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William was now out of the hospital, He was slowly getting better and he wasn't as sick as before. Natasha and Neymar decided that it would be better to stay with William in Barcelona. It was an easy decision for both of them to make. Both wanted to stay and take care of their child.

Natasha and Neymar were lying on his couch watching some of the La Liga highlights. They were leaning against each other on his L shaped couch with cosy blankets covering them.

"So are Barcelona going to win the league?" Natasha asked with a small laugh. She looked up at him with a small smile.

"Of course!"

"Well Real are quite close so you've got competition." Natasha pointed out.

"I have faith in my team Tasha. I never doubt them." Neymar said making Natasha laugh.

Natasha then pulled out her phone and scrolled through Instagram. She liked a few pictures before seeing a picture that Neymar had posted of him and William.

"Oh my God! That's so cute!" She exclaimed showing Neymar his picture.

"I know. I look so hot in it." Neymar smirked making Natasha roll her eyes.

"That's debateable." She said sarcastically making Neymar scoff.

"You're just jealous. I'm one of the hottest footballers out!"

"Nope, I know a lot more that are nicer looking." Natasha stated making Neymar look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Show me them." Natasha turned to face Neymar and searched up the three of the most handsome footballers she had ever seen.

Claudio Marchisio, Mats Hummels and Aaron Ramsey graced her screen.

Natasha smiled as Neymar just shook his head.

"They're so nice looking don't even deny it!" He exclaimed while hitting him lightly on the shoulder making him laugh.

"I'll admit that Claudio and Mats have good style but Aaron ruined it by dying his hair bleach blonde."

"No he didn't."

"I suited blonde better."

"I'm not disagreeing with that." Natasha smiled down at him making him smile too.

Neymar and Natasha were so close. Both loved each other but they didn't know it. They loved the way they were around each other and knew that they had great chemistry together.

"You're an amazing mother Tasha." Neymar whispered, leaning up before tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you, you're a great father too." She blushed as Neymar looked at her with his beautiful big eyes.

"You're beautiful." He stated making Natasha widen her eyes as he moved closer.

"What are you doing?" She asked as he neared closer to her.

"I'm going to kiss you. Stop me if you don't want to." Neymar whispered as he placed a hand on her cheek. Natasha didn't stop him. Neymar slowly pressed his lips to hers. Soon they were moving against each other and embracing each other.

It was the first time they had kissed since they hooked up that night after the Ballon D'or ceremony.

When the two broke away from each other they smiled and then started kissing each other again before they both made their way to Neymar's bedroom.


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I hope you enjoyed. Please read my new Robert Lewandowski story and my Antoine Griezmann story, I'd really love that.

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