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Hey Circus Freaks! SO I started my first semester of college which is why I haven't updated but dare I say I think my writing is beginning to improve! Hopefully, I will be able to update once again this week just please be patient with me lol and thank you guys for your wonderful and supporting comments!

Benjamin's P.O.V

5 years ago

I was now 13 years old! Now I could once and for all begin doing performances with my mother. Stephen, however, said I wasn't ready yet which irked me to no end but he insisted that I remain patient. I was too excited at the thought of finally being able to help my mother with buying and earning necessities.

"You're a good kid" He commented one day after our training session was over. Stephen paused, then continued, "But you and Loki seem to have not gotten along very well."

"That's a good thing right?" I asked confused.

"No! When I was training Amara she would just growl the whole session and I would end up just sitting in the corner which isn't good" Stephen laughed.

I smirked, "Females, in general, are harder to approach."

Stephen gave me a deadpanned stare "Look, both you and your lion must be friends for this to work."

"Does it really matter though?" I asked.

"Its the key to success and at the moment both of you seem ready to kill the other."

Okay, that much was true. Loki was an annoying little thing that never listened. He would just lay in his cage all day being lazy. Any time that I would think to go near him resulted in him and Amara growling at me.

Loki, like I, was going through what Stephen called "manhood." Every time he would bring up the topic I would simply snort and disregard him. "Loki and you are very similar so it shouldn't be that difficult to get along" Stephen commented giving me a pointed look.

"It isn't even me" I stated, "Its that thing" I yelled pointing at the mischievous lion laying in his cage. Stephen would just simply laugh at me and shake his head all while muttering "Puberty."

Soon, even my own mother began calling me her "little man" to which I would respond "I am anything but little." That fact was true. At the age of only thirteen, I had already towered over the other Unfortunates my age. My mother, Aria, would only just roll her grey eyes at me and ruffle my hair.

"Benjamin, come here," She said as she sat in the living room. I begrudgingly went and sat next to her. She was silent for a few minutes as I sat next to her. After a moment she looked down at me and asked: "Why do you think we are Unfortunates?"

The question took me by surprise as I stared back at her in confusion "What do you mean?"

She gave me a sad smile and repeated the question "Why do you think we are Unfortunates?"

Shrugging, I said, "I don't know, is it because we are poor?"

She pondered my answer before responding with "Perhaps."

"Why do you ask?"

"Why shouldn't we ask? is the more important question."

I sat in silence for the longest time. Her question had struck a nerve within me. Why are we Unfortunates? Never, had I really thought about why we were so poor and why we were treated horribly. I mean we worked just as hard, maybe even more so, than the Accepted.

"Its the system" my mother muttered at first then continued "They want to oppress us and give us no freedom."

All I could do was stare up at my mother in shock "Well yeah but-"

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