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Caroline's P.O.V

After the scary yet brief encounter, I made my way to the meeting spot where Layla and I promised to meet. Leaning against the wall I scanned the area hoping to catch a glance of Layla. A tap on my shoulder scared me. I quickly grabbed the hand and twisted it.

"Ouch!" Someone yelled.

Looking at the person I saw Layla staring back at me in pain.

"This kinda hurts you know.." She said wincing in pain.

My eyes widened and I immediately let go of her.

"Gee thanks" Layla said rubbing her arm.

I winced "sorry"

"What's got you all jumpy?"


Layla raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow in question before saying "right.."

Shaking my head I glanced towards the unfortunate houses "Was everything good?"

Layla stopped rubbing her arm before looking at me and giving me a small nod. "I didn't see anything worth questioning."

I raise an eyebrow "Is that so?" I ask.

She nods in response "What else should we do?"

Shrugging "I don't know the ringleader said we were fine as long as the Unfortunates stayed in check."

It was almost as if the moment I said that bad luck would strike. At that moment a commotion had begun where the Unfortunates lived. Layla and I glanced and each other before running down into the lot.

The crowd had begun to grow and chanting had started. I began pushing people out of the way but it was near impossible. I somehow managed to get a glimpse at what was going on.

My heart stopped when I saw that Benjamin and some other Unfortunate were fighting. It was obvious who was winning as Benjamin sent a ruthless punch to the guys face.

"STOP!" I yelled as loud as I could they all ignored me.

I continued to yell at them but nothing was working. To my dismay, Layla's attempts were also shot down as no one would listen.

Finally, I snapped.

Taking my whip from my side I made sure I had enough room so I wouldn't end up whipping someone. I swung the whip and it made a huge sound scaring a majority of the Unfortunates. At the sound of my whip, they all dropped to the ground their hands on their heads.

Panting heavily I yelled, "The two who were fighting remain on the ground the rest of you disperse."

I waited a few seconds as nobody seemed to listen. I sighed then took my whip out. Swinging it in the air it made another sound as people flinched.

"NOW!" I yelled whipping again.

Immediately there was a scramble of people running to their houses. I felt a small amount of guilt at the back of my mind but I quickly pushed it away.

Turning my attention to Layla I saw she had also had her whip drawn.

"Take the one on the right to the medic and wait for me" I told Layla.

She nodded and quickly got the beaten man up from the floor. I waited until she was out of sight before I brought my gaze back down to Benjamin.

"Up." I commanded.

His silver gaze darkened but he reluctantly got up. I glared back at him then said: "Follow me."

I began walking and I felt him trail behind me. After walking for some time I finally got to the lion's den and went in Silver eyes followed. Closing the door behind us I turn to him and sigh.

"What is wrong with you?"

He scolds and ignores me.

I clench my jaw in annoyance "Don't ignore me! Answer me!" I yell.

He brings his gaze up to mine and I freeze as I take in the huge bruise forming under his left eye. My eyes soften as I sigh and say "Follow me."

He gets up and follows me as I make my way back towards the restroom.

"Sit" I command.

He glares but sits nonetheless. I rummage through the cabinets and find two first aid kits. One belonging to the Unfortunates and the other to an Accepted. I bit my lip not knowing which one to use. Throwing caution to the wind I decide on the Accepted first aid kit knowing it will heal him faster.

I take the holographic box and open it. Taking out the chrome blue cylinder with the word Sana written in bold. I shook the cold container in my hand before opening it.

Carefully I lifted Benjamin's face up. He pulled away and glared. I narrowed my eyes at him "Quit being childish."

I go to lift his face again and he finally gives in but continues to glare. Rolling my eyes I sprayed the medicine on the scratches and bruises on his face.

"Is that the only place he got a good blow in?" I ask.

He nods and looks away. I raise my eyebrow and shrug. Passing him I accidently bump into his side and he winces.

I stop and look at him "Did he get you somewhere else?" I repeat.

He says nothing as I sigh "Take your shirt off."

He stops and raises an eyebrow at me. I blush "Do you want to be healed or not?"

Benjamin shrugs but then peels his shirt off. Instantly his six pack is on full display.

My breath hitches a moment when I see his right side bruised up. I also take notice in the intricate designs running up his entire right arm, a sleeve of tattoos. Since all unfortunates wore long sleeves it was no surprise that his were well hidden save for the Lily on his neck.

Shaking the cylinder in my hand I brought it down to his side and began spraying medicine on it.

"That should be healed by tomorrow." I say as I turn to put the first aid kit away.

He says nothing and just puts his shirt on. Sighing I turn back around "Why did you fight with that man?" I ask.

He narrows his silver eyes at me "None of your business."

Clenching my jaw "It is my business, seeing as I now have to explain this to the ringleader."

"That is not my concern."

"You're such an ass, I hope you know that."

He gives a scoff "Is that really the way you talk to your savior. "


Benjamin gives another scoff and shakes his head "That man was planning to kill you. If you ask me I should've let him."

I freeze then quickly run out the room and dash towards the other side of the circa my only thoughts were...



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