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It had been a year and a half since Natasha and Neymar welcomed baby William to the world. Neymar was continuing his success in Barcelona and Natasha was now about to go back to training for Real Madrid.

Natasha was extremely excited for this. She was finally able to get back to work and do something she loves.

William would go to her parents while she was at training. Every week, Natasha would have William from Monday to Thursday. On Thursday night, she would travel up to Barcelona with William or Neymar would travel down to Madrid to pick him up. It usually rotated every week.

Right now, William was in Barcelona with Neymar and I was in the middle of training. It was so nice seeing her friends and coaches again. Straight away she got back into the swing of things.

She practiced her shooting accuracy and honed in on her skills.

However, when they were talking about the game that was coming up at the weekend, they told Natasha that she wouldn't be included in the lineup or the substitutes. Natasha was devastated that she wasn't able to play, but she understood their reasoning.

Natasha went home with a small frown on her face. The moment she got washed she went on Facetime to Neymar.

"Say hello Mamãe!" Neymar shouted down the phone while holding their little baby William in his arms. William was able to say a few words. He was mostly able to speak in Spanish due to the majority of people he came across would speak in Spanish. However at the same time Natasha was teaching him Russian and Italian while Neymar was teaching him Catalan and Portuguese. They were probably confusing poor William, but it didn't stop them.

"I miss you so much." Natasha said with a smile.

"I didn't know you felt that way about me." Neymar grinned jokingly making Natasha roll her eyes.

"Shut up, you know I was talking to William." Natasha smiled.

They spoke for hours but eventually William was getting tired.

"Just stay on because I want to talk to you." Neymar said making Natasha nod. Neymar sat his phone down and Natasha waited. She could hear him putting William to bed while singing some songs. It made Natasha smile.

In a few minutes, Neymar came back with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I was going to ask you how training was." Neymar explained with a smile.

"It was good." Natasha said smalley. She was slightly embarrassed about not being called up for the team.

"It wasn't Natasha. I'm not stupid. I can tell by your voice." Neymar stated making Natasha bite her lip.

"I wasn't called up for the next match and I'm just a little sad about it." Natasha explained.

"Really? I thought you'd get called up straight away, you're the best in the team!" Neymar exclaimed.

"Well I'm not anymore. I actually don't think they're going to call me up for a while so I'm probably just going to hit the gym to keep training and getting better." Natasha explained.

"You should definetly be called up soon. I'd be surprised if you didn't."

"Yeah but now I have the burden of those months off and there are people in the team who have excelled with me not being there." Natasha explained as some tears welled up in her eyes. She hated the thought of falling behind everyone.

"Natasha don't cry. Don't doubt yourself because I believe in you, so does your family and so does William. We all love you and you will be great."

Neymar and Natasha had gotten extremely close over the time they have spent together. They now have a good friendship and care for each other.

"Thanks." She whispered and wiped away her tears.

"Hey, maybe you should just move to Barcelona. The best team in the world." Neymar exclaimed making Natasha shake her head.

"Not in a million years."

"I can wait that long." Neymar joked.

The two then said goodbye and Neymar again emphasized to Natasha that she was extremely talented which made her feel better before going to sleep.


So I was thinking about publishing a new story but I don't know who about. I think maybe Marco Reus because I love him sosososososossoso much.

*EDIT* I publish a new Robert Lewandowski book and I'd really appreciate it if you read it!

I really hope you enjoyed this.

Thanks for reading!

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