six." He nods and gets a pair of skates. He hands them to me. Joe gets his skates and we go to put them on. I put them on and try to stand up but I slip a little. I sit back down. "Do you need help?" Joe asks
"Yeah." I say ashamed
"It's ok you haven't skated before so it ok." I nod and he takes my hands and helps me up. I stand up and almost fall. I grip onto Joe's arms. "Come on." He wraps his arm around my waist and helps me get to the rink. I hold on to the side. "You can do it." Joe says
"Let me try." I let go of the side. I was able to stand. "Ok now try to go forward." I try to go forward but I slip and fall. I try to stand up but then someone yells. "Watch out!" And I fall again. I turn around and see Caspar laughing and sofie laughing a little. "Thanks a lot Caspar." I say sarcastically
"Your fine." He helps me up and I dust of my pants. I tighten my ponytail and I hold onto the side to turn back around. I see Joe surrounded by a whole lot of girls. I sigh and stand there. I turn to Caspar and see he was surrounded by girls too and Sofie was at the side alone. I 'skate' to her and by 'skate' I mean hold onto the side and drag myself to her. "Hey." She turns to me
"So you having fun?"
"I guess I mean we only made it once around the rink before people saw them."
"How come people haven't came up to you?"
"I don't know but I know some subscribers would be a little rude."
"Yeah I saw the comments on your last video." I nod
"Let's go get a drink." I say
"Sure." She helps me back to the seats and I put my shoes back on. We walk to the snack area and I get a bottle of water. I sit down at a table and just talk about things. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see two girls smiling. "Hi." I smile
"Oh my god can we get a picture!?"
"Sure." I stand up and take a few pictures with them. I sit back down with Sofie. "So where were we?" I ask
"When you were five years old."


"Where are the boys?" Sofie asks standing up
"I don't know it's been over an hour." I stand up and get my phone from my back pocket. I dial Joe's number.

Ring ring ring

No answer. "God what if something bad happened!?"
"I'm sure they are fine." I try to not sound worried. I feel someone grab my arm. "Don't say anything." I hear a very familiar voice
"Scott leave me alone."
"I'm sorry I can't do that."
"Cause your dad sent me."
"What are you talking about." I see Sofie getting held by Anthony, Scott's friend. "Yeah your dad told me to look after you when he was gone and that's what I'm going to do."
"Scott please let me go."
"I can't let's go." He takes my hand and drags my out. He takes me to his car and opens the door. "Get in." He pushes me
"Don't fucking touch me."
"I'll touch you when I want and where ever I want."
"Fuck off." He laughs and shoves Sofie into the car too. She was already crying. "Hey its going to be ok." I give her a side hug.
"No it won't and this time Joe or anyone will save you."
"They will save us!" Sofie yells
"Oh honey we already took care of them."
"What did you dicks do to them!?" I yell
"Let's just say they won't be able to do anything."
"You won't get away with this Scott!"
"Watch me."
"Watch me." I mock
"Shut the fuck up!" Scott yells at me
"No!" He stops the car and gets out. He opens the door. "Get out and don't you dare to make a run for it was have people to stop you." Sofie gets out and I get out too. We walk into the house. It looked super nice and was huge. "Follow me." Scott says. He leads us down to the basement. The lights turn on and I see Joe and Caspar sitting in chairs with their arms and legs tied to the chairs and tape over their mouths. "Joe!" I run to him. "Back away from him." I hear Scott say. I see Joe's eyes widen. I feel something cold touch my temple. I could see at the corner of my eye that Scott had a gun. "Ok." I put my hands in the air and back away from Joe. "Sit there." Scott says pointing to a chair. I walk to the chair and sit down. Anthony comes with ropes. Soon I was tied to the chair. They didn't put tape on my mouth. Sofie was tied to a chair too. "Now where we're we?..... oh right now I can't take care of you if Joe's here." He pulls out a knife. "No stop you won't need to take care of me if I'm gone." He turns to me
"You're going to have to make me kill you." He walks up to me
"Just please don't hurt my friends." He walks up behind me. I see Anthony walk up the Joe and rip of the tape. "Ow!" Joe yells in pain
"Anthony get the camera, I can't wait to see the reation." They untie me and Joe but we both knew we couldn't run so there was no point. "One, two, THREE." I hear Scott say before there was a sharp pain in my stomach.  I scream in pain. He stabbed me. "EMMA!" Joe yells as I fall to the ground. Anthony let's go of Joe and Joe runs to me. He sits on the floor next to me. "Emma you can't die." I see Joe hover over me tears falling down his face
"Joe. I. love. you." Was all I could get out as I clutch my stomach. I hear another scream. I try to sit up. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" I hear Caspar shout. He stabbed Sofie. Then the door opens and I look up and see Dylan walk in with the police. "Emma!" He runs to me as the cops pin Scott and Anthony down. "Sir we need you to move away from the lady." I hear someone tell Dylan and Joe. I no longer feel Joe's warm arms holding me. I feel someone lift me and lay me on something probably a stretcher. All I could see was the ceiling. Soon we were outside. I feel getting lifted again. Then I see white. "Put the oxygen mask on she's losing a lot of blood hury." I hear a man say next thing I knew I had a oxygen mask on.

A/N: Hey guys! So recently a friend published a story and it's really good so if you want to read her book her account is, sweetpersonhere please give it a read and remember to vote to help her keep on going. Also vote on this chapter! Bye!

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