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Neymar and Natasha were halfway through painting the baby's room. Both were getting extremely tired and hungry.

Natasha was holding onto her back while she ran the paintbrush up and down the wall in rhythm with the music that Neymar was blasting around the house. She didn't understand the song fully due to it being in Portuguese but it was catchy none the less.

"Why don't we go out for dinner?" Neymar asked as he sat down his paintbrush.

"Sure, where do you want to go?" Natasha asked putting down her paintbrush as well.

"How about Italian?" Neymar asked.

"Sure." Natasha smiled. She quickly went and washed her arms which were covered in paint splatters.

She walked out to see Neymar smiling at her. She laughed and picked up her jacket before they walked downstairs and into the car park. They climbed into Neymar's car before they drove out where the paparazzi were going crazy taking pictures of them.

They were screaming questions at them about the pregnancy and other relationships that they had. Neymar was now seeing a Brazilian model while before her pregnancy, Natasha was linked to a Spanish actor.

"They don't give up, do they?" Neymar asked with a laugh making Natasha nod.

"Yeah, but they need to get paid so I understand why." Natasha explained.

Neymar drove with Natasha to a small Italian restaurant in the outskirts of Barcelona. It was where there would be less paparazzi and less people who would attract attention.

They ordered their food, Natasha got arrabiata pasta while Neymar just got a pizza.

"So are you going out with that actor, what's his name?" Neymar asked making Natasha smile.

"Patrice Blanco, and yes I was seeing him. But we stopped."


"Cause he was still into this model he was seeing." Natasha explained.

"Well isn't he a dick?" Neymar exclaimed.

"Yeah he is." Natasha smiled as their food came out.

"So tomorrow do you want to go out baby shopping?" Neymar asked.

"Sure, we can get baby outfits and stuff."

"Yeah, I'll go to Madrid as well so we can get for you." Neymar smiled.

Natasha did too. She didn't expect that Neymar would be so hands on with this pregnancy. She'd always heard that Neymar was a playboy that fucked around with everyone. It was a good surprise. Neymar was clearly a good father.

"What are you smiling about?" Neymar questioned with a laugh.

"You. You gave me a nice surprise. I thought you'd be a playboy who just didn't care. But you're not."

"Well I'm glad I surprised you." Neymar said taking a drink of his water.

An hour later and they finished their dinner. For a while they drove around Barcelona. Neymar showed her some tourist attractions and the beautiful city. Natasha admitted it was nice but she said she preferred Madrid.

"Hala Madrid!" She shouted in the car making Neymar laugh

"Força Barca!" Neymar shouted and for the rest of the ride they kept on going.

When they arrived back at Neymar's apartment, Natasha went straight to her bed in Neymar's spare room.

However, Neymar stayed up for a while in the baby's room. He looked with a smile and thought about what was going to come in his future.


Another little chapter for you all.

I'm back at school now and I hate it so so so so so much. It's just so boring and I have so many free periods and I've got literally nothing to do.

Thanks for reading!  

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