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 Natasha was back in Madrid. Every spare day Neymar had, he would fly down to Madrid to see his baby William. They found a good system of letting Williams see both his parents equally.

Natasha sat in her house with her friends from Real Madrid who were in awe of the small baby boy who was giggling around with some toys. He was in a random outfit which consisted of a Barcelona jersey and Real Madrid shorts.

"Still can't believe you have a baby Tasha." Her friend, Serina said with a small smile on her face.

"I know, I still can't believe it too." Natasha smile.

"And with the enemy!" Talia exclaimed making Natasha roll her eyes.

"Shut up. You like Neymar. You said he was nice."

"Yeah but he's just playing for the wrong team." Talia smiled as Natasha fixed William's clothes.

"Is Neymar coming down this weekend?" Serina asked.

"He's actually on his way right now. They're playing Atletico." Natasha explained. Neymar was allowed to miss the last game of training so he could see William for most of the day before the game tomorrow.

Talia and Serina stayed for dinner and helped Natasha setup.

Just as they were about to sit down, there was a knock at the door.

"William, I think Daddy is here." Natasha said as she picked up William from the floor.

"She calls him Daddy!" Talia and Serina shouted making Natasha glare at them.

"Shut up." She said while opening the door. She smiled when she saw Neymar. He jumped at them making William laugh.

"Hello my Guilherme!" Neymar exclaimed, making William laugh along with Natasha.

"Say hello Daddy!" Natasha said with a smile before handing William over to him. "You're just in time for food." Natasha said as Neymar walked in. She smiled at the sight of her son with his father.

"Did you cook it? Are you going to poison me so Real Madrid may have a chance to win the league?" Neymar joked making Natasha and her Real Madrid team mates laugh.

"Yes I did, but no I didn't poison you. However you shouldn't put ideas like that in my head." Natasha warned, jokingly.

"Hi guys." Neymar said, referring to both Talia and Serina.

Even though her friends were shocked at the fact that she was having a baby with the enemy; however when they actually met Neymar, they realised that he was actually a really nice person. The media portrayed him as some playboy who didn't care about anyone else, when he really was the opposite.

"Hola!" They smiled as Neymar sat down on a seat opposite Talia and next to Natasha. He rocked William on his knee making the little baby boy giggle and laugh.

Natasha plated out the food. She sat William in a high chair next to Neymar.

The four of the adults conversed easily and Neymar told them stories about Barcelona and the girls told him stories about Madrid.

"So Natasha..." Serina trailed off making Natasha raise her eyebrows at her, "Was Neymar good in bed?" She laughed making Natasha blush and Neymar let out a cheeky smirk.

"So what's your answer Tasha?" He asked with a little giggle.

"It was okay." She smirked at him making him shake it his.

"Lies. You definitely thought it was better than okay."

Later that night Talia and Serina left. Natasha and Neymar watched some La Liga highlights before both of them heading to bed.

"I'm better than okay, aren't I?" Neymar asked as he opened up the spare room door making Natasha let out a chuckle.

"Of course." She smiled before going into her room while hearing Neymar mutter,

"I knew it."


The Euros are so good this year, it's amazing! Are you enjoying them?

I really hope you all liked this chapter.

Thanks for reading!  

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