(11) WHIPS

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Caroline's P.O.V

There sat Benjamin in a field of lilies a single silver tear running down his cheek.

"Benjamin?" I called softly and began slowly approaching him.

His head snapped up quickly, surprise clearly showing on his face but being quickly replaced by a thunderous glare. If looks could kill I would surely be 6 ft under by now. Benjamin wiped his face before standing up and stomping towards me.

"What the fuck are you doing out here?" He shouted in my face.

He was clearly furious as he continued to glare at me, the vein on his forehead threatened to pop if I continued to make him mad. It almost seemed like me breathing was enough to set him off so I tried being still and quiet as he glared.

When the intensity of the glare eased off I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off before I could utter a word.

"Shut up, don't talk."

Opening my mouth again, "But-"

"I said shut up." Benjamin stated clenching his jaw and fists.


I was suddenly cut off again as Benjamin pushed me up against a tree caging me in his arms. I stood frozen as my eyes met his furious silver ones. My heart seemed to be beating a mile a minute as Benjamin continued to look at me. Squirming, I finally got the courage to try speaking again.

"Benj-" I suddenly got cut off again.

"You never answered my question." Benjamin said smirking, a playful glint now seen in his eyes.

I sighed at the bipolar Unfortunate before yelling "Your act starts soon! We have to get back!"

The playful glint immediately vanished from his eyes and I saw a small flash of fear go through him but it was quickly gone as he began running back towards the circus. Quickly, I followed behind him hoping we would make it back on time. Time seemed to pass by slowly as we finally made it to the metal fence. With ease, Benjamin managed to pull himself up and over before continuing to run to the tent.

By the time I finally got up and over the fence he had disappeared from my view, he must have got to the tent in time or so I hope. I began walking the rest of the way it took me about five minutes before I finally entered the tent once again.

I stood at the bottom of the stands watching the ring from a distance as I saw Benjamin taming the lion once more. Layla walked over to me with worry written on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She gave me a sad look "Benjamin was four minutes late."

My eyes widened and I felt myself go pale knowing he would not get away with being late regardless of what he was doing. Guilt immediately seeped into me as I watched him sadly knowing that after hours he would be punished. I only prayed it would not be a horrible punishment.

Despite knowing he would get punished I still hoped that it wouldn't be the case, "Do you think he will get punished?"

Layla nodded sadly "Yeah, the ringleader was furious."

I didn't respond as I saw the people starting to come down from the stands and take their exit. Smiling brightly, I began bidding them all a good night. Many returned the smile and thanked me saying that the show was splendid.

After what seemed like an eternity the people had finally cleared out. Normally, I would have been relieved that they had gone but at the moment I felt dread. I didn't know what would happen to Benjamin, I could only hope nothing too drastic would be done.

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