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After months and months of waiting on the bench for a game, Natasha was finally given the opportunity to play in the starting line up for Real Madrid. The moment she found out she phoned Neymar. Natasha didn't know why she phoned him first. She needed to tell someone about it.

"Hello." Neymar answered the phone quickly with a smile when he realised that Natasha was phoning him. He had William right now so while he was on the phone, William was pushing a football around on the floor at his feet.

"I'm starting! Finally, I'm starting in the next game!" She screamed down the phone making Neymar smile.

"That's amazing Tasha. I'm so happy for you!" Neymar smiled, while helping William back to his feet after he fell.

"Thanks, I just needed to tell someone and you were the first person I thought of to call." Natasha explained with a small smile.

"Why I'm honoured. Will you get me and William a ticket? I want to come see you play." Neymar asked which made Natasha let out a small smile.

"Of course. I'll see you then."

When the game came, Neymar and William stayed with Natasha in her flat. From the moment he saw her, Neymar knew that Natasha was nervous. Her nails were bitten right down and her cuticles were ruined. She was always biting her lip and scratching away her arms.

When William was finally asleep and Natasha and Neymar were sitting on her couch watching some TV.

"Natasha you shouldn't me nervous." Neymar announced making Natasha look at him with a confused look on her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked while bringing her sleeves over her hands. She cured in her head in Russian because she knew that Neymar could tell.

"Tasha, you look like you've seen a ghost. You're one of the best players I've ever seen- including men- you've just gotten in a slump and have lost your confidence because you've not been playing. But I believe in you and so does your family. You're going to do great." Neymar smiled while reaching over to hold her hand which made Natasha smile wide.

"Thank you." She whispered. Neymar leaned over and kissed her forehead before going to bed.

The next day Natasha was jumping up and down in the tunnel as she awaited for everyone to walk out. She took Neymar's advice and tried to not be nervous, but occasionally her nervous would peak out.

The moment the game started, she tried her best to get the ball and help her team. Soon she got back into the swing of things and she was playing like she used to.

The team were awarded a corner. Natasha held her ground as one defender from the other team got too close to her. She ran about and tried to get away from the defender. As the ball was kicked into the box, she jumped up and headed the ball down into the net.

Her first goal back in the team. Talia and Serina jumped on top of her in celebration. Natasha could feel herself going to cry but she stopped so she wouldn't be embarrassed. She was so happy, she couldn't believe that on her first game back that she scored.

After the game she met William and Neymar. Straight away she ran to Neymar and William. She brought her son up into her arms and covered him in kisses before looking up at Neymar with a big smile.

"That goal was due to you. You gave me confidence again." Natasha said while looking up at him.

"No, that was all you Tasha. I'm so happy for you." The two then game into a hug and neymar kissed her hair which made her close her eyes in happiness.

Neymar always knew how to make her happy.


So Germany (my team) have been put out and I'm literally in tears. I've never been so upset in all my life. That penalty shouldn't have been given because it wasn't deserving of a penalty and the referees was awarding France all of these free kicks and shit which shouldn't have been given.

Anyway, here is some shameless self-promotion. I'd love it if you could check out my new book called The Affair. It's a Robert Lewandowski story and it's set back in the 2013-2014 season when he was still playing for Borussia Dortmund (my babies).

I hope you all enjoyed.

Thanks for reading!  

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