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Neymar and Natasha decided to keep the pregnancy as secretive as possible. Natasha kept out of the public eye as best as she could and wore loose fit clothing. Obviously her team and friends knew, as well as Neymar's, but eventually her lack of game time would become the question on everyone's lips.

"Neymar I'm going to have to announce it soon. People are starting to wonder." Natasha said as she sat on the couch in her apartment while Neymar got a drink.

Over the past four months they became close and were actually friends.

"Well I'll announce it with you. We can take one of those cute picture together." Neymar suggested sitting down across from her.

"Sure, or we could just post pictures of the pregnancy scans?"

"Oh my god yes! And we don't post a caption but everyone puts two and two together and it blows up." Neymar exclaimed excitedly making Natasha laugh.

She then jerked at the kicking of the baby inside her.

"Here feel." She said taking his hand in hers before placing it on her growing stomach. Neymar smiled and laughed.

"Is your son excited?" She asked and Neymar nodded.

"Yeah, he's happy he's getting a little brother."

"I can't wait to meet him." Natasha smiled.

Neymar had told her many different stories about Davi. She already knew he had a child with another woman when he was younger and still in Brazil.

"We should probably get that picture taken." Natasha said getting up from the couch with Neymar.

The picked out the simplest baby scan before both taking picture before posting it to Instagram with no captions.

Within minutes people had reacted. Gossip columns acted like they had know all the time while others try to connect the dots to when it happened.

Their managers also weren't happy that they didn't discuss it with them first.

Neymar watched as Natasha sassed her manager.

Natasha was wild, and Neymar liked that about her. 


Well I have a job interview tomorrow and I kind of don't want to get it. That's terrible but it's the truth. I just want to relax and not have any responsibilities.

Also can we talk about Marco not being fit for the Euros. I cried so much. He had such a good season with not many injuries.

Yet, he still gets fucking injured.

Thanks for reading!

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