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Caroline's P.O.V

 I sat frozen as I peered fearfully through the small cracks in the closet door. The ringleader's feet being the only thing in my view. I was sitting on the floor of the closet just completely in fear. Shutting my eyes I hoped that nothing too drastic would be done.

"I'm getting tired of your attitude." The ringleader spoke maliciously.

Benjamin stayed silent, I could now see Ben's silhouette towering over the ringleader's much smaller frame. 

I smirked a little at the way the ringleader's shadow began to waver as well as his legs. Benjamin was pretty intimidating with his defined muscles, intricate tattoos, and the scowl he always seems to wear on his handsome face.

I definitely would not want to be at the end of that boy's rage. Carefully, I shifted myself silently closer to the closet door hoping to ease drop on their conversation.   

"Apologies." Benjamin muttered with his 'I don't give a fuck' tone.

It was silent for a long moment then 


A grunt was heard as I peered out the crack. Benjamin continued standing but his hand was cupping his now red cheek. I cringed knowing that would definitely bruise. 


"Ben!" Henry yelled out. His small shadow now being in view.

I so desperately wanted to stop him but I knew it would only be worse if I revealed myself.

"Henry don't." Ben started but was quickly cut off when another smack resounded throughout the room.

It was Henry, the ringleader had smacked him. I watched through the small crack as Henry fell to the floor clutching his cheek with tears streaming down his face. In that moment I gasped out loud.


Quickly, I placed my hand over my mouth and closed my eyes hoping that the ringleader didn't hear. He did hear my gasp. He began walking towards the closet his shadow stopping in front of the closet door. Holding my breath I hoped for a miracle. 

Thankfully, Benjamin's voice rang out arrogantly "You that much of a bitch that you can only slap?" 

My eyes widened in shock as I hear the ringleader let out a growl and lunge at Benjamin. I spent the next few minutes listening to Benjamin's painful grunts and the smacks and punches resonating throughout the small trailer.

My hand was over my mouth and my eyes shut tightly hoping for everything to end. Tears sprang from my eyes when I began to hear Henry's whimper and plea to stop. It took everything in me not to leave the closet and shield him. For that, I am a coward and I couldn't help feeling shameful of myself.

It felt like an eternity before I finally heard the ringleader say "You disrespect me again and I'll fucking kill you, do you understand?"

Benjamin must have nodded because then I heard the ringleader's footsteps begin to fade and a faint sound of the trailer door slamming shut. Reaching for the closet door I was going to open it but stopped myself, I should wait until I know its clear. After a few minutes, the closet door opened and light streamed into the darkness. 

I was momentarily blinded but quickly adjusted to the light. My heart stopped at the sight before me, Henry stared back at me with a swollen eye it was already turning into a purple color. Gasping, I stood up then reached out and hugged Henry to myself.

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