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Caroline's P.O.V

"So what I've missed?"

I glance at Layla, relief flooding my system, and say: "Nothing much."

I decide to keep the truth about what happened to myself knowing it will only get Layla worked up.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

I nod "Yeah I'm fine but we should really get out of bed and back to work."

She nods and is about to say something when my family walks back in followed by Layla's parents as well as the ringleader.

I frown when I notice my mom gone but then shrug knowing it was probably best if she wasn't present.

Layla's parents immediately start fussing over her as they walk over to her side.

Elena walks over to me and sits on my bed snuggling up next to me while my dad stands at my side.

The ringleader gives everyone a polite smile "I suppose you two won't want to work here anymore."

Layla and I glance at each other "We do." I finally say.

Everyone wears a surprised expression on their face when I say that and I smile.

"Well, you can work when you are better."

Again, Layla and I look at each other than smile.

"We will get right back to work tomorrow sir." Layla says smiling.

The ringleader laughs then says "I knew you two would pull through thanks girls."

We smile as he says he wants us to just work in concessions tomorrow. We nod as he walks off with a tip of his black hat.

"Are you sure you want to work that soon Care?" Elena asks.

I nod "Yeah, I'm fine."

We sit around in the hospital wing for another while then we head home. My parents help me to my room in silence and tell me to rest until dinner. When they leave my bedroom, I stand and head to the bathroom where I quickly shower.

I dry off and put on my comfy pajamas. Before I exit the bathroom I stand before a huge mirror admiring how fresh I now look. Deep down though I still felt sick about what had happened but I quickly shook my thoughts away.

Benjamin's P.O.V

I stalked out of the room seething in rage. Damn those fucking Accepted people they always think they can oppress us.

I continued walking away from the hospital wing and head back towards the back lot. Other Unfortunates scramble out of my way in fear. Usually, I would try to keep my face calm but at the moment I was hanging on to my patience by a thin thread.

How dare she ask such questions!

Who the fuck does she think she is!

An accepted my subconscious added.

Begrudgingly I agreed with my subconscious. I began getting closer to my shared trailer home. It was an old shabby trailer with its cheap blue paint chipping off. It wasn't much but hey it was definitely something. I quickly headed into my room and decided to just sleep becuase I felt exhausted. The next morning I got up early to go and feed my lion. When I was finally finished I headed back towards my trailer.

Walking into my trailer I was instantly hit with the beautiful smell of Gloria's cooking. I smiled at the thought of her and began making my way into the kitchen where I saw Henry sitting at our makeshift table. He looked up when I walked in and immediately began bombarding me with questions. 

"Are Caroline and Layla okay?" 

I stiffen, obviously thrown aback by the question, and answer: "I'm sure they are fine but I only spoke with Caroline yesterday and she was annoying as usual." 

Henry simply rose an eyebrow in my direction and I scowled. Henry then began to smirk for no reason and it was my turn to give him a questioning stare. He beamed "I met someone yesterday!"

"Oh?" I said with surprise then continued, "Who?"

As Henry was about to respond he was interrupted as Gloria came around the corner carrying bowls. I stood up and took the bowls from her "Thank you, darling." She said giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

I smiled politely as she walked back to the stove. Gloria was an old woman with graying hair and was possibly the sweetest woman I know. She had always looked after me from a young age and I was quite the troublemaker. Most would have probably abandoned me but not Gloria she stuck by my side always helping me. She was, no is, like a mother to me and to Henry. 

I owe everything to her and to this day she somehow manages to keep both Henry and I out of trouble. Well, that was until what happened earlier with me killing another Unfortunate but she didn't need to know that.

Gloria comes back in carrying a pot of soup and it smells delicious. She puts the pot down on a small rag and begins adding soup to our bowls. She hands one to Henry and then stops. Gloria looks up at me and says what I have been dreading to hear "So what is this I hear about you hurting someone?" 

I stiffen "I don't want to talk about it."

She puts her hands on her hips "Well I do so start talking."

"Gloria I said no." I say with more force this time.  

"Ben tell me" She says.

"Gloria no."

She sighs "Ben is this what your mother would have wanted?"

That sent me over as a snap " I WOULDN'T FUCKING KNOW SHE'S DEAD" I yell and stand up before storming out of the trailer. 

I ignore Henry and Gloria both begging me to come back. I continue to walk and soon find myself behind the Circus tent. Looking both ways I jump the fence when no one is looking and make my way into the serene forest.  

I walk straight in and continue to walk until I make it to the familiar lake. Walking over I sit by the shoreline in front of a huge rock. I breathe in the fresh water and the greenery around me. I sit on the grassy floor next to the things I adore the most.



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