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Natasha woke and looked out the window to the beautiful city of Barcelona; however it couldn't out do the city of Madrid that she loved.

She got dressed and then met Neymar in his living room.

"Good morning." Natasha said with a huge smile on her face. She felt refreshed and happy. She knew today was going to be a good day.

"Morning, I made you some breakfast." Neymar said, pointing to his kitchen making Natasha smile.

Neymar smiled too. He was still not over the fact that he was going to be a father again. He admired Natasha who was dressed in a simple blue summer dress. She was so strong even though he knew that she was upset that she wasn't able to play football anymore. But she distracted herself from the thought because she was going to be a mother.

"So we're going baby shopping today?" Neymar asked.


Five minutes later Natasha was finished and they were walking out of the apartment and heading to Neymar's car in the car park. As soon as they pulled out the paparazzi were quickly snapping pictures of the pair.

"Are you still seeing that model?" Natasha asked and Neymar nodded.

"Alice? Yeah."

Natasha wasn't jealous. She was actually happy for Neymar. It was just a physical connection between them for one night; now they were friends who just so happened to be having a baby together.

"Is she really okay with this?" Natasha asked as she placed the palm of her hand on her baby bump.

"Yeah, well she says she is..." Neymar trailed off.

"You really don't know women..." Natasha trailed off with a roll of her eyes.

Neymar was confused. Natasha explained the situation to him. Alice probably wasn't too happy about it but still liked Neymar so she stayed with him. He just needed to be sweet and kind to her to prove that there was nothing more between them.

They arrived at the baby shop around ten minutes later. They both avoided the flashes of the paparazzi who were running after them. They luckily escaped them just as they walked into the shop. However, they still stood outside snapping pictures from opposite side of the window.

"This is cute." Natasha said, holding up some baby clothes.

"Okay." Neymar said with a small smile. When Carolina was pregnant with Davi; he didn't go baby shopping with her. Neymar just let her do the shopping because he was too busy playing for Santos.

Natasha smiled and walked with Neymar around the shop. They didn't get too much for the baby but the clothes they did get, they bought in a larger size because they didn't know what size the baby would be.

They walked out of the shop and were greeted by paparazzi swarming them.

"Watch guys!" Neymar shouted. "Give her space!" Neymar had one arm around Natasha's back with the other outstretched to push the paparazzi away.

Natasha could tell that he was getting annoyed but she tried to move quicker and away from them so he wouldn't have to show his anger.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked the moment they were safely in the car.

"Yeah." Neymar muttered before driving away.

They got home and ordered in dinner. Natasha stayed the night and then the next morning she got on the first plane back to Madrid.


Another little chapter for you all.

I'm having so much fun watching the Euro's even though I'm in school and can't watch most of the games.

I hope you all enjoyed this.

Thanks for reading!  

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