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Emma's P.O.V

"Wake up love." I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Joe leaning over me. I smile. I sit up and look around we were in my room. "Good morning birthday girl."
"Thanks." I hug him
"We have an amazing day planed get dressed."
"Ok." I get up and go to my closet. "Oh Zoe already chose an outfit for you it in the bathroom."
"Ok." I smile and walk into the bathroom. I see a outfit neatly folded and with a note on it.

'Happy birthday Emma! Here I picked out your outfit for today hope you like it!
P.s. it's a little cold outside'

I smile and get in the shower. I get dressed. I open the door and Joe was on my bed on his phone. "How do I look?"
"Amazing." He stands up and walk over to me. "And beautiful, cute, gorgeous, pretty. It makes me wonder how lucky did I get to have a girl like you in my arms." He as he wrap his arms around and I blush
"You got lucky? out of over 6 million people you chose me."
"Cause you're different you don't whine, just want me because of my looks, nosey, freak out if I leave and not tell you where I'm going."
"Thanks and I don't freak out when you leave and not tell me because I know that you can handle yourself and I trust you." I give him a peck on the lips.
"Go finish getting ready gorgeous." I blush and nod. I walk to the bathroom and start doing my make up a little lighter. I blow dry my hair and I curl the tips of my hair and twist a very small section of my hair back to add something different I add a cute red bow. I walk out but this time Joe wasn't here. I put on some small ankle boots and walk up stairs. I see Zoe in the kitchen mixing something. Joe and Alfie were gone. "Hey." I say to Zoe
"Happy birthday!" She hugs me.
"Thanks, where are the boys?"
"Oh there outside doing something."
"Oh ok do you know what?"
"Something to with Joe's car or something I didn't pay attention when they told me."
"Oh ok do you want me to help you?"
"No no your the birthday girl you just sit back and relax."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes now go." Zoe says pushing me out of the kitchen. I laugh and sit on the couch. I get my laptop from the coffee table. I start to edit mine and Zoe's video. The door opens. I turn to the door and see Joe and Alfie walk in. "Happy birthday Emma." Alfie hugs me
"Thanks." I sit back down and Joe sits down next to me. "What are you doing?"
"Um editing my video with Zoe."
"Zoe is the food ready yet?" Joe asks Zoe
"Yeah let's eat." She sets the pancakes on the table and I get up and go to the table. I sit down with everyone else. "Thanks Zoe."
"No problem." We eat our breakfast. "Are you ready?" Joe asks
"Yeah where are we going?"
"It's a surprise." Joe says with a smirk
"Fine." I stand up and Joe puts on his shoes. I grab my phone and bag. He takes my hand and opens the door. "Be careful kids!" I hear Zoe say as Joe closes the door. I laugh and we walk to Joe's car he opens the door for me and I get in. "Thank you."
"Your welcome." He walks to the other side and gets in. He starts driving and plays music. After the fourth song I ask "Joe did you make a playlist of my favorite songs?"
"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.
"No problem." He sets his hand on my thigh stroking it with his thumb. I start to fall asleep. "Love you can sleep if you want."
"Ok thank you." I close my eyes and fall asleep.


