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Caroline's P.O.V


It was everywhere. My head pounded and my throat felt dry.

Where was I?

My eyes fluttered open, the light rays instantly made my eyes cry out in protest so I shut them once more.

After a moment of hesitation, I slowly but surely opened my eyes again. Squinting, I soon found myself getting used to the bright lights from the panels above.

Tilting my head I finally scanned my surroundings. I was laying on a comfortable hospital bed. Turning to look to my right I saw a sleeping Layla. I gave a sigh of relief when I noticed she was alright.

What had even happened?

I didn't get to ponder much on it as suddenly the door creaked open. The worried face of the ringleader greeted me. We made eye contact and he gave a small smile.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat down on a small couch.

"What happened?" I croaked.

I brought my hand up to my neck, it felt sore and dry.

The ringleader was silent for a while before pushing a small button and muttering "water."

I sat idly by as a young Unfortunate ran in carrying a glass of water. He carefully approached me like as if I was some batshit crazy beast.

The young Unfortunate handed me the glass with caution. I wasted no time as I greedily gulped it all down within seconds. Placing the glass down on the blue bedside table.

The ringleader gave me a smile "better?" He asked teasingly.

"Definitely." I smiled back.

His smile then slipped as he sighed "What happened?"

Giving him a look of confusion I thought about what he was talking about for a second before all the memories hit me. I gasped as I remembered about the Unfortunate who wanted to skin me alive.

One by one tears started to streak down my cheeks. Sniffling I began to explain to the ringleader what had happened.

He sat patiently listening to my story with an understanding gleam in his eyes.

"Ok Thank you. I just needed confirmation that it wasn't Benjamin who harmed you and was only covering himself."

"He saved my life." I muttered, "Can I speak with him?"

"It is not normal but in this case, I will make an exception."

"Thank you."

He nods and stands up from off the couch "very well I shall send him in."

I nod and watch as he exits bidding him a good day. He returns it as well as informs me that he contacted my family and that they would be here shortly.

Oh great, I thought that just gives my mom another reason to depise the Unfortunates.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Benjamin entered the room. He stood tensely in the corner just staring at me with an intense gaze.

"I see you are still alive." He comments.

I smile "Thanks to you."

He shrugs not really interested in what I have to say. I sigh in annoyance and open my mouth to retort but get cut off when my family bursts through the door.

"Caroline you're ok!" Elena comes in yelling while tackling me in a hug.

My dad hugs me next and gives me a kiss on my forehead asking me if I'm ok. I simply nod and turn to my mom who stands stiffly and openly glaring at Benjamin.

"Mom_." I start but she cuts me off "What is this Unfortunate doing in here!?!?" She yells in outrage.

"Mom stop he is the one who saved me." I explain calmly with annoyance seeping out of my voice.

She scoffs "Ha! don't make me laugh, he saved you! He was probably the one behind your attack."

Benjamin stayed silent but his fists were clenched and his jaw was set.

"Maybe I should plan one for you." Ben shot back sarcastically.

I cringed as I waited for all hell to break loose as my mom lost her shit at his comment.

"I will have you whipped you good for nothing Unfortunate!"

"Mother stop!" I pleaded.

Benjamin clenched his jaw and looked about ready to punch my mother in the face. Not that I would really blame him since my mother could be a pain.

"Both of you stop!" Elena shouted this time "Mother take a seat and be quiet please!"

My father and I were shocked we had never heard Elena raise her voice to anyone. Based on the look on my mom's face she hadn't expected that either but nonetheless she quietly sat down.

I sigh loudly "I'm tired why don't you all come back in a little bit?" It came out as more of a command than a suggestion.

My sister and father nodded understandably while my mother gave a scowl. My family all exited the room saying that they would be back later to 'discharge' me from the Circa's hospital.

Ben had stayed still as my family passed him, my parents both ignoring him as they opened the door closing it behind them. My sister lingered a bit before turning to Benjamin "thank you." She said and then followed my parents.

"I'm sorry about them." I say after a few moments of silence.

Benjamin shrugs not seeming to give any fucks. He turns his head to the left to glance at the clock and I see a good view of the Lily tattoo on his neck.

"That's a beautiful tattoo" I comment, " What does it mean?"

Benjamin tenses and snaps "None of your business."

I am taken aback by his deadly tone almost as if he was warning me not to bring it up. Of course, I ignored the warning and continued to push him "Are you just secretly into flowers or something?"

He stared at me as if I was stupid then snapped " Shut up."


That seemed to enrage him as he stepped forward next to the bed I was laying on. He leaned into me until we were nose to nose "You don't know a thing about me Accepted, so unless you want to get hurt you'd do good to remember who I am and what I can do. Me saving you doesn't mean shit. Understand? " With that, he stalked out of the room as I sat still.

I was too shocked that I barely registered that Layla had now sat up and was awake the slamming of the door must have woken her.

She stretched her arms before turning to me and asking cheerfully...

"So what I've missed?"


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