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Anything beyond this point is copyright. Plagiarism is punishable by law.©2015-2016 Lily Gonzalez

All rights reserved.

Caroline's P.O.V

"Caroline! Your friend is here" my mom yelled from the intercom.

I grunted turning over and pressing the light blue button on the stand "coming!" I yelled back.

Jumping off of my bed I ventured into my closet and quickly put on my school uniform. Mine, like every other female school uniform, was a pretty pink dress. Each female was required to wear it to school. Once I was dressed I quickly applied my makeup and did my hair in record time. I glanced at my self in the mirror nodding in approval. My blond curls looked extra golden today and my cheeks had their natural blush. I smiled at myself but felt an ominous feeling of dread.

You see in my society it is unacceptable to look a certain way if that makes any sense. For example, I am what you call an Accepted, meaning I'm accepted in society and will most likely have a bright future.

Every Accepted must dress and act a certain way to stay accepted. Although a majority always stay accepted there have been times where the accepted become an Unfortunate. The Unfortunates are basically the outcasts of our society. A scapegoat if you will. 

It's near impossible for an Unfortunate to get a good stable job. A majority end up selling their kids to circuses. Today my class and I are going to one of these circuses. The one we're going to is probably the best for the accepted and the worse for the unfortunates in it.

This particular circus happens to be the leading circus and has a chain of smaller ones. They call it Circa de Unfortunatos it is said to have horrible conditions for the Unfortunates. I've never said it aloud but I've always felt sorry for them. They were truly treated like dirt and were often times punished just for existing. 

I remember a man speaking out once, he was never seen again. This fucked up society needs to change but everyone including myself is too scared to do anything about it. Snapping out of my scary thoughts I made my way down the spiral stairs and into the kitchen where I saw my family waiting for me.

"An accepted must never be late" my mother scolded. I was the spitting image of my mother. We both had curly golden hair and bright blue eyes. My younger sister, however, was the spitting image of our dad so I guess it evened out. 

I gave her a sheepish smile "I won't be late I have more than enough time"

"Just get to school young lady, I'd hate to see you become an Unfortunate just because you can't wake up early" my father explained as a frown etched his face. 

I stayed silent. Although I had never really said anything I've always wondered what it was like for the Unfortunates. I knew they were treated badly but I can't help but feel as if their life-as shitty as it may be under the circumstances- has a much bigger purpose than that of the Accepted.

Snapping out of my thoughts I followed my parents outside and saw my friend Layla standing there in her pink dress also. Her pretty dark red hair was up in a tight ponytail and her makeup perfect as usual.

She gave me a friendly smile "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go" I replied before turning to my parents and saying goodbye.

"Have a nice day at school" They both said like they do every morning. It was always a continuous cycle and with each passing day, it became more and more tedious. I did not dare oppose the daily routine.

"Bye!" Layla and I both called out as we walked away. We walked in silence, for the most part, Layla being the one to break it  "So, you excited for today's field trip?" She finally asks.

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