"Love wake up we're here."
"Mm, Joe." I say waking up I sit up and look around. "Were here!" Joe says
"We're at the London Eye!" I say
"I always wanted to come here."
"I remember you told me."
"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.
"It was nothing." He opens the door and runs to my side as I start to open the door he opens it for me. "Thanks." He nods and grabs my hand.
"Are we going to go on it?" I ask
"Yeah come on." We wait in line and we finally get into a pod there was just Joe, I and a few people on it. I get my phone from my bag and me and Joe take a selfie together. I post it with the caption 'A day with him on my b-day!' On instagram. We take another picture for Joe. Joe wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. "I love you." He wispers into my ear
"I love you too." We come to a stop and we had to get off. We walk off. "Let's go get ice cream!" Joe says
"Ok." I laugh. We find an ice cream cart and Joe orders his and I order mine. "That will be £2.13." The nice lady says smiling
"Here you go." Joe hands her the money
"Have a nice day, you guys are a cute couple."
"Thank you." I say smiling. I grab Joe's hand and we start walking around while eating our ice cream. "I've had fun today."
"It's just getting started love." He kisses my cheek. We sit at a bench and Joe pulls out a little box. My eyes widen. "Don't worry I'm not proposing." I laugh
"Ok so what is it?"
"This." He opens the box and I see a necklace with a J and a heart on it. "So you know that I'm yours." I smile
"Thank you, thank you so much." I give him a hug.
"It's nothing." Then he pulls out something from his shirt. It was the same necklace but with a E on it. "And this is for me so I know that you're mine." He smiles and looks up at me
"I'm yours right?" He asks and I laugh
"Of course." I rest my head on his shoulder. Then his phone buzzes. He looks at it and does something. "Come on we need to go were meeting Zoe and Alfie for lunch." Joe says standing up. I stand up too and Joe grabs my hand. We walk to Joe's car and get in. Joe drives us to my favorite restaurant. We get out and we walk to the restaurant. He opens the door for me. We walk in. "Table for eleven under the name Sugg."
"Oh yes right this way."
"Eleven people?" I ask Joe
"I thought it was just me, you, Zoe and Alfie?"
"Just wait." She leads us to an area blocked off with a wall from the rest or the restaurant. She opens the door and all I hear is "SUPRIZE!!!!" the lights turn on and all my friends. Zoe, Alfie, Caspar, Taylor, Will, Marcus, Niomi, Dan, Phil, Tanya, Jim, Oli and of course Louise jump up. I couldn't help but to smile. They all come and hug me and wish me happy birthday. "Thanks." I hug Tanya.
"Your welcome." She says with her gorgeous smile. I sit down and Joe sits down next to me. We all find something that we would want and order. The food gets here and we all dig in. Joe takes out his vlogging camera. "Hi guys so I'm here with Emma." He points the camera as I take a bite out of my food. He laughs "Guys this is a wild Emma." I clean my mouth and smile. "Hey!"
"I'm keeping that in."
"Edit it out."
"Nope my camera."
"Fine." He vlogs a little more then starts eating. We all ate our food and had a laugh so far this was the best day of my life. The check came and she handed it to Joe. He pulls out his wallet. He hands the waitress his card. We all leave a tip for the waitress and leave. We all go our separate ways. Me and Joe get in Joe's car and he turns it on. "So where to next?" I ask
"You'll see." He takes us to the mall. He parks and we get out. "Come on or we'll be late." He takes me to a little area. "What are we doing here?"
"This." He grabs his phone and does something. The door open and in comes a girl. "Oh my gosh it really you!" She starts to tear up. She hugs Joe. "Happy birthday Emma." She hugs me and gives me a little bag. "Aww thank you so much." We take a picture and she leaves. "Is this a meet and greet in the mall?"
"Yep so you get to meet my subscribers and yours on your birthday."
"Thank you." I go to kiss him just then the door opens. "Oh my god did I just walk in a Jemma kiss!" The girl says jump up and down. I blush a little.


We walk around looking at the shops. We walk into a store that had very nice clothes but they were also very expensive. "So what are we doing here?"
"Pick out a dress for tonight."
"What no! This place is way to expensive."
"I don't care as long as it's for you it's fine."
"Please just pick one out its fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!" He laughs
"Fine." I look at the dresses. I find a few that I liked. "And there's this one." I walk out of the dressing room. He looks up from his phone. His jaw drops. "You look beyond gorgeous." I blush
"Thank you."
"I like this on you best."
"Then I'll get this one." I walk back into the room and change into my clothes. I walk out and Joe was ready to go. "Come love let's go pay." He takes my hand and leads me to check out. He pays and we leave. "Thank you so much for this."
"It was nothing." He kisses my cheek. We go to his car. I get in and he gets in the other side. He drives us to my apartment. He parks and we get out. We go to my apartment door. I unlock it and open the door. I see everyone that we had lunch with. I turn to Joe who was smiling very happily. "Suprize!" He says. I laugh
"Another suprize?"

The One - Joe Sugg - Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now