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Jacob's POV

Abbey and I didnt really start out on the right foot yesterday. I decided to try to become friends with her. For Rachel😍

I didnt know what to do so I texted Rachel.

me- hey baby girl💞

Rachel😍🔐- hey Sartorius❤️

me- what's up💖

Rachel😍🔐- not much. wbu?

me- oh just thinking of a way to get Abbey to stop hating me🤔💭

Rachel😍🔐- she doesn't hate u. she thinks u hate her.

me- well that's reasonable. anyways, do u know anyway to get her to stop thinking that I hate her?

Rachel😍🔐- nothing romantic (flowers, food, etc.) Carson lives a few neighborhoods away🌸🍔🚪

me- yikes😁

Rachel😍🔐- yeah. anyways, she likes rings💍

me- okay...

Rachel😍🔐- well?

me- that's a good idea👍🏽💯

Rachel😍🔐- thx. I gtg. sewing dance costumes💃🏼

me- k. have fun💙🔐

I sat back in my chair. Abbey likes rings💍 I saw a couple of rings on her fingers yesterday. And she slipped more on after she got out of the pool.

Hopefully Carson wont get jealous😁💚


This was it. I was on Abbey's doorstep. I had a box of rings in my right hand (rings are in photo at top)

I knocked on the front door. A tall girl who looked to be about 21 opened the door.

"Hello, who are you?" the girl asked.

"Jacob Sartorius. Who are you?" I replied.

"My name's Kalani. Who are you here for?" the girl smiled.

"Uh, Abbey?" I mumbled.

"Abbey? But she already has a boyfriend," Kalani replied, confused.

"No, I'm Rachel's boyfriend. We were just at the pool yesterday and we didn't get off on a good start," I said sheepishly. Kalani nodded and opened the door, inviting me in.

"Chase!" Kalani screamed. "CHASE!!!"

A tall boy came in. He had short dark brunette hair and a freckled face. He looked to be the mean one of the group. He scowled at me before looking at Kalani.

"What do you want, Kalani?" he growled.

"Show him up to Abbey's room," Kalani commanded. He scowled again and then stomped upstairs. We came to the fourth floor before Chase stopped.He pointed at a large room. The door was closed, and I could see it was a collage. There were pictures of her and Carson, her and Rachel, and her with her family and other friends. It looked really good! Chase nodded softly on the door.

"Abbey? You have a visitor," Chase said. His scowl was replaced with a smile. It seemed that all of her siblings liked her the best. Maybe it was because she was the youngest. I don't know.

The door opened and Abbey came out. I never noticed how pretty she was. She had long curly blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. She had tan skin and a couple of freckles on her nose and cheeks. She also looked very skinny and strong. She also looked to be about, what? 4'5?

"What's up Chase?" she smiled. Chase pointed his finger towards me. She followed his finger and stopped at me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked softly. I sighed.

"I'm here to say sorry. I'm not proud of how I acted yesterday so I got you some rings. Like friendship rings," I said.

Abbey looked in the box. "They're beautiful!" she gasped. She took out the rings and slid them onto her finger☝💍

I have to admit, Abbey does love rings. I look into her room and see a jewelry box only filled with rings. There are other jewelry boxes to, containing necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc.

"Thank you Jacob!" Abbey smiles.

"So, are we friends now?" I ask.

"Friends," Abbey smiles.

